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Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"I swear by the amulet that hangs around my neck that this was not about extorting money. I have never been involved in any corrupt practices over money"

He was wearing a mask so no one could see his lips moving.

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"I have never done this before," he continued as Thailand's press preyed on every word. "I swear by the amulet that hangs around my neck that this was not about extorting money. 

Notice he didnt swear on his amulet about not doing it before

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

When these types come up with these lies, like the overdose death certificate being 'temporary', do they think anyone believes them? Do they believe others are so stupid?

Cause of Death His Heart Stopped Beating no brainer

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I get more money each month than the 1,360 dollars he gets, and I cannot afford the oil changes on my Ferrari, Porsche, Mini, etc. and not to mention the upkeep on my large swimming pool……and I swear on my amulet this is true!

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7 hours ago, Henryford said:

No top cop is going to condemn him otherwise they will lose their Lamborghinis. He will be "reassigned" until the fuss dies down.

This is too high profile to be just swept under the carpet.  I think they will nail the people in the room and make a big deal of prosecuting and sentencing the culprits.  That then stops any further investigations.  Once sentenced, the guilty will be spirited away.  If they do see the inside of a cell it will be with false identities and for a very short time.

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1 minute ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, well, I knew it would come but did not expect it THAT fast .......:

"swears on his amulet"


Welcome to stone age, ladies and gentlemen, we've reached new heights in civilization! 

More like "depths" of civilisation

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3 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, well, I knew it would come but did not expect it THAT fast .......:

"swears on his amulet"


Welcome to stone age, ladies and gentlemen, we've reached new heights in civilization! 

Apparently he also swore on his Lambo and Bentley as well.

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8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Well he has earned over 400 million baht from all of the seized vehicles that were auctioned off.  A perk is they get 40% of the money earned at the auction.

That money should go into a general fund that could be used to hire more officers put them in cars to patrol the roads. That might help lower the death toll on the highways 

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I don't  get it.. regardless of intent whether to extort money or get the truth the issue is your direct actions caused a death .... I mean lets not  try and dress this pig up and pretend that as he was performing the events that lead to the persons demise  for a " noble reason' that the resultant affects were any less.. he's dead..........

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"Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public"

Of course it wasn't about the money! He was just conducting a friendly experiment with a volunteer, to see how long they could go without oxygen with several plastic bags over their head. And of course he was just protecting the public. How stupid does he think we are? What a douche!

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8 hours ago, sjbrownderby said:

This is nothing but a PR exercise on behalf of the RTP in order to save face. Life goes on, except of course for the victim, and nothing will change as a result of any enquiries or prosecutions. 

And the public, not expecting any better, will shrug their shoulders and say "what can you do".

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My monthly pension is twice his monthly salary and there is no way could I ever afford either his house or all the very expensive cars like the guy with all the watches did a friend loan him all this stuff let’s face it this is only the tip of the iceberg I bet there are a lot of high profile policemen in an absolute panic over this

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Well he is certainly in trouble, he has opened a can of worms and other police chiefs and the top brass must be worried that their own wealth accumulation becomes transparent, corruption needs the darkness not the light of public scrutiny so he may even find himself having to commit suicide with a little help from his colleagues. Afterwards he can be exonerated, the press were at fault for forcing an innocent man to take his own life which should take care of any further meddling by the press.

If the top brass need a new PR man I am available.... for a price.

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