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Has Thaksin finally found a way of returning to Thailand ‘through the front door’?


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2 hours ago, jvs said:

I am not sure i can agree,this happened under his watch.

Widow Sitirokayah Salaeh visits the cemetery in Tak Bai where her late husband Mahamad Lohbako is buried together with other anti-government demonstrators who died during the 2004 Tak Bai incident, in Narathiwat, Thailand, on Oct 24, 2019.PHOTO: AFPWidow Sitirokayah Salaeh visits the cemetery in Tak Bai where her late husband Mahamad Lohbako is buried together with other anti-government demonstrators who died during the 2004 Tak Bai incident, in Narathiwat, Thailand, on Oct 24, 2019.

And how many died under Prayuth watch? Nobody knows. Yet. 

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At the moment I only would trust the leader of the former FF and his party. 

In strong contrast to the military regime they recognized already very early the covid-19 danger, whereas Prayut was and is a total failure with his "dubious" relationship to the Chinese and their vaccine.

I'm sure Thaksin would have managed the pandemia faster and with much better results - less cases and less dead people. He would be the winner of the next election. But we know how Prayut would manipulate it - also against law and order.


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3 minutes ago, puck2 said:

In strong contrast to the military regime they recognized already very early the covid-19 danger,

Did you pay attention last year? Covid was all over the world and Thailand was until December 2020 almost Covid free.

I think we should see the big picture. As far as I know there is no major country anywhere in this world without Covid problems. Some had problems early, some later, some all the time. Obviously the current slow vaccination is a big problem and we should blame the Thai government for this problem. But at the same time we should recognize that Covid could habe been a lot worse than it was and is until now. Look i.e. at the so called first world country UK. There was a time when they had more than 50,000 infected people per day and now they are still over 20,000. And in total they have almost 130,000 Covid death. Did they, as an example, handle Covid so much better than Thailand? 

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14 minutes ago, candide said:
3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

How about the corruption conviction?

Actually, it was not corruption, it was conflict of interest.

Hahahahahahahaaa...!  Actually.


Actually, he was convicted of abuse of power, not conflict of interest and after that offence he was subsequently found guilty on four other corruption charges.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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8 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Head of a govt. that had Thailand's most corrupt politician Suthep (by his colleagues' own admissions) as Deputy PM and that ordered the shootings and killings at Rajaprasong and Lumphini in 2010.


LOL. Give over mate. 

I am not your mate!


I mentioned Abhisit and not Suthep.

And Abhisit and Suthep did not oder any killings. They ordered the clean-up of that place. Thakin's minions could have gone home. The free busses were ready for them. They decided they want to fight for Thaksin like in a war. And they died like in a war. They could have gone home with those busses. It was their decision to die for their leader and paymaster. 

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Exactly which part of my 3 line comment don't you understand?

I will repeat my last line in bold and big letters. Maybe that helps you reading it. If you understand it depends your intelligence.

Some people pretend it must be Prayut or Thaksin. No! Those are just two of many options.


Then name them.  

The problem is that in order to lead a country, you have to have support and followers.  

The fantasy that some Somchai from the village or some student activist will rise up and lead the people to a truly democratic Thailand is, well, a fantasy.  

Politics is a nasty, ugly game even under the best circumstances.  In Thailand, it’s even worse.  

Whoever might come as some white knight to save Thailand would either have to get the blessing of whoever blessed Prayut, or they would need Thaksin’s blessing.  

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19 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Hahahahahahahaaa...!  Actually.


Actually, he was convicted of abuse of power, not conflict of interest and after that offence he was subsequently found guilty on four other corruption charges.

No. It was conflict of interest.

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Thailand needs to let the youth try running this country.  The only way it is going to get better is if the rules are changed for elections.

Being North American I can never understand this idea of party elected people.  To me that is a sure road to corruption.  People that get appointed by the party to fill seats usually do so not because of what they know or expertise but because of h ow much money or financial control in the party they have or someone hs over them.


To me it is simple a person gets voted in by the people 1 person per riding/district.  

This makes the person more responsible to the people that elected him/her and also cuts down on the costs and money's paid to people that are doing nothing. 


The senate should also be elected but then again we are still having trouble with that in Canada.


The last thing you need is a rerun PM someone that has been there had trouble and left.   No matter what the people that ousted them in the first place are still around and all you are doing is rerunning a bad scene.


It is just like in sports where i see the same coaches moving from team to team.  Hey they were canned for a reason.


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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Only one option, a replacement of a military govt with another military govt. 

Sadly, you are probably on the money. It's the prevailing opinion among the few outside professional observers with actual access to the highest leaks that get leaked around here.


Is there a word in Thai for "Pragmatic?" Because that's the only way out of this rolling impasse of coups-coups for cocopuffs barring divine intervention.

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29 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Head of a govt. that had Thailand's most corrupt politician Suthep (by his colleagues' own admissions) as Deputy PM and that ordered the shootings and killings at Rajaprasong and Lumphini in 2010.


LOL. Give over mate. 

You could have added that he did so in order to make sure he could appoint Prayuth as army chief in September 2014. The reason why he did not want to accept any early election before this date, and also the reason why the red shirts absolutely wanted elections before this date. From their respective perspectives, it has been a quite reasoned decision.

Edited by candide
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15 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I am not your mate!


I mentioned Abhisit and not Suthep.

And Abhisit and Suthep did not oder any killings. They ordered the clean-up of that place. Thakin's minions could have gone home. The free busses were ready for them. They decided they want to fight for Thaksin like in a war. And they died like in a war. They could have gone home with those busses. It was their decision to die for their leader and paymaster. 

You could also have mentioned which General was directly supervising it.

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taxsin was far better  , but he had the luck come to power after the asiancrisis, where enourmous grotwh potential was ,but he never performed better than the peers in terms of growth during this time  ( regional peers gdp)


but not to forget , hes guilty of corupt and tax evation ..   whats not right, the verdict is wrong  espc. in tax evasion , sharesales, that was a political verdict bcs from lax its tax free after a while. (  lost face --he sold  companys to singapore)


but the list of taking advantage of power as a goverment offical  is long 


-telecom act 2002 ( the try to reduce foreign stakes in thai telcos to 24%)

-ITV deal  ( bought cheap as a newschanell ,changed laws that it is a commercial, than shareprice increased 20 fold after him buy due to the law change he orderd to the comunication dep.)

-i dont remember , the name of property arm of shin corp , bought all the land before the airport build ,a 1000% profit  on resale ,for the listed plc of shin

and the list goes on......................


to difficult make a verdict for this things , so they make it simple and said he is corrupt and not paying tax ,forced by the military at this time ( they was changing the  judge)



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5 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

Being North American I can never understand this idea of party elected people.  To me that is a sure road to corruption.  People that get appointed by the party to fill seats usually do so not because of what they know or expertise but because of h ow much money or financial control in the party they have or someone hs over them.

Those outside North America may not understand the idea of cult politics where the richest can mount a blanket campaign and then fill appointments with people they are beholding to regardless of their expertise ... same same and not so much different.

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Another particularly nasty aspect to politics here are the figures like Newin, who seem to worm their way into every administration and wreak havoc on democratic processes and rule of law (such as it isn't here) while building empires out of a slime-salad of legit and dubious interests all the while. And he's just the higher profile type. Every Province has its "Godfathers". Taksin and everyone else in power for that matter, has to keep these guys happy too, or they don't last long.

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11 minutes ago, candide said:
30 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Hahahahahahahaaa...!  Actually.


Actually, he was convicted of abuse of power, not conflict of interest and after that offence he was subsequently found guilty on four other corruption charges.

No. It was conflict of interest.

No, it was abuse of power, i.e. corruption.

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4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why are two convicted criminals the best chance?

Are there no competent and honest people in Thailand?

Some people pretend it must be Prayut or Thaksin. No! Those are just two of many options.

Two gangster options. 

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4 hours ago, pagallim said:

I think you need to understand what the 'corruption conviction' actually was.   A piece of land, owned by the FIDF, was sold at auction, and bought by Thaksin's then wife.   The auction was legitimate, however inspite of the FIDF being previously ruled as a non-Government entity, Thaksin was charged with abuse of power in that he permitted his wife to purchase a state asset (all Thai husbands have to counter sign if their wives buy land or property).   He was convicted by a 3/2 majority by the Supreme court.   This is his only conviction, and as with Yingluck, the law was manipulated to get rid of them.

And from memory the judges who ruled on him being guilty were appointented by his own government. 

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5 hours ago, JoePai said:

Why, he did a far better job than the present clowns

Why? How about tax evasion, corruption and the extrajudicial killing of 2275 people in his utterly doomed to fail war on drugs?! Does that work for you?! 

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5 hours ago, JoePai said:

Why, he did a far better job than the present clowns

And i am sure he would succeed in a vaccination operation for the whole of Thailand ,he  is smart & wicked & rich enough to put the present bunch in their under wares, ....and he has to prove himself  to his still big red shirts supporters .

Edited by david555
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4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Many Thais I have spoken to believe he will come back to save Thailand from this regime. 


Can't see it myself. 


This current govt. is the most unpopular I have experienced in 31 years. 

not a supporter of Thaksin, hated him with a passion for years


but today, I don't think there is a better alternative


even the Future Forward Party leader would be more toxic than Thaksin

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