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1bn baht revenue generated from Phuket Sandbox


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6 hours ago, nkg said:


Yes, that's about right. Using your figures:


1,000,000,000 / 15,000 / 39

= 1,709 baht/day per person


$51/day. That's not a huge amount of money to spend on holiday, surely, when you include the cost of your hotel?


I suppose if you booked the cheapest SHA+ hotel on the island, and spent 14 days in your room eating Mama noodles and drinking lao khao, you might be able to spend less than 1,000 baht a day ...

Agreed.. £50 a day would be about right for most Brits and would not be unreasonable and that's without the hotel. My concern is, if a returning ex-pat trying to get back to Pattaya as an example, what would you do when you get home with everything closed. Sure you have the weather which is fast disintegrating in the UK albeit promises of good weather end of August but, with everywhere on lockdown, very little to do once back and with little sign of a vaccination rollout despite vague, unrealistic promises its going to happen, I'm not sure how long the success of the Sandbox scheme is going to work. Would love to see genuine figures of how many "tourists" are actually going to Phuket  for a holiday and then returning home and how many are transit returning ex-pats.

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Let's see here ... 1 Billion Baht DIVIDED BY 17,000 arrivals = 58,800 Baht per tourist



And of course that would include money spent on an airline ticket and hotel room - which provides immense benefit to the average Thai on the street.


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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Mr Thanakorn also called for local villagers to be good hosts to visitors, giving them a good impression while ensuring their safety.

tell that to the family of the  Swiss lady that was raped and killed.... safety my a..

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5 hours ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

Do the math!  1B divided by 17,000 tourists is approximately $1900 USD per person.

take 335,000 hotel nights at an average of $100 USD/night and that’s approximately $1400

(assuming 14 nights since domestic air travel is grounded).

So outside of hotels, the local economy received $500 (divided by 14 days) or $35/day in tourist income.


We’ll BUST MY BUBBLES!  FANTASTIC!  Time to go shopping for a YACHT!  WHOOPPIE!


did you know that TAT has special personalized calculator machines, their numbers/final results are always as they expected/anticipated  555

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Lies do not change reality.  Lies do not put real money in the pockets of people or food on the tables.  The lies simply help the clueless planner and decision makers appear to be doing something positive. However reality is clearly too extreme for the lies to be effective

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Despite the surge of COVID-19 cases all over Thailand, the CESA spokesman said today that the Phuket Sandbox campaign must continue with constant adjustments made to address challenges.

And it is the " constant adjustments ' that many potential Tourists will not like.

The potential to go through all the Hoops and jump over all the Barriers to get to Phuket, and what happens.... an  " adjustment " is made that really screws up your Holiday.

No thanks ! Greece is nice i,ve heard.

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s pilot tourism reopening campaign Phuket Sandbox has already generated around 1 billion baht in cashflow since it opened last month.


Probably he refers to an American billion (one thousand millions) and not a European billion (a million millions)


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6 hours ago, Walker88 said:

My hotel is mid-range and costs almost $100 (with the discount). I've been in this same hotel for 10 months now


At that price ($ 3,000 a month, not counting food) and with a one-year stay, I would better recommend a villa with service on the seashore.


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If this small number of customers can generate 1 billion in a month, it makes me wonder just how much is generated in Pattaya in a normal high season.  Or even low season for that matter.  Staggering numbers really.


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11 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

That's like 25 million euro or something? The lockdown in Bangkok alone cost them that each few days, and that excluding tourism or big business. Can't even maintain an inter airport at that revenue.

A little is better then nothing. Good luck

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I have learnt over many years not to get excited by headlines such as these, and certainly not any of TAT’s publicity grabbing, job justifying numbers. Here is my simple perspective.


The only number we have to work with is 18,000, this being approximately the number of people to date entering through the sandbox.


Other than estimated hotel costs, incidental charges and PCR tests do we know within reason how much revenue generated? NO. We can only speculate


Do we know if there is any financial gain from the project to date. NO. We have no idea how much money spent on marketing,  complimentary flights and hotel stay etc. We can only guess.


Has there been any additional revenue for the local community? If we include hotel staff and hotel support businesses and services, and some smaller local outlets. YES. How much? Nobody knows.


Have there been tourists amongst the arrivals? YES, certainly a small few. Will we ever know or can we know how many? NO


No more to add.

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I would like to see the Daily Departures vs Arrivals including domestic ( NOK AIR)  then we would see if its expats etc using  Phuket as the entry point then its pretty easy to work out little money is being spend.  .


NOT even counting the minibus or private hire departures.

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we know that there 2 ways to make money


1.incrase volume

2.raise prices


14,000 tourist would not generate Bht 1b....but raising prices would.

five star hotels  100%

local businesses 0%


However the rest of the country suffers. 


Tourists should have the heart of not going to Phuket and dumping a lot of money there. They should donate money to the poor and sick in thailand in these hard times.



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Just now, the green light said:

we know that there 2 ways to make money


1.increase volume

2.raise prices


14,000 tourist would not generate Bht 1b....but raising prices would.

five star hotels  100%

local businesses 0%


However the rest of the country suffers. 


Tourists should have the heart of not going to Phuket and dumping a lot of money there. They should donate money to the poor and sick in thailand in these hard times.




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shame on the tourists to visit Phuket for their own ego enjoyment... when the  rest of the Thailand  is suffering


It is disgusting to project how much Phuket made when the rest of thailand  people are lining at the Wat for food and donation. Not to forget giving Bht 1M to the death of the swiss woman, instead of spending the money on the infra structure. I am sure the people in Bangkok are appalled on how this

sandbox is operating.


the officials in Phuket think that they live in a country of their own.


I think that there must be a bribe money to Bangkok from Phuket sandbox.  

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Congratulation on Successfully opening of the Sandbox. Unfortunately an unpleasant event happened and we lost a visitor, tourist, a life of a an elderly who maybe is a child, Mother, Grandmother. As  a sign of Good Faith Thailand can donate this Billion Baht experiment money to the family of killed 57 years old elderly lady who basically lost her life so that Thailand to be successful in the process of successfully reopening the Country to the International Tourism and back to business  to a successful revenue income for the Country and the great Thai people. 

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5 hours ago, the green light said:

we know that there 2 ways to make money


1.incrase volume

2.raise prices


14,000 tourist would not generate Bht 1b....but raising prices would.

five star hotels  100%

local businesses 0%


However the rest of the country suffers. 


Tourists should have the heart of not going to Phuket and dumping a lot of money there. They should donate money to the poor and sick in thailand in these hard times.

The fallacy in your mind is, you seemed can not accept five star hotels are local business, they employ local people, pay local tax, buy produce from local vendors, provide falang to local mafia taxies, provide tourists to venture into the woods, into the bars and massage parlours...Five star hotels are the centre of the picture. Without the five star hotels, there won't be any local businesses. There will be no street side restaurant for the hotel staff, there will be no local farmers sell local produce to the hotel kitchen, there will be no local laundry to do the laundry for the hotel and guests, there will be no bars as there would be no foreign guests, there would be no taxies as there is no stupid falang to pay stupid prices, there would be no 7-11 or Family Mart as there is no cheap Chinese looking for cheap stuff in a chain store. and there would be no jet ski mafia to manage the beaches...what's worse, there might not be a paved road in that part of the village if not due to the five star hotels.


It is unfortunate that many local business suffer at this moment, but that is no fault of Phuket sandbox or the five star hotels. It is due to the pandemic. 


Tourist spend money in the five star hotels, its tax revenue goes to benefit local Thais in education and transportation investment, its money also goes into local wages that eventually cycle into the normal Thai family and local businesses, and its money benefits local farmers and fisherman who can sell its produce. It provides employment to Thai men and women otherwise may not be able to find suitable employment back in Isan or backwaters of Krabi.  


There is a perfect place for you at this moment, think about Myanmar. Many of its tropical lands there is no five star hotels. Maybe you could spend few days in some of the villages north of Khao Lak in Myanmar and give us some trip report. 

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6 minutes ago, unblocktheplanet said:

This was cashflow, not profit. How much money was made in the scheme by Thais in the hospitality industry?


absolutely, turnover and profit are very different. and how much of this trickled down to those that need it the most?

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there's an argument to say who cares what it costs in purely financial terms and that the phuket sandbox should be run as a loss leading, government subsidised scheme. as the government seems commited to the idea of 'sandboxes' in various regions use the phuket sandbox as a pilot scheme to find out how to most effectively manage a sandbox, iron out the issues and problems so future snadboxes can be run more efficiently to the benefit of both the businesses and tourists.


or maybe this is too much like thinking/planning ahead...

Edited by it is what it is
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4 hours ago, it is what it is said:

there's an argument to say who cares what it costs in purely financial terms and that the phuket sandbox should be run as a loss leading, government subsidised scheme. as the government seems commited to the idea of 'sandboxes' in various regions use the phuket sandbox as a pilot scheme to find out how to most effectively manage a sandbox, iron out the issues and problems so future snadboxes can be run more efficiently to the benefit of both the businesses and tourists.


or maybe this is too much like thinking/planning ahead...

This is exactly what it is, this is exactly why its called SANDBOX !!! 


The term has been ‘borrowed’ from computer security but seems quite fitting in the purpose of testing the Phuket Island quarantine known as ’the Phuket Sandbox’...


Quote: "A sandbox is a testing environment that isolates untested code changes and outright experimentation from the production environment or repository"








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On 8/9/2021 at 12:45 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Wow they must be selling the hell out of tourists trinkets and the new world famous Massaman Curry at inflated prices.  How have just under 15,000 folks spent 1 billion baht in 39 days. Only way feasible would be each of the 15k spending almost 2k baht a day for all 39 days, but then we know that there were many folks that used the sandbox as an alternative ASQ so they could get home to other locales in Thailand, including Thai's.  Must have been a few of those High spending monied tourists Thailand has been luring here.  Or did a few also buy new homes and condos and those costs were included in the 1 Billion.

They are making plenty of money from the sale of plastic toys to play in the sandbox, what else could it be? 

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