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Thai Tourism Minister visits Pattaya to discuss “Move On” reopening plan, plan to be presented to CCSA this Friday


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9 hours ago, VBF said:

Well you can be vaxxed and still spread it although apparently not as severely.

However, if the people around our unvaxxed friend ARE vaxxed, let him get on with it.


I'm sure some of the people here in UK with whom I've been in contact since May (when I got vax #2) aren't vaxxed - I am so why worry?

THAT....IMO....is where life returns to normal as it increasingly is in UK

because  they have less protection against every aspect of this virus (read my above post)


using words like "can" or "might" or "maybe" doesn't cut it, vaccines are extremely effective as proven over and over....................fact


refusing to be vaccinated is careless and irresponsible  

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10 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

True, I didn’t say that I wasn’t. I never said anything about birth rate, although now you mention it, 140 million new babies each year shows that the virus is certainly no threat to humanity!

it will be a threat to your parents if you bring it home to them (assuming you are younger than most posting here)

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48 minutes ago, paulikens said:

except that you can spread it if you been vaccinated, so that isn't a argument.

using the word "CAN" isn't even an argument


You can jump from a 6th floor balcony and survive - try it, honestly you can survive



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54 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

 8 hours ago, mickyr55 said:

Being vaccinated does not protect you from catching or spreading Covid


@smedly....yes it does - stop posting this nonsense


Actually the nonsense is your post.

Of course you can still catch Covid after being vaccinated. Keep up to date mate.


yes it does offer considerable protection against infection


as for spreading - you cannot spread it if you are not infected or the virus is stopped in your body from gaining traction (infection) 


if you want to be really smart about the terminaology - every virus enters the body and in the strictest terms could be referred to as "infected" 


The understood term infected that experts use when describing when people are deemed infected is when the virus takes hold and starts replicating and infecting cells - vaccines stop that from happening in most cases but not all as there have been some breakthrough infections with fully vaccinated people.


Get you facts straight before posting nonsense like this with words like "can" and "could" and also undertstand what the term infected actually means when used in this context 


And I am not your mate



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for those that continue to post missleading nonsense on this thread watch this informative video and educate yourselves with actual facts before posting any more of your antivax  conspiracy ##  


posted 3 times before on these forums in the last week alone - watch and learn


Delta Variant: Top 10 COVID Questions and How to Prepare - YouTube

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Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC



Delta Variant

The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people.

  • Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant.
  • Vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, including against this variant.
  • Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period.
  • Get vaccinated and wear masks indoors in public spaces to reduce the spread of this variant.
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17 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

True, I didn’t say that I wasn’t. I never said anything about birth rate, although now you mention it, 140 million new babies each year shows that the virus is certainly no threat to humanity!

I am not sure people are in fear of humanity wrt to Covid, just themselves, loved ones, family, friends. I am inclined to say this pandemic is a result of how much humanity increases each year and the enforced lifestyles. 

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

it will be a threat to your parents if you bring it home to them (assuming you are younger than most posting here)

 Not too much chance of that in my case, I’m afraid. You seem to be assuming that I’m an anti-vaxxer, not true at all. I’m getting the vaccination soon, and I think the arguments advanced by anti-vaxxers are ludicrous, not that I think that vaccination should be mandatory. However, I also think the risks of the virus have been exaggerated, and that we should try to enjoy life instead of eking out as many boring years as possible, so my opinions are somewhere in the middle - nobody likes me!

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On 9/13/2021 at 5:22 AM, Gold Star said:

I think tourists have already 'moved on' to other destinations due to the terrible barriers to come here, closures, restrictions, and the entire mismanagement of Covid.


Thailand, with only about 70 million people, has been having the 7th highest reported daily Covid death rate IN THE WORLD during weekdays. Hard to believe just how bad that is. They even beat India on many days. 



'Move on' somewhere else is certainly a fitting name for their program.

Don't worry, they will be underreporting the numbers (like they did at the start of the pandemic). Soon, we may again see the "Thailand Covid Free" or "Thailand Zero Covid" banners all over the media.


Simply don't test, and then systematically underreport the walk-ins. Open up the country. Simple

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15 hours ago, smedly said:

because  they have less protection against every aspect of this virus (read my above post)


using words like "can" or "might" or "maybe" doesn't cut it, vaccines are extremely effective as proven over and over....................fact


refusing to be vaccinated is careless and irresponsible  

I believe @smedly  you took my words out of context making it look like I have doubts.

Not so - I am entirely PRO vaccine as are you.


I said "I'm sure some of the people here in UK with whom I've been in contact since May (when I got vax #2) aren't vaxxed - I am so why worry?"


By which I meant I'm not concerned at mixing with possibly infected people, because I've been vaxxed; extrapolate that and my meaning is that the more people get vaxxed, the less we have to fear because if you are vaxxed you can possibly get Covid but it will be less severe than if you are not vaxxed.


Does that clarify?

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18 hours ago, smedly said:


Alternatively the UK and other western countries have green list countries were there are no restrictions - amber being slightly more 

The UK changes the requirements on a whim, obviously you prefer the flip flopping to some sort of consistancy.

As an expat fromThailand in the UK, I can assure you the grass is not greener.

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On 9/13/2021 at 11:07 PM, smedly said:

the best thing for you right now would be to get infected and report back the wonderful experience you have if you survive of course - many millions haven't - estimated 10m people have died after being infected with covid 19



yes, mainly people either over 80yo and/or belonging to other risk groups.


The fear-mongering seems to work well on you.


I'm all for as many options for risk groups and others to protect themselves as possible - but making the whole population suffer, taking their options to make a living, or coercing people into a world-wide beta test with a vaccine involving record numbers of adverse reactions and with unknown long-term effects has been a horrible idea from the beginning.


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On 9/13/2021 at 8:12 AM, at15 said:

that is your opinion. for me i believe the best thing i can do is not get vaccinated and live my life as healthy as possible.

That would make a fine epitaph for your tombstone. 


The medical community strongly recommends vaccination. I suspect you think they are wrong. 

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On 9/16/2021 at 2:38 PM, pepi2005 said:

yes, mainly people either over 80yo and/or belonging to other risk groups.


The fear-mongering seems to work well on you.


I'm all for as many options for risk groups and others to protect themselves as possible - but making the whole population suffer, taking their options to make a living, or coercing people into a world-wide beta test with a vaccine involving record numbers of adverse reactions and with unknown long-term effects has been a horrible idea from the beginning.


Because you know more than the medical community.... 

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