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Thailand seeks 12 million Sinovac shots for mix-and-match vax strategy


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We should invite the world's leading virologists, and especially the Thai government, to subscribe to these forums - there are so many highly speaking of themselves experts on this forum, they will save the world overnight from CV just hammering away on their keyboards!  ????????????


And YES! the Chinese should go home with their vaccines, they have so many people dying of CV, they should know it is even less effective than a saline injection! bad...bad....bad Chinese - how dare to think they could develop a vaccine that cuts into the profits of BIG pharma in the West.............lol

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If it doesn't work as announced the Thai people and the Thai economy will pay for it. Important is to have many protected people and not only many vaccinated people. Let's hope the best. Are there any workings amulets on the market? 

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12 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

There is no data.


No other country is doing this stupid "Mix and Match" bulls***.

I heard that vaccine manufacturers were not recommending mix and match, many reports on overseas news.

But who knows Thailand may have done some research which proves otherwise.

It was reported that the efficacy of Pfizer  against Delta was 42%, Moderna was 86%, Astra was close to Pfizer. Pfizer are now recommending a third Delta booster shot.

Source RT today /Rick Sanchez.

It is well reported that Sino vac drops off after several weeks.

NZ went into lockdown level 4 last night with one spreader being a fully Pfizer vaccinated nurse.

They just linked the strain to Sydney, but not to one person as yet, thats still to come.

Now 7 cases since midnight, they suspect 50 to 100 out in the community.

RNZ news 2pm 18/8/2021.

Meanwhile people are panic buying toilet paper at supermarkets, travel bubble to cook islands closed, travel bubble to Aussie gone a few weeks now .


Don't think the NRL final will be played at Eden Park now ,with crowd, it will be in Aussie with background noise.

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12 hours ago, worgeordie said:

They love the Sinovac ,must be some very good commissions been


regards worgeordie

There seams to be no more vaccination for us anymore this is the message I got from expatvac...

filed in the forms with a copy of my Dutch passport and telling have non-O spouse visa. 

There must be brainless monkeys working over there...... 


After reviewing your registration, it can not be further processed due to lack of required visas.

Please note that this registration platform is ONLY for foreign residents in Thailand and are not Thai nationality.

If you are a migrant worker or work under MoU with the Ministry of Labour, please wait for further information from the Ministry of Labour.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding

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12 hours ago, JimGant said:

Many other countries are showing interest in this approach, as the potential benefit seems to outweigh any potential harm.... What's to lose in this madhouse environment?

Had a Sinovac jab two weeks ago, and will have an AstraZeneca jab next week. Will let you know if I grow a second penis.

From WHO website:


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12 hours ago, JimGant said:

Many other countries are showing interest in this approach, as the potential benefit seems to outweigh any potential harm.... What's to lose in this madhouse environment?

Had a Sinovac jab two weeks ago, and will have an AstraZeneca jab next week. Will let you know if I grow a second penis.

The Trudeau government in Canada, was just as negligent as Thailand for procuring vaccines. At first, it was just a flu & would probably never come to Canada so he gave most of our PPE, ventilators etc, to China. He refused to close our borders & just like that, 26.000 people are dead. He paid millions to buy the Chinese Sinovac junk. China backed out of the deal, but kept the millions & Jinping laughed and laughed. By now, Trudeau was in a pickle while people were dying! So he overbid other countries, stole from poorer countries & got his hands on the Astra Zeneca vaccine that still isn't approved by the Americans. As a show of why we should trust him, he took a shot of AZ on national, state owned TV. But then his dick fell off & his wife left him so no more Astra Zeneca in Canada. Then we got a little bit of Pfizer. Pfizer said 28 days between shots but our dancing prince, knowing he was in deep do-do, says "don't listen to that science <deleted>, you're good for 3 months between shots" Sound familiar Thailand? Next it was "Hey, it sucks that your face fell off & your mom died of a stroke but here's the deal! Now you can mix it up a bit! If you didn't die from the Astra Zeneca vaccine, you can get something even better for your second shot! 

So yeah, Astra Zeneca is done, expired & going to waste but he's still trying to unload it, such the humanitarian farce that he is. 

Meanwhile Canadians are facing a 4th wave, international flights arrive every day, full of infected travellers. I came home to Canada for a few months to visit my son, almost two years ago. Between the incompetence of the Thai dictatorship and the pending Canadian dictatorship it's uncertain if my Thai wife and I will ever be together again. But give me one more chance & I will never return to Canada. 

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46 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

I heard that vaccine manufacturers were not recommending mix and match, many reports on overseas news.

But who knows Thailand may have done some research which proves otherwise.

It was reported that the efficacy of Pfizer  against Delta was 42%, Moderna was 86%, Astra was close to Pfizer. Pfizer are now recommending a third Delta booster shot.

Source RT today /Rick Sanchez.

It is well reported that Sino vac drops off after several weeks.

NZ went into lockdown level 4 last night with one spreader being a fully Pfizer vaccinated nurse.

They just linked the strain to Sydney, but not to one person as yet, thats still to come.

Now 7 cases since midnight, they suspect 50 to 100 out in the community.

RNZ news 2pm 18/8/2021.

Meanwhile people are panic buying toilet paper at supermarkets, travel bubble to cook islands closed, travel bubble to Aussie gone a few weeks now .


Don't think the NRL final will be played at Eden Park now ,with crowd, it will be in Aussie with background noise.

NRL at Eden Park ?

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If Sinovac does not cover the Delta variant why does the government keep on buying and giving to people. Seems like the Chinese are controlling the situation. Why not order from the USA? The US has already provided free 2.5 million doses but no one knows where it went to.

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53 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

I heard that vaccine manufacturers were not recommending mix and match, many reports on overseas news.

But who knows Thailand may have done some research which proves otherwise.

It was reported that the efficacy of Pfizer  against Delta was 42%, Moderna was 86%, Astra was close to Pfizer. Pfizer are now recommending a third Delta booster shot.

Source RT today /Rick Sanchez.

It is well reported that Sino vac drops off after several weeks.

NZ went into lockdown level 4 last night with one spreader being a fully Pfizer vaccinated nurse.

They just linked the strain to Sydney, but not to one person as yet, thats still to come.

Now 7 cases since midnight, they suspect 50 to 100 out in the community.

RNZ news 2pm 18/8/2021.

Meanwhile people are panic buying toilet paper at supermarkets, travel bubble to cook islands closed, travel bubble to Aussie gone a few weeks now .


Don't think the NRL final will be played at Eden Park now ,with crowd, it will be in Aussie with background noise.

Oops, just googled it. My apologies. 


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Article Headline:

"Thailand seeks 12 million Sinovac shots"

Wouldn't it be more truth in advertising to say the Thai government seeks 12 million Sinovac shots? At a school I still have close ties to, over one hundred teachers, the majority of them Thai, refused to take the Sinovac shots.

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21 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

If Sinovac does not cover the Delta variant why does the government keep on buying and giving to people

they have no choice, if they didn't buy sinovac  their vaccine program would be in an even worse state so they had to come up something to try and show they were doing a great job (to the average Thai), so they got some Thai doctor to make a statement (Thai attitude he is a doctor so it must be the truth) saying that sinovac and AZ was effective without publishing any study results, their goal was to convince many Thai people that didn't want sinovac for obvious reasons that the combo of AZ and sinovac made it just as good as 2 AZ - they might have convinced some Thais of this but I think the average farang is calling it out correctly for what it is - a pile of dung   

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12 hours ago, Pib said:

Every year around this time the govt starts talking do we keeping the VAT at 7% (which it's been at for many years) or raise it back to the standard 10%.  The law says it should be 10% unless extended/waivered at a lower rate annually...I think it has to be done by 1 Oct of each year.    Just the annual talk regarding VAT....that is, it would go to 10% unless the govt extends the lower 7% rate which they will do....like they have been doing for years and years....like below 2019 news release when they approved another annual extension keeping the VAT at 7% for 2020.  Yeap...they been doing the annual extension for years....and will for years to come....they are definitely not going to raise taxes with the economy in COVID shambles. 



Ah, ok, thanks, Pib.  

That actually makes bringing it up right now, even more mind-boggling, though.  LOL. 


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Why nobody is vaccinated in China ? Because it’s rubbish and nobody else is buying it?


They love the Sinovac ,must be some very good commissions been



If Sinovac does not cover the Delta variant why does the government keep on buying and giving to people. Seems like the Chinese are controlling the situation. 

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13 hours ago, 55Jay said:

PM and his boys are operating in the open on this vaccine boondoggle.  I get the first order, but after all the blowback and resistance to Sinovac by the population and medical types, they ordered a second batch, and now a third. 


Wife was just telling me government announced increase to VAT at some point in the future, up to 10%.  People are already in the streets.   During another lockdown, rising unemployment, virtually no assistance, and then these knuckleheads casually say they plan to increase VAT.   Not even right now, so why even bring it up?   Are they trying to provoke the population so they can "restore law and order" and show who's boss?  What the hell is wrong with these people.


Coronavirus: Hong Kong study finds higher risk of facial paralysis with Sinovac jabs



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