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Video: Chief transferred after spokesman admits "sleeping cop" was "bad for the image of RTP"


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Absolutely normal behaviour in nearly all Asian Countries ( I have worked in a number of them) to slide off the desk and have a nap whenever possible, though the "drunk" allegation is an added step up. If he had been awake then he would have just be glued to his smartphone or daydreaming about the next big scam he was going to pull off. He is probably less of a public nuisence when he is asleep.

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1 hour ago, Aussieroaming said:

Absolutely normal behaviour in nearly all Asian Countries ( I have worked in a number of them)

Indeed. Seems to be a bit of a trend lately for people to be demanding first world standards from a third world government. Maybe people are angry at "the man", so any chance to vent that anger is taken. Makes me wonder how every day folk would react if they were held to a first world standard though.

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13 hours ago, Artisi said:

Is that not part of the work description, "sleeping on the job" 

gives a whole new meaning to a "sleeping policeman"   ( you know - the ones to slow down traffic ! ) 

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I had exactly the same experience just 3 weeks ago when I went into a local Isaan station, following an accident involving my daughters Honda scooter.

Nobody in reception, a policeman in a office with door ajar, pointed me towards a door on my left.

Upon entering, again no one in sight but a rhythmic noise emanating from beyond the plastic screen.

On closer inspection I saw a fully uniformed policeman, lying across 2 chairs fast asleep, snoring his head off.

This was at 1.30 pm.

Edited by Andycoops
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I remember the friend of my wife having some gold stolen from her house.

They went to the village police station and were told they had to wait 24hrs before they would investigate.


I could rattle off numerous stories of Police not doing their duty in and around our village.

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For as long as I remember, the RTP has had an unmatchable propensity for tarnishing their own image and losing their oh so precious face with one faux pas after another after another. They really don't need any outside help.


The Keystone Cops were fictional movie characters. But here we have a force that stumbles from one mud puddle into the next in real life. No creative script writing needed. It all happens naturally. 

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5 hours ago, RafPinto said:

Don't condemn him.


He has seen all the news about Ferrari Joe. He was just daydreaming how to get promoted and soon to be called ToyotaBill

You make a point..... after seeing his amassed wealth, many police must wonder why they bother.

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The officer was off duty. He felt ill. He rested in the storeroom rather than trying to get home after his shift which, if he was driving, might have resulted in a serious accident. I don't see any problem or embarrassment for the Thai police. The officer behaved in a responsible manner.

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'... she now understood..."   - however the damage is already done...  



Thew real Problem was the failure of the Shift management, that the front desk should be manned, or at least 'monitored' 


The real Solution will be they put Bihgger Locks to make sure no one can get in past the Counter...   


 (hence why the Buck stopped with the Boss)



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9 minutes ago, tifino said:

'... she now understood..."   - however the damage is already done...  



Thew real Problem was the failure of the Shift management, that the front desk should be manned, or at least 'monitored' 


The real Solution will be they put Bihgger Locks to make sure no one can get in past the Counter...   


 (hence why the Buck stopped with the Boss)



I agree. The real embarrassment is the fact that a member of the public could wander around the police station and go into non public areas with such ease. The police station was not secure.

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6 hours ago, RafPinto said:

He has seen all the news about Ferrari Joe. He was just daydreaming how to get promoted and soon to be called ToyotaBill

It's actually very likely that this is why corruption is tolerated so casually in Thailand.  Everyone is hoping to make it to the next rung up the ladder.

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In terms of the poor reputation of the RTP rather than just a sleeping cop which probably isn't any worse than traffic cops paying more attention to their phones than working it seems to me that what's needed is a change in the way the police are run and paid for. This isn't some great idea that I've thought of but what has happened elsewhere including the UK. You'll never stop all corrupt or lazy cops but it needs to change to corruption being wrong and trying to stop it from the current Thai situation where it's part of the accepted way they operate.


Police need to be paid a good salary in return for abiding by rules and an end to moving to non active posts. A policeman's pay and that of customs and immigration officers should be the responsibility of the Thai government not something the officer is encouraged to get themselves through corruption.


I saw this article on the BBC website that I thought was interesting. I hope it's OK to post.




Edited by kimamey
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22 hours ago, Thumbs said:

Sleeping cop is the least of their worries


when the police are a bigger threat to the public than the criminals  they are supposed to protect us from


thats when you know change is needed

In too many instances, often the police strongarms and local mafia equivalent are one and the same. 

Reflective of the decades long and broad systematic criminality/corruption, which starts from the top and acceptingly trickles down to local levels. 

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4 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

For as long as I remember, the RTP has had an unmatchable propensity for tarnishing their own image and losing their oh so precious face with one faux pas after another after another. They really don't need any outside help.


The Keystone Cops were fictional movie characters. But here we have a force that stumbles from one mud puddle into the next in real life. No creative script writing needed. It all happens naturally. 

But did the Keystone Cops make pots of money...?

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To recapitulate....


He was taking a nap AFTER finishing his duties

And the guy who was on active duty that time, went to the loo, just when there was a visitor...


Then WHY does the sleeping guy gets transferred to another post?

If indeed his shift was finished?


And there is only 1 active guy working at night, who conveniently went to the loo?  imagine the odds


Seems more like another story of 'finding stupid excuses' instead of taking responsibility


You are lazy

you sleep on the job

you are fired

(that's in normal countries)


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