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Media, internet users in Thailand warned about spreading fake news and scaremongering


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2 hours ago, webfact said:

The order prohibits anyone from “reporting or disseminating information that may frighten people

Not sure what is meant. Frighten information about the governments actions or about the deadly Virus

Anyway that emblem sure looks frightening to me

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1 hour ago, Salerno said:

Leave poor Singapore out of it; the company is Hong Kong based, the server Canada (although being distributed via various servers in a country nearest the reader).

Hong Kong, ahh interesting.


I remember when it was a shop house on Sukhumvit 23. I am getting old.

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I totally agree, scaremongering and fear porn have no place in any reputable public forum, they have been and always should be the exclusive domain of the authorities themselves. After all, nobody does it better! :-) 

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Oh dear, denizens of the daily ‘the sky is falling’ thread (you know the one) will have to rein in their comments from now on. That daily Covid report thread has become more and more an echo chamber for the same handful of posters tripping over themselves to repeat the exact same fearful messages (every day) and to outdo each other by presenting the (almost certainly flawed) statistics in different ways and to predict greater doom in the face of Govt ineptitude.


Sadly it is clear that groupthink prevails.


The term ‘groupthink’ was coined by George Orwell in the book 1984 and is well explained here: “Groupthink is letting your collective do your thinking for you. It means letting them tell you what to think. It even means letting them tell you how to interpret what you see with your own eyes. Groupthink is a disorder of autonomy. Giving in to it is mental slavery. An environment where groupthink prevails invites orthodoxy, and the oppression that comes with orthodoxy.”


The opposite of groupthink is thinking for yourself, asserting your critical thinking faculty.


Perhaps now we will see a shift to positive and encouraging posts that cast light on how we all can reduce the risks of getting severe reactions to Covid by building a strong immune system, etc., and secondly what supplements and medications we should all have on hand in the event that we catch it (as most probably will). There is indisputable evidence out there that we can take preventative measures and treat ourselves effectively.


Covid is here and we can help ourselves while waiting for the magic pill (vaccine). Enough of the fear already. Now the Govt has warned you.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

reporting or disseminating information that may frighten people

Sounds like they're shutting down the news industry, some news is by its very nature a little frightening to some people


They should clearly define 'frightening', you can't just make a law which can be applied to anyone at any time because some kid becomes scared. That's how you shut down all reporting on anything and make criminals out of all journalists.


For example, many dead in a multi vehicle pile up - scary, lots of danger everywhere, better to ban it and arrest the reporters to discourage this kind of truth from being published in the future.

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Democratic government, Democratic country… my backside. In other words, believe what we tell you !!. “Maybe They should should tell the truth for once” and STOP giving the people Bovine Manure. Welcome to the New North Korea folks !!!!.

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6 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

I don't understand your problem. If you want to have more freedom of speech you better move to North Korea.


4 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

Note to poster above: The last REAL dinosaurs left Thailand about 65 million years ago so be careful with your similes.


4 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

Note to poster above: The last REAL dinosaurs left Thailand about 65 million years ago so be careful with your similes.

Don’t need to go to North Korea, just stay here and wait.

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19 minutes ago, Cunning Stunts said:

Other than vaccines......what evidence is there that something else works?    


Camomile tea, one of Anutin's herbs, rub a cat on your head?

diet and exercise.  stop abusing your body with drink and drugs for starters.  walk at least 5k a day but running even  better.  exercise builds antibodies.  avoid junk food at all cost.  stop sugar and diary.  i have done this and feel like 20 again.

Edited by malibukid
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