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Over 84% of Thailand’s COVID fatalities had not been vaccinated


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17 minutes ago, Midwit said:


far people are you listening?  You have had 1.5 years to shed some weight. At this point it’s pretty much 100% on you to move your ass instead of blaming the non vaxxed for your fear. It’s not up to me to protect your health the same as it’s not up to you to get the jab for my health. If the vax works to protect you then why does it matter to you about me?  Don’t give the useless drivel about public health. It’s an individual issue. Don’t give the drivel about protecting the health care system. It’s designed to always be near capacity. A hospital that sits empty will go out of business. 

Can see which comorbs by age group



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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The people have been given little choice. Either the Sinovac, which many believe does not have the efficacy of the better ones, or not much else. Alot of this falls on the tiny shoulders of Anutin, who should have resigned, or been replaced in March of 2020, after Covid broke out. He was in way over his head long before Covid came around. He lacks experience, a background in the health field, and the only reason he was appointed, and is still in this position, is due to the power and the influence he has over his party. There is NO other reason. 
Get out. Get out now. The people will no longer stand for your gross incompetence. Not during an emergency. Not now. 
You completely blew the vaccination program!
You blew the response to Covid!
You blew the response to the outbreak in Samut back in December, which led to the 2nd wave!


You blew the recent outbreak by not shutting down the constructions sites early enough (and when you did, the workers were given a weeks notice, so they could all flee, and infect the entire nation!) You refuse the shut down the zombie canning plants. 
What have you gotten right? It now appears the lack of cases during the 1st wave was dumb luck. 

So many questions, and so few answers.
1. Why are the good vaccines still months away?
2. Why not Pfizer in the interim?
3. Why can't the private sector import the vaccines directly? Why does the stunningly incompetent government and health ministry need to be involved?
4. Why was there seemingly no planning, when it comes to the vaccination program?
5. Is this really the best they can do?
6. Why has Anutin not been replaced? His political connections aside, Thailand really needs competent leadership at this emergency juncture.
7. Do the people of Thailand finally see how they have been misled, mishandled, bamboozled, forsaken, and abused by the hapless army, and the goons in charge? If they could not see it before, it is so obvious now. 

99.9% of the Thais I talk to are so far beyond fed up. And if the 3-5% who drank the kool-aid still believed, after this latest covid debacle, Prayuth, Anutin and the gang have been truly unmasked to a humiliating and inglorious degree.
Who could possibly still have any faith in their competence, and sincerity, at this point? 

Well though out and written.  

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53 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Seventy-one of the 222 drugs approved in the first decade of the millennium were withdrawn, required a "black box" warning on side effects or warranted a safety announcement about new risks, Dr. Joseph Ross, an associate professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and colleagues reported in JAMA on Tuesday.”

I am not surprised by the withdrawals. Many instances of FDA and EPA approvals taken off the registration as new health and safety data surfaced. Drugs are rigorously tested for years before approval and these trials typically focus on a small number of patients. Once the drugs are approved and made available to larger number of people, issues will invariably pop up. 

The warp speed development of COVID-19 vaccines came out of urgency to combat a fast spreading pandemic. So far, the vaccines have done a remarkable job to save lives. There are inherently some uncertainties but the benefits have proved to outweigh the negative beliefs of some. 

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14 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Most recent studies Israel said that people with 2x vaxx Pfizer had 6x higher chance on Delta strain issues than people who had generic covid beforehand (which is similar to a generic flu). So in this case, we miss a lot of facts to make any statements, let alone news reports. 

Not to forget we had this huge pneumonia incidents around late 2019, which were never to be found later on in the news. Did we have covid there up north before it ever became a thing? And in that case, those people are safer than vaccinated people too. 

I agree with the last statement. Covid was in Issan at that time and I caught it along with a long list of others in early 2020 before a test, before a vaccine.  I survived it and the treatment after it was finished, A FLU jab and the Pneumonia series. I have had the same symptoms twice since and recovered with no more ill effects. The effects weaker and shorter lasting than the original run.


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16 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Age of deaths

Underlying conditions


Vaccines help mid level people. Strong people dont need it. Weak die anyway. Same with flu vaccines.


If you take vit d, zinc eat onions and berries for quercetin your immune system is s o much stronger.

I hope for you it's a joke what you wrote.

If not I recommend to see a doctor and let you be informed about Covid. Also visit an intensive care unit for Covid patients.

After all having done this .....but hey, you were joking only, don't you?

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4 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

Exactly the same as in the USA….makes you wonder why you dont get vaccinated.  


It's not popular to talk about, but each country should try and investigate why some people has not yet taken their shots.


An article published here in Denmark today shows the % of vaccinated people amongst our different groups/immigrants etc.


Somali people 38,8 % fully vaccinated

Libanese people 40,7%

Syrians 45,2%


That compared to 73,3% fully vaccinated in Denmark in total, shows that it's important to clear our misunderstandings, rumours, and fake news amongst some groups.


The virus is colourblind and don't care what religion you believe in....

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18 hours ago, dinsdale said:

So from this figure of over 84% (not sure what over actually means in numbers/%) unvaccinated and 7.2% with one jab died then around 8.8% with two jabs have died. Sorry this doesn't make sense.

Not sure if it was just accidental but that comes across as a little misleading. So to be clear, this doesn't mean that 8.8% of double vaccinated people have died, it means that out of those that died, 8.8% had received two vaccinations.


The article also doesn't specify how many of the people who died, became infected less than 14 days after their second dose. Nor does it say how many of the doubly-vaxxed Covid fatalities had co-morbidities - but in other countries (UK, US) it tends to be the majority.

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18 hours ago, dinsdale said:

So from this figure of over 84% (not sure what over actually means in numbers/%) unvaccinated and 7.2% with one jab died then around 8.8% with two jabs have died. Sorry this doesn't make sense.

It means that there were numbers after the decimal point e.g.84.5% the rest of your post is correct i.e. 8.8% were double vaccinated. How does that not make sense?

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Look at the data for Thailand compiled by the WHO and it seems clear that

fatalities went way up once the vaccination program got underway.

Always verify the raw data before accepting conclusions touted in news headlines.

WHO Thailand Data: - https://bit.ly/3nHg50f

NA Article: - https://s.nikkei.com/3zc7bJT

CNN Article: - https://cnn.it/2XdIoIQ

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12 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

I am not an anti vaxxer and I am not vaccinated I get my flu shot every year but due to

circumstances I have not been vaccinated yet. Hold your horses. I am not in Thailand at the moment 

I am in the west and have no problems getting vaccinated. Let me explain why I am not

vaccinated. So I had my flu shot (like every year) than I had to wait for a few weeks to get my covid shot OK? But in those few weeks I broke my leg (not nice at all) So I could not attend a clinic or

just an GP to get my jab.I am still waiting to get a lift to the GP of my friend since the GP,s

don't make house calls for Covid-19 vaccination. So not every body is an anti vaccer OK?

Anti Vaxxers, by definition, are people who refuse to have the shots and campaign against vaccination per se you obviously are not an anti vaxxer why do you think the post you replied to was aimed at you?

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12 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

I am not an anti vaxxer and I am not vaccinated I get my flu shot every year but due to

circumstances I have not been vaccinated yet. Hold your horses. I am not in Thailand at the moment 

I am in the west and have no problems getting vaccinated. Let me explain why I am not

vaccinated. So I had my flu shot (like every year) than I had to wait for a few weeks to get my covid shot OK? But in those few weeks I broke my leg (not nice at all) So I could not attend a clinic or

just an GP to get my jab.I am still waiting to get a lift to the GP of my friend since the GP,s

don't make house calls for Covid-19 vaccination. So not every body is an anti vaccer OK?

You have my sympathy

Not knowing where you are, this may not be helpful, but can you not get a taxi, Uber or whatever rather than waiting for your friend?

How do you get your shopping?  Just thinking "outside the box" here

Mind you, with a broken leg I guess you're forced to "socially distance" anyway, but that's hardly the point.


May I wish you a speedy recovery.  

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6 minutes ago, AspiringToJustBe said:

Look at the data for Thailand compiled by the WHO and it seems clear that

fatalities went way up once the vaccination program got underway.

Always verify the raw data before accepting conclusions touted in news headlines.

WHO Thailand Data: - https://bit.ly/3nHg50f

NA Article: - https://s.nikkei.com/3zc7bJT

CNN Article: - https://cnn.it/2XdIoIQ

2 questions.

When did Thailand start to vaccinate.

When did the Delta variant appear in Thailand.


If you compare those timelines vs the rate of fatalities, do you still come to the same conclusion?


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6 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

13,637 people died between April 1st and September 9th this year, with 95.82% of them dying in hospital. The eldest was 109 years old and the youngest was just 12 days. The median age is 67 and 12,239 had underlying diseases, with most being diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney disease and obesity. 


Anti vaxxers are you listening ??? Are you ?? I am not an anti vaxxer just got my second jab yesterday . But out of 13.637 people that died more then 12.000 had underlying diseases and those 13.637 people died in a timespan of 6 months on a population of 68.000.000 you think that's a lot ?? I would like to know how many people with those underlying deseases die in 6 months ,not from or with covid but just from those underlying deseases i think those nr's are not far apart . Again i am not an anti vaxxer but it would be nice after more then 18 months of this virus going around , to get some realistic nr's and news for a change.

I agree and worldwide, the distinction between dying OF Covid and dying WITH Covid has been blurred way too often.

I've argued this point many times: for example in UK if one died within 28 days of being Covid positive, one was counted as dying OF Covid, whatever other diseases one may have had or however old one was.

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22 minutes ago, RobU said:

It means that there were numbers after the decimal point e.g.84.5% the rest of your post is correct i.e. 8.8% were double vaccinated. How does that not make sense?

More fully vaccinated died than single shot vaccinated according to the figures. I would have thought it would be the other way around. I understand that most were unvaccinated this is happening globally.

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5 hours ago, Presnock said:

this article if totally accurate, should not be "news" to anyone that has been following the USA COVID

situation.  Currently, there are more deaths daily and new infections due to the Delta variant according to the John's Hopkins Hospital report.  Hospitals, especially those in the southeast states and other states with smaller numbers of vaccinated people, are FULL with no available ICU beds for treatment of COVID patients.  More than 99% of the seriously ill are from the covid virus and even more of those that die nowadays from the virus ?99.9%? are not vaccinated yet.  In the states you know that vaccinations are free and easily obtained anywhere today.  These non-vaxxer's are causing other people to not be able to get medical treatment at times since the doctors and nurses are working on the covid patients.  Imagine what those care-givers are feeling - watching their extremely ill and dying patients every day when there is absolutely no reason for this.  In my honest opinion, the non-vaxxers should be paying some kind of penalty.  Insurance rates will increase for the rest of us as well as hospital costs if we could even get in a hospital in certain areas.  Many of these non-vaxxers are also not wearing masks so that they can continue to spread the virus and possibly cause a new variant to evolve that is stronger than any of the vaccines.  

Top post! ????

In UK where most healthcare is free, I believe people should be denied treatment (or at least go to the back of the queue) where a hospital is struggling if they foolishly refuse to be vaccinated with no health reason. Sure you have a choice - choices have consequences!

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Lets get this straight Anti Vaxxers are not just people who decline the jab, thats fair enough, although some would say that they owe it to others to be vaccinated. Anti Vaxxers are part of an evangelical organisation trying to persuade others not to have the jab by any means possible including fake news and join their cause. It is a money making cult scheme in the US and other western countries run by the original anti vaxxer, a UK  Doctor, who who started it all in the UK by fiddling figures over the MMR Jab. He was struck off in the UK and moved to the US, he has become very wealthy on the basis of joining fees and products  sold by his organisation. They don't give a dammn about lives it's about getting as many people as possible to join their cult. The fallout is the belief by some that their false statistics and twisted summaries based on opinions and rare examples are true. 

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5 hours ago, stephenterry said:

I'll put in my two pennyworth. I have suffered Covid at a minimal effect and recovered, IMO by taking care of my health and dietary intake based on a Whole food plant based regime with added supplements such as Vit d3, Zinc and Vit C . As I have low blood pressure since birth I have taken Warfarin for 20 years as a preventative measure against blood clotting, which has now been recognised as one of the possible side effects of Astra Zeneca. 


Whatever regime people follow, a recovery is also the outcome of the majority of infected who do not need hospital treatment.  I think any man on the street would agree this is the norm.


I therefore consider that my immune system is able to contest any future Covid infection by natural immunity, which does not necessarily require a vaccination program. I would suggest that this should have equal weight with those who have not been infected, and have since been vaccinated.


However, the focus remains on vaccination of every Tom, Dick, and Harry, whatever their lifestyle.  Natural immunity is not on the same page, for the obvious reason that there's no money to be made by Big Pharma, who control most global governments.


I would suggest in a few years time, people will wake up to the fact they were human guinea pigs for pharma research. and that's one reason why human Ivermectin is banned from ever seeing daylight until repackaged and sold as a new product - a nose spray, perhaps?

I will be interested to see if Covid vaccination nasal sprays become over the counter (non prescription) medicines in the future then perhaps your view will be validated

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1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Not sure if it was just accidental but that comes across as a little misleading. So to be clear, this doesn't mean that 8.8% of double vaccinated people have died, it means that out of those that died, 8.8% had received two vaccinations.


The article also doesn't specify how many of the people who died, became infected less than 14 days after their second dose. Nor does it say how many of the doubly-vaxxed Covid fatalities had co-morbidities - but in other countries (UK, US) it tends to be the majority.

I agree with you many people seem to misunderstand this study its about a specific population within specified parameters  not the whole population of Thailand

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46 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

More fully vaccinated died than single shot vaccinated according to the figures. I would have thought it would be the other way around. I understand that most were unvaccinated this is happening globally.

That point alone makes the figures more believable not less. A false study would change it round

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3 hours ago, KarenHargreaves said:

Only in Thailand do 12 day old babies die from COVID.

That's completely untrue. There have been infant deaths from Covid in most countries.


For instance, 



in Brazil 1,300 babies have died from the virus.

Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil?


There was also an infant death in Florida reported just yesterday (it's obviously not the only one in the US).


Infant dies of CoVid-19 in Orange County

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