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My marriage is kind of 'on the rocks', crumbling around me.


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14 hours ago, Smithson said:

All this stuff about Alpha males sounds really childish, also so much speculation about motives etc. Marriage is very different here to the West with it's nuclear families.



Which nuclear families are those? That's no longer a thing in the West, and hasn't been for quite some time. Whatever is left of it, certain people are working very hard to destroy that as well.


It's not just Thais, that don't work to get the fire back. That's people in general, specifically women. Once they're bored, they'll look for fun elsewhere. Men too, though men have had a steady decline in actually BEING men. Instead they turn into servile, weak willed creatures, that only resemble a man at first glance.


That's nothing to do with the whole "alpha" thing, nevermind all those "dating coaches" and their books & videos, it just is.


In ANY culture (though there might be some outlier...) if you're a man and you do not act like one, women won't respect you, they'll cheat on you, take everything they can from you, and eventually they'll leave you (or if they're particularly nasty and you have a lot of money and assets, they might try and convince you to stay, so they can suck even more out of you first)...


So that's not a Thai exclusive thing. The only major differences, is stuff like if you marry one of them, you pretty much marry the entire extended family. And even there you CAN put down the law to a certain extent. It's not your job to finance them and their "business plans". You just have to make things like that clear from the get go, otherwise you're deceiving her and you'll other problems. You CAN help, if you CHOOSE to and WANT to, but not because she demands it / the culture "demands" it.

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On 8/15/2021 at 2:43 PM, RichardColeman said:

You already said you have no friends in the City and live in the other room.


Condos to rent are cheap now. Better on your own than in a loveless marriage. 


My first Thai wife was a little like your lady - I was really sick once, and she treated my sickness like helping a asset rather than a husband. I divorced her, married a school teacher from Nan that is the complete opposite and very happy now for six years.


Get out, start again - not exactly a shortage of women in Thailand

Hopefully the OP will be able to carry what he learns this time around into his next relationship with eyes wide open, resulting in a different outcome, similar to your situation.

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On 8/15/2021 at 7:27 AM, steven100 said:

she's playing you like a fiddle my friend,   you tried explaining and she didn't care, in fact she threatened you with " it's over bs '"     you should have jumped in then an said, you got that right so i'm otta here. 

Typical thai,  you help them, get a house, car etc .... and later they turn on you and want you gone.

sorry, but it's the thai way. 

good luck what ever you do.

it happens all over the world

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3 minutes ago, DBath said:

I find it’s more a matter of the kind of company one keeps, in my experience. 


I've been married to a Brit virgin schoolteacher (degree), and to a Thai bar girl (left school age 12).

Both were equally unfaithful, both were looking for free houses. 

The Thai bar girl was much nicer in every way imaginable.


Living with a woman is always trouble, up to you to limit the trouble.

Edited by BritManToo
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48 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


I've been married to a Brit virgin schoolteacher (degree), and to a Thai bar girl (left school age 12).

Both were equally unfaithful, both were looking for free houses. 

The Thai bar girl was much nicer in every way imaginable.


Living with a woman is always trouble, up to you to limit the trouble.

I agree that things can go south, because you can never really know the other person's deepest thoughts. Or maybe sometimes we as men are too stubborn to see the obvious red flags. I am speaking in general terms here, so it may not apply to every case, such as yours.


To say that living with a woman is always trouble, well that's a bit extreme for me to agree with. Relationships have to be a two-way street with equal give and take, IMO. Otherwise the ugly truth will one day reveal itself.


Rigidity doesn't work with most women - or in relationships in general - long term, IMO.

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1 hour ago, DBath said:

To say that living with a woman is always trouble, well that's a bit extreme for me to agree with. Relationships have to be a two-way street with equal give and take, IMO. Otherwise the ugly truth will one day reveal itself.


Rigidity doesn't work with most women - or in relationships in general - long term, IMO.

I've come to believe all relationships are limited before they go bad.

I'm attracted to women in their early 30's, but not attracted at all to women over 40.

Therefore the best relationship I can find is limited to less than 10 years.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Agree, it's not 'typical Thai' but 'typical woman'.

14 hours ago, DBath said:

but whatever you do don't be miserable in a relationship just for your child, they will grow up exposed to a household full of spite - and that is much worse than them growing up without you being there 100% of the time. 


I really wish you luck and I feel for you, it seems like you are in a very tough spot, but you'll get through it, no matter what happens.


I agree with that part, but the rest is merely a bunch of high minded sounding "stuff". I didn't read every single reply, but I did read most of them, and I didn't see anyone laughing at him, or saying "mean things" for no reason.


Some men just need to be told directly, that the situation they're in sounds toxic and definitely not normal, natural, whatever.


The guy has been trying for the last 6 years, and finally has had to ask on a forum for help, which is already a pretty low point... wouldn't you agree?


At what point is enough enough? I don't think this is salvageable, I think he should've drawn the line years ago, and imo the best he can do is get away from the situation.


It even sounds a lot like he wouldn't be happy, even IF the wife wasn't so distant and putting out. I'm not super social myself, but I'd go batcrap crazy, if I spent years with very little social contact outside the wife, kid and occasional phone calls to old friends' back home, who are so removed that they won't take time away from their golf game to give you a little support.


The situation as a whole sounds toxic and unhealthy. The whole wife being distant and not being intimate etc. is just the icing on the cake, and the final deal breaker.


He should try to salvage what little he can, which is that she gets as little as possible, figure out whether she has cheated or not (just so maybe he will recognize situations that were odd/didn't make sense in the past, but he let them go at the time, and so he can therefore recognize the signs faster next time around), figure out if the kid is his or not (the worst part imo), and then figure out IF he wants to be in the kid's life, especially considering it does seem that while he's physically there, he's not in the kid's life at all.


Then again maybe he is, and he just left out that part, but it doesn't sound like it.


But hey, if you want to be in a loveless situation like this for years and years, waste some of your best (or not so great anymore, depending on how old/healthy he is, but years are years...) years on a person that doesn't seem to be making any effort in turn either, then good for you.


And just maybe don't presume what the motives of people posting in here are, just so you can feel better about yourself and what sort of man you are/because you happen to disagree with them....

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40 minutes ago, DBath said:

After my first marriage I met literally hundreds of women online. And came to a similar conclusion re: age range. The ones in their 20’s were too volatile and I found most women in their late 30’s and above demanded more than they were worthy of and were too serious to the point of being boring. 



That's because the average to attractive ones are busy riding the male chicken carousel in their 20s, and their level of attractiveness goes down hill fast in their 30s + they're getting panicked about needing to find "quality men" (as in the type she ignored or never even acknowledged their existance, when she was in her teens and 20s, that can provide for her all the <deleted> she doesn't need but wants, who's easy to control and manipulate, and easy to distract so her personal trainer or hwatever can smash on the side).


Then with the whole lighting and make up tutorials available, wonderbras, tight, revealing clothes and plenty of simps willing to call girls that are barely average even WITH all those tricks "LIEK OMG SHE'S SO HOT" on various social media, to feed her ego non stop, they then feel they're owed more than they're really "worth".


Creating highly unreasonable expectations for themselves/their future man... basically the majority of women thinking they're fit to compete for the top 10-1% of men.


Stuff like tinder allowing the top % of men to order them up like fast food, and afterwards they're bitter and wonder why he didn't stick around. Quick to spread their legs on there and after the club, etc. yet the "quality men" later are going to be made to wait, because "am I not worth waiting for?".


Makes me both sad and angry for/at most guys, at the same time. Not that I'm top 10%. I'm not. But I'm not the average guy either, in certain respects, so I don't have to nor will I ever beg, humiliate myself, etc. for any woman. Even if it sometimes does lead to stretches of no kitty, but whatever. My dignity is more important to me, than trying to scratch my itch.


Of course not all of them are like that. But more and more are becoming that way, the ones that already are feel the need to drag down the ones who aren't, because misery loves company (lots of future very angry, lonely cat ladies in the making, as I'm typing this).


And because "cool culture" like this almost always spill over from the West to everywhere else, you're seeing the same phenomenom everywhere else, albeit for now to a lesser degree.


I guess you were lucky iwth yours, since a lot of Chinese women are quite heartless as well, or rather their heart is a cash register. Or maybe that's just the mainlanders, I can't say I've met Taiwan women before, met a couple Sino Thais though. But their culture is more middle/upper class Thai, and not Chinese, so that doesn't count...

Edited by FarangULong
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3 hours ago, FarangULong said:

That's because the average to attractive ones are busy riding the male chicken carousel in their 20s, and their level of attractiveness goes down hill fast in their 30s + they're getting panicked about needing to find "quality men" (as in the type she ignored or never even acknowledged their existance, when she was in her teens and 20s, that can provide for her all the <deleted> she doesn't need but wants, who's easy to control and manipulate, and easy to distract so her personal trainer or hwatever can smash on the side).


Then with the whole lighting and make up tutorials available, wonderbras, tight, revealing clothes and plenty of simps willing to call girls that are barely average even WITH all those tricks "LIEK OMG SHE'S SO HOT" on various social media, to feed her ego non stop, they then feel they're owed more than they're really "worth".


Creating highly unreasonable expectations for themselves/their future man... basically the majority of women thinking they're fit to compete for the top 10-1% of men.


Stuff like tinder allowing the top % of men to order them up like fast food, and afterwards they're bitter and wonder why he didn't stick around. Quick to spread their legs on there and after the club, etc. yet the "quality men" later are going to be made to wait, because "am I not worth waiting for?".


Makes me both sad and angry for/at most guys, at the same time. Not that I'm top 10%. I'm not. But I'm not the average guy either, in certain respects, so I don't have to nor will I ever beg, humiliate myself, etc. for any woman. Even if it sometimes does lead to stretches of no kitty, but whatever. My dignity is more important to me, than trying to scratch my itch.


Of course not all of them are like that. But more and more are becoming that way, the ones that already are feel the need to drag down the ones who aren't, because misery loves company (lots of future very angry, lonely cat ladies in the making, as I'm typing this).


And because "cool culture" like this almost always spill over from the West to everywhere else, you're seeing the same phenomenom everywhere else, albeit for now to a lesser degree.


I guess you were lucky iwth yours, since a lot of Chinese women are quite heartless as well, or rather their heart is a cash register. Or maybe that's just the mainlanders, I can't say I've met Taiwan women before, met a couple Sino Thais though. But their culture is more middle/upper class Thai, and not Chinese, so that doesn't count...

Just another long-winded bunch of hot air by FarangULong-time...


Did you really need to use so many words? All you needed to say (at least all I got from your 2nd rant of the day) how little you think of women. As far as your comments re: Chinese women, I'm going to chalk it up to the fact (one you've made quite clear) that you think so poorly of women perhaps, because you're in the business of pursuing the wrong kind or maybe you've been rejected too many times or you're bitter because you can't find the kind of woman you think you deserve.


Again, not sure, don't care.

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On 8/16/2021 at 7:14 PM, scubascuba3 said:

Maybe the constant rain and long winter nights, getting dark at 3pm gets old

It's not the only country that has this. I am not talking of the weather, it's the people, warm hearted, good natured and a rich and proud culture. 

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19 hours ago, DBath said:

After my first marriage I met literally hundreds of women online. And came to a similar conclusion re: age range. The ones in their 20’s were too volatile and I found most women in their late 30’s and above demanded more than they were worthy of and were too serious to the point of being boring. 


My Chinese wife is 49 now, we’ve been married 10+ years and other than our size we are a perfect match (she barely comes up to my shoulders and is a little more than 1/3 my size). I’ve never been treated so well by anyone and we both never get tired of each other.  I know some of this has been luck, but most of it was because I knew what I wanted after my first marriage. Plus I took my time by meeting many women online and that really helped me narrow down the field to get what I needed in a partner. 

As they say, "you make your own luck".  With that said, you are extremely lucky.  


Been with hundreds of women and even thought I loved a handful.  Looking back, I was just an a-hole only concerned about myself while convincing myself of my selfless nature in regards to the relationship(s) I was in at the time.  Chasing my mighty organ around every day as it sniffed for new prey.  Sure it was a rush like a good drug that eventuality warps pleasure.  You just do it out of habit.  


Was dating a sexy older woman before Covid hit. The pre-Covid woman moved in at lockdown.  She didn't have to move in and has other homes and condos.  She definitely doesn't need me which is comforting for some reason.  Been with her for almost 2 years and no desire for another.  She is hot and we laugh incessantly. 


WTFFF is happening to me!

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20 hours ago, atpeace said:

As they say, "you make your own luck".  With that said, you are extremely lucky.  


Been with hundreds of women and even thought I loved a handful.  Looking back, I was just an a-hole only concerned about myself while convincing myself of my selfless nature in regards to the relationship(s) I was in at the time.  Chasing my mighty organ around every day as it sniffed for new prey.  Sure it was a rush like a good drug that eventuality warps pleasure.  You just do it out of habit.  


Was dating a sexy older woman before Covid hit. The pre-Covid woman moved in at lockdown.  She didn't have to move in and has other homes and condos.  She definitely doesn't need me which is comforting for some reason.  Been with her for almost 2 years and no desire for another.  She is hot and we laugh incessantly. 


WTFFF is happening to me!

I would say luck, some would even call it fate, but yes…I did make some of it myself. IMO, it was the sample size of the population I chose but I realize I could have ended up with a loser, it also helped that I avoided making mistakes made the first time around. 

When I think of some of the women I was with and I might have ended up with I cringe. That said, I never let myself get too emotionally attached to any of them where I would have had a hard time cutting them loose. 

Some were real “game players”.

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Look, if you are unhappy then end the marriage and make a better life for yourself. An unhappy marriage is also not good for the kid.


Move out. Find a new place and do what it takes to enjoy your new life. 



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On 8/17/2021 at 5:04 PM, DBath said:

Do you feel better now? Sorry if I touched a 'nerve', tough guy, but if you want to talk about "a bunch of high minded "stuff"", re-read your own rant.


I hate to break it to you, but you're not the ultimate expert in male and female relationships, certainly not as far as I'm concerned. So if you want to dish out your "tough love" approach, that's fine, why don't you dish it to the OP, because I didn't ask for, nor do I want or need your advice. 


Not sure what your problem is, you do seem to have one, but don't come at me, dude. Maybe you read one of my other posts and got peeved about something - not sure, don't care.


Also, I didn't have to read every post before I wrote what I wrote, which was something to comfort someone who is obviously down and seemed like he needed cheering up. All I had to see was the 8 laughing emoji's in response to the OP's opening dissertation to know that some people on here are jerks - not all, but some. So back-off and go take a chill pill, BUDDY! 

I don't go by emojis, since certain people have nothing better to do, other than to react to some peoples' every single post with sad and laughing emojis. So this is meaningless to me. Just like someone isn't right or wrong, judging by the amount of positive or negative amount of emojis (and/or feedback) they're getting to a comment. Majority consensus is pretty meaningless, even in scientific theories. Even more so on a forum like this.


I never said I was the ultimate authority, nor did I ever claim that every single woman is the way I'm describing either.


However divorce statistics, along with the main reasons for divorce, many polls on who is cheating on whom/more often, etc., as well as a string of recent articles written by female authors regarding themselves or women they know cheating on their men, and feeling justified in it, seem to agree with my point of view. Not to mention books written by females, thus out of the horse's mouth...


Then of course, there's my own personal experience, the experiences of people I know, plenty of threads on this (and other) forums, etc... Not that my own (&such) experience(s) are relevant in terms of empirical data... then so again are the experiences of some in here (this thread & forum), who claim they know women so well, because they have (or think they have) a happy marriage for 3-4+ decades...


Women are far less complicated, than men think they are. Still more complicated than us, and far more of a hassle to keep happy.


But hey... facts, data, statistics, etc. are all racist, misogynist, sexist, etc., and emotionally charged mimimi, devoid of any logic or reason, is king/queen/(not sure what the 439583409583409853049853049580349580349+ gender correct terms are, but insert them here) these days...


Don't put words in my mouth.


I didn't "come at you" either, unless asking you not to claim you know what peoples' motives (ulterior or otherwise) equals "coming at you". I didn't call you any ad hominem, did I? When I write a comment, it's devoid of emotion, other than maybe mild irritation at some people and how blind they imo are, except when it comes to politics. I'm not writing a job application either though, so it might also lack in the politeness department.


Feel free to be offended, feel attacked, or not. It is naught to me.


P.S.: I just saw your other reply. You "attack" me personally, make assumptions about whether I get rejected, am bitter, etc., and then whine about me "coming at" you, because I called your comment "high minded", and suggested not interpreting any (ulterior or otherwise) motives into peoples' comments? Ha. I love irony.

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On 8/15/2021 at 7:45 PM, nkg said:

Apart from the wife issues, it sounds like you need a sense of purpose in your life. Have you considered doing some volunteering?


If you spent some time helping a local charity, for example, I guarantee that you would quickly have a circle of friends, Thai and foreign. When your wife sees you getting out of the house more and meeting new people, she might look at you a little differently.

Alas, he needs a specific visa to volunteer, or he will get deported if caught. Remember where we're living dear reader.

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6 hours ago, chalawaan said:

Alas, he needs a specific visa to volunteer, or he will get deported if caught. Remember where we're living dear reader.


Has anyone ever actually been deported for doing volunteer work? I've never heard of this happening. Perhaps you could post a link to a relevant news story?


"You'll get deported if you do anything helpful" is a classic Thaivisa meme, with no basis in fact. It's simply not true.

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9 hours ago, FarangULong said:

I don't go by emojis, since certain people have nothing better to do, other than to react to some peoples' every single post with sad and laughing emojis. So this is meaningless to me. Just like someone isn't right or wrong, judging by the amount of positive or negative amount of emojis (and/or feedback) they're getting to a comment. Majority consensus is pretty meaningless, even in scientific theories. Even more so on a forum like this.


I never said I was the ultimate authority, nor did I ever claim that every single woman is the way I'm describing either.


However divorce statistics, along with the main reasons for divorce, many polls on who is cheating on whom/more often, etc., as well as a string of recent articles written by female authors regarding themselves or women they know cheating on their men, and feeling justified in it, seem to agree with my point of view. Not to mention books written by females, thus out of the horse's mouth...


Then of course, there's my own personal experience, the experiences of people I know, plenty of threads on this (and other) forums, etc... Not that my own (&such) experience(s) are relevant in terms of empirical data... then so again are the experiences of some in here (this thread & forum), who claim they know women so well, because they have (or think they have) a happy marriage for 3-4+ decades...


Women are far less complicated, than men think they are. Still more complicated than us, and far more of a hassle to keep happy.


But hey... facts, data, statistics, etc. are all racist, misogynist, sexist, etc., and emotionally charged mimimi, devoid of any logic or reason, is king/queen/(not sure what the 439583409583409853049853049580349580349+ gender correct terms are, but insert them here) these days...


Don't put words in my mouth.


I didn't "come at you" either, unless asking you not to claim you know what peoples' motives (ulterior or otherwise) equals "coming at you". I didn't call you any ad hominem, did I? When I write a comment, it's devoid of emotion, other than maybe mild irritation at some people and how blind they imo are, except when it comes to politics. I'm not writing a job application either though, so it might also lack in the politeness department.


Feel free to be offended, feel attacked, or not. It is naught to me.


P.S.: I just saw your other reply. You "attack" me personally, make assumptions about whether I get rejected, am bitter, etc., and then whine about me "coming at" you, because I called your comment "high minded", and suggested not interpreting any (ulterior or otherwise) motives into peoples' comments? Ha. I love irony.

If only I had time to respond to your post point-by-point, unfortunately my time is more valuable than that. I'm going to give you the executive summary, because were you to ever send me your resume' I'm sure it would be 5-10 pages long and would hence be destined for a quick trip into my waste basket.

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