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Thailand seeks 12 million Sinovac shots for mix-and-match vax strategy


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3 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

does he has any supporting  Reliable data to support such comment or is it just his opinion

I just posted on this. Yes - there is at least one ongoing study.

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"The viral loads in the throats of vaccinated persons who become infected with delta rises at identical rates as in unvaccinated persons, but only for the first few days. After five days or so, the viral loads in the vaccinated person start to quickly drop whereas those in the unvaccinated person persist."

Just thought I'd clear that up a bit. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2021/08/10/what-we-now-know-about-how-to-fight-the-delta-variant-of-covid-column/

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3 hours ago, chasboyuk said:

I think you find the UK has been doing it with AZ and Pfizer's with good results

I should have been more presice.


I'm talking about Sinovac.


It's already known low efficiency and waring down over just 3 months should be scrapped.


I know of no Thai people that want that.


Front line medical and doctors are pleading this junta to stop purchasing Sinovac and concentrate on ordering quality vaccines.


So when you read 12 million more doses of Sinovac people are <deleted> off.



Edited by MrJ2U
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4 minutes ago, Magenta408 said:

This is another cock-a-mania scheme. There have been too many Grand Poobahs voicing their views and they are NOT qualified and have no experience. 

This is the sort of thing that is driving mistrust in the people, when the gov't does this sort of thing, IMO.


It's hard not to imagine red bags and brown envelopes being exchanged on a large scale between the Thai elite and the Chinese.

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1 minute ago, oldcpu said:

I think most agree that Pfizer and Moderna are superior to both Sinovac and AstraZeneca. 


Unfortunately, other than the USA donated Pfizer, Thailand can not get Pfizer nor Moderna until before Q4-2021 and possibly not before Q1-2022.


Whats the use of a different superior vaccine if you can't get it?

You need to put an order in.


There lies the problem.

 Private hospitals need to do the ordering.

There familiar with pharmaceutical companies.


Sinovac is basically injecting saline solution.


Adding Astra Zeneca doesn't magically make it a suitable vaccine.



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Order it now.


They should have ordered it yesterday.



Say no more.

Theres always going to be that "Sinovac" fanboy.


I'm not one of them, along with 99.9% of the tax paying Thais.

Edited by MrJ2U
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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Sinovac's inactivated virus vaccine will be used as a first dose and AstraZeneca's viral vector vaccine the second, a mix that officials say protects against the Delta variant.

All what I know is that you got one jab of useless vaccine plus one which is working only if you got a second jab with it. 

Result: you are definetely NOT protected but give the virus the chance of creating a new variant. 

How desperate must these officials be that they favour this stupid way. 

Or maybe afraid of an outrage of Thai people?


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14 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

Unfortunately that was not done.  So here we are today - and if orders given today, what? Next vaccine comes in 2022?



That's wrong.


That's wrong.



Blah, blah,blah.


Don't believe everything this"government"  tells you young lady.

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5 hours ago, mrfill said:

It appears the UK will shortly be doing this stupid 'mix and match' bull****




and the University of Manchester also states "So there are clearly huge benefits to vaccine mixing."




We are back to wide open … Mix and matching I don’t think so lol 555555555

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1 minute ago, oldcpu said:

I don't see any "Sinovac" fanboys on this thread.  I think you will find all on this thread agree that Moderna (which Thailand can NOT get now) and Pfizer (which Thailand can not get NOW, except for USA donations) are superior.  Are they available in Thailand now?  No. 


Maybe available when??  In 2022?  How many will die in the mean time?


The bottom line, is despite how much it may irritate you, is the low efficacy Sinovac still saves lives.  It saves lives.  Sinovac still results in peoples infections being less than it would be otherwise.  Is it as good as Pfizer and Moderna ?


No. But what is the use of Pfizer and Moderna if not available until 2022?  No use. None.

Sorry I've been rude.


Just frustrated.

My wife and I have reserved and paid for Moderna.  Supposedly in October.  Fingers crossed.


I've also signed up for the expats Pfeizer still waiting for email.


If I get Pfeizer my wife and her mother can get Moderna.


Stay safe!


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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

"A first shot of Sinovac follow by AstraZeneca significantly boosts immunity," said Chawetsan Namwat

Yep, by exactly the same amount as a single shot of AZ without the initial Sinovac dose.


But the Junta is making a fortune peddling Sinovac, hence the constant purchases.

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18 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Are they yet publishing any data how many vaccinated  people are getting hospitalized? Or may be the vaccination rate in the population has not reached a level to collect any meaningful data yet. Not sure. Looking at infection rate of UK, USA, and Israel, I am not yet convinced that the type of vaccine really matters. However, CDC claims that 99% in the US hospitals are unvaccinated which, of course, seditionists in the USA dispute.

No vaccine is going to prevent one from getting infected or spreading to others. However, the claim in the USA is now that vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization and death only not catching the disease or spreading it. 

86. % of people in hospitals around EU ( due to Covid) are non vaccinated, The rest are vulnerable people and the very sick.

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3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

So you rather walk around  unvaccinated  because you didn't think they would give you AZ or Pfizer booster for second shot. All the health workers had 2 shots of Sinovac and are now getting Pfizer booster from the US donated 1.5 mil Pfizer stock. You could have taken even 2 shots of Sinovac with partial protection and then got a booster of Pfizer, AZ or Moderna when available. Oh well you body your choice.


I’m successfully registered on expatconsular site and hopefully at 69 might be imminent appointment. Having this far inferior Sinovac would have then stymied that as it might other options (Medpark). It would be unwise to assume that I would be subsequently treated as a thai health worker . 

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So with 1 million cases out of the total adult population having had Covid why are those numbers not being accounted for?  They have natural immunity now, which everyone can agree is better than the vaccine. Add those to the 7.4% and the numbers are looking much better. The adult population is roughly 59 million and 1 million have been tested and have had Covid. 

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Haven't they learn their lessons? Playing mix and match goodness sake its playing with people lives. 


Where is the data proving this?  Everyone know the China vaccine is not strong to fight Delta variant.  


Thai govt in the palms of China, just cant help it but ordering cheap low efficacy vaccine.  It's cheap that's what matters for them.


Sad, real sad.....

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17 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

I should have included Chile (mostly Sinvac). The rates of infection per 100K population are similar. May be hospitalization and death rate are different. So, the emphasis now must be on hospitalization and death for each type of vaccines as no vaccines can prevent infection.


And the Philippines all jab with Sinovac. Look st the infection rate, its chaotic. 

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19 hours ago, beachbuggy said:

Anyone seen the data proving this please

That data is on mr A's calculator , just another handpuppet of mr A and P saying these things . The Thai tests show that sinovac is more effective then pfizer and moderna even against the Delta variant . Wonder who done those tests ???? . Could it be a branche of the ministry of health , i wonder . They do know that aducated people and foreigners read this news as well right not only rise farmers far north with no internet or aducation .

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Just now, Nanaplaza666 said:

That data is on mr A's calculator , just another handpuppet of mr A and P saying these things . The Thai tests show that sinovac is more effective then pfizer and moderna even against the Delta variant . Wonder who done those tests ???? . Could it be a branche of the ministry of health , i wonder . They do know that aducated people and foreigners read this news as well right not only rise farmers far north with no internet or aducation .

P.s we all read that they said 72% and 98% with 2 sinovac shots right , so why the mix and match then ??? 

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18 hours ago, 55Jay said:

PM and his boys are operating in the open on this vaccine boondoggle.  I get the first order, but after all the blowback and resistance to Sinovac by the population and medical types, they ordered a second batch, and now a third. 


Wife was just telling me government announced increase to VAT at some point in the future, up to 10%.  People are already in the streets.   During another lockdown, rising unemployment, virtually no assistance, and then these knuckleheads casually say they plan to increase VAT.   Not even right now, so why even bring it up?   Are they trying to provoke the population so they can "restore law and order" and show who's boss?  What the hell is wrong with these people.

Let's not forget submarines, new fighter planes and space shots in this time of crisis - got to get your priorities in the wrong order so that "they can be seen trying to provoke the population so they can "restore law and order"? Quite a distinct possibility!

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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:


My wife and I have reserved and paid for Moderna.  Supposedly in October.  Fingers crossed.

Well done on successfully registering for Moderna.  Both my Thai wife and I tried to do so on line, with separate computers, attempting at the same time.  I was just a few seconds behind her (as I had to use Chrome to translate Thai to English language).   She succeeded to register and pay, I did not.


However my wife has only had 2 Sinovac jabs, while I have had one AZ (with my 2nd AZ planned for September) so clearly she needs a booster jab MUCH MUCH more than myself.


We both discussed the possibility (some might say likelihood) of paying and not getting the vaccine.  Given my wife's Moderna registration is through a Bangkok Hospital branch (here in Phuket), and given almost all private hospitals are severely suffering financially currently (due to very few medical tourists) we decided if she don't get the jab, and also we don't get our money back, its still ok with us.  We would simply consider it a donation to a hospital.  ....  I note we have given many donations to Thai hospitals since the start of the pandemic, although almost all such donations have been to public hospitals.


I have a Thai relative who is a doctor in Thailand, who also registered (and paid) for Moderna as a booster, however he will be getting (and may have received already) a Pfizer booster.  So the 2 Moderna jabs he ordered/paid for won't be used by him, and so it will likely go to someone else.  He also likely won't get his money back, but like us, he doesn't mind, and he considers it a donation.


I concede many are not as fortunate as us,  ...  not many that can just shrug and consider paying for a vaccine not received from a hospital (in need) as a donation to a good cause.



1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:


I've also signed up for the expats Pfeizer still waiting for email.


If I get Pfeizer my wife and her mother can get Moderna.


Stay safe!


Thanks!  Best of luck in getting a Pfizer jab, and the family a Moderna jab.


Safe safe.

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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Yep, by exactly the same amount as a single shot of AZ without the initial Sinovac dose.


Not true.


Show me your evidence of that. Show me a reference that proves that fallacy.

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According to my calculations that’s approximately 1 zillion vaccines going to be ordered, looking into getting, going to get???????????? Meanwhile the cases continue at over 20K a day????


Edited by metisdead
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I don't think we should get carried away with the Pfizer (or AZ). The fact is that it is only semi-successful, and immunity seems to wane far more quickly than we'd hoped. For sure, the novel vaccines are associated with thousands of adverse effects being reported.


I am having a vaccine because at my age it outweighs the risk of not having one, but no way do I want it!  10% of the 'pfizer hags' are going to get one mighty whack from it.  So to me it's like people forming a line, shouting 'punch me in the face first!'


So if I see 'sinovac' on the label I'm not going to be that disappointed, as it does seem to have far fewer side effects. And a third shot will likely do the job, as would an updated version which is being developed now.

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