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Long Covid found to affect 10-20 per cent of Thai patients


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By Pear Maneechote


Around 10-20 per cent of recovered Covid-19 patients in Thailand will likely develop post-syndrome, or long-term Covid-19 symptoms, even after their initial recovery, the latest statistics from the Department of Medical Services (DMS) found.


This means that for some people symptoms can last for weeks or months after the infection has gone.


With Thailand still struggling to contain the pandemic and health authorities rushing to treat those infected, these new findings have many public health officials concerned with the trajectory of the country’s treatment plan. 


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/32724/long-covid-found-to-affect-10-20-per-cent-of-thai-patients/


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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

They are the forgotten sufferers....... very unpleasant and debilitating I hear. 

That's my understanding as well.

Studies have found some rather weakening ailments and medical folks why such things manifest from the likes of COVID.


From the very beginning, scientists were very perplexed as the broad and complex disposition/properties of COVID and it's spawn - it's still a mystery to many in these fields.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Around 10-20 per cent of recovered Covid-19 patients in Thailand will likely develop post-syndrome

That is not any specific results for Thailand. Something that the world already made studies of and it looks the same in most places. I think they just copy and paste, changed the name of the country and just over and done with.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

With Thailand still struggling to contain the pandemic and health authorities rushing to treat those infected, these new findings have many public health officials concerned with the trajectory of the country’s treatment plan.

But but but we're being told the worst is over and we can fully open up by Christmas.

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I read about these people who suffer the effects for so long, but then get mad at all the foolish

people in Canada, and other places who still will not get a vaccine, or mask up, or at least be cautious and

try not to spread this terrible virus. In Alberta we just had some protesters in both Edmonton and Calgary who

were protesting, masks and vaccines, what a bunch of idiots.  The people who have been working for the last 18 months

in the hospitals, and medical clinics, do not need any of these crowds crying for some fantasy freedoms.

  I hope the people in Thailand are getting their vaccines now, and I also hope that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines 

arrive in Thailand soon in large numbers.  Good Luck Thailand   I do want to go visit that country again, when times

are better.


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5 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

It’s unclear if the baseline is hospitalized people, or everyone infected….

In other countries its like 10% of infected something like that.


Anyway far more dangerous and bad than side effects from vaccines. But i guess the antivaxers will again deny lie and whatever to this kind of news.

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38 minutes ago, DaveSamutP said:

>>Finally, some evidence to reinforce to all the people who thought the vaccinations

>>and lockdowns were not necessary -- because only less than 1% die, right? (rhetorical).

Right, less than 1%, more specifically 0.4%. I think the argument against lockdowns is because of the extensive harms on the economy, psyche of the population, and children's education, and should not be simplified to "only less than 1%". Of course that 0.4% goes way up when you're older, etc., and way down when your younger. Sorry to state the obvious, but it's to deflect people who will want to correct that point. 

These lockdowns are insane, and the craziest part of it is that more people aren't saying that. Luckily, more are waking up. The craziest part is the people who refuse to look at the data-supported risks of the disease, and specific harms from these lockdowns. 

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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

They are the forgotten sufferers....... very unpleasant and debilitating I hear. 

 I have "long" covid. My tongue has been numb for three months. All the time, it feels like I just gargled with mouthwash. I can't shake the feeling of being thirsty no matter how much water I drink. It sucks, it's unfortunate, but it's not that big a deal. Of course, there are some that have long C much worse than I do, but most long covid cases are like me. 


I want to say this so that we step back, and don't get overly drunk on the exciting paranoia. Long C is real, but it's not society-destroying, not like these lockdowns are. Kids without school for two years, without playing with their friends. Complete financial ruin for so many small business owners. Destroyed relationships... unkown economic impacts by never-before seen money printing. The consequences of this are absolutely more terrifying than long covid. 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

With Thailand still struggling to contain the pandemic and health authorities rushing to treat those infected, these new findings have many public health officials concerned with the trajectory of the country’s treatment plan. 

These are not new findings.

Long Covid has been known as an issue for many Months now.

Where have these people been living in all that time ? to now come out with a statement that makes them look amatuerish.

To quote that between 10 - 20 % of Covid sufferers may have Long Covid says to me that they really have not done any research into the numbers within the Country, and are just plucking numbers out of the air to make themselve look good,

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2 hours ago, timmyp said:

Right, less than 1%, more specifically 0.4%. I think the argument against lockdowns is because of the extensive harms on the economy, psyche of the population, and children's education, and should not be simplified to "only less than 1%". Of course that 0.4% goes way up when you're older, etc., and way down when your younger. Sorry to state the obvious, but it's to deflect people who will want to correct that point. 

These lockdowns are insane, and the craziest part of it is that more people aren't saying that. Luckily, more are waking up. The craziest part is the people who refuse to look at the data-supported risks of the disease, and specific harms from these lockdowns. 

In the start we didn't have the vaccines to help us through this pandemic, so it made sense to do lockdowns to prevent spreading.

It sucked big time , but i rather have a lockdown for a period of time instead of having more people infected , which again would lead to more people developing symptoms after dealing with covid 19.


There is no doubt that lockdowns has it negative effects, but it also has its positive effects.


Hopefully the vaccines now has provided us with a tool, that can prevent total lockdowns in the future, but only time will tell.

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40 minutes ago, Virt said:

In the start we didn't have the vaccines to help us through this pandemic, so it made sense to do lockdowns to prevent spreading.

It sucked big time , but i rather have a lockdown for a period of time instead of having more people infected , which again would lead to more people developing symptoms after dealing with covid 19.


There is no doubt that lockdowns has it negative effects, but it also has its positive effects.


Hopefully the vaccines now has provided us with a tool, that can prevent total lockdowns in the future, but only time will tell.

I have not seen the positive effects of lockdown.

In principle, it makes sense: People don't move around, then they can't spread disease. So I didn't question it early on. 

The U.S. has states with lockdowns, and those without it. If you look at the spread of covid in each state, it is not clear at all, not one tiny bit when the lockdown began. The virus seemed to spread regardless of lockdowns or no lockdowns.

This link had a "covid quiz" that lets you look at graph of covid spread by each state in the U.S., and asks if you can identify when lockdowns went into effect, when mask mandates went into effect, etc. Try it out, but I'll tell you now, you won't be able to identify when such measures were implemented, but it had zero effect on the spread in the U.S.



Now, the explanation for this could be: 

1) people didn't really follow the lockdown (and therefore lockdowns don't work unless you bolt people indoors)

2) the lockdown has to be complete and not partial (in which case, none of the lockdowns implemented here in Thailand did anything to fight covid, and therefore, we should stop locking down)

3) the virus was already so prevalent that no amount of lockdown at that point was going to do anything (in which case, we should give up lockdowns completely)


I think #3 is probably most likely, but I have no idea. No matter how you cut it, these lockdowns have only been harmful. Man, at least Japan and Sweden kept kids in school... 


I think governments are trying to turn us against each other by directing the blame at anti-mask people, anti-vaxxers, people who are sneaking out an partying during lockdowns, etc., instead of actually addressing the bad decisions made by the government. 


I feel the need to "virtue signal" here: I am vaccinated, stayed at home, and always wear a mask, although I think none of that is addressing the problem of spread.


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5 hours ago, timmyp said:

 I have "long" covid. My tongue has been numb for three months. All the time, it feels like I just gargled with mouthwash. I can't shake the feeling of being thirsty no matter how much water I drink. It sucks, it's unfortunate, but it's not that big a deal. Of course, there are some that have long C much worse than I do, but most long covid cases are like me. 


I want to say this so that we step back, and don't get overly drunk on the exciting paranoia. Long C is real, but it's not society-destroying, not like these lockdowns are. Kids without school for two years, without playing with their friends. Complete financial ruin for so many small business owners. Destroyed relationships... unkown economic impacts by never-before seen money printing. The consequences of this are absolutely more terrifying than long covid. 

Are you vaccinated?

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12 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Yes very hard on the lungs leaving lasting damage. Have seen it first hand. Baastard of a disease and its effects. 

Absolutely.  And the bad thing about these side effects is 10-20 percent are felt right now, when you get older who knows how bad the unknown symptoms will be for the ones who have no symptoms right now.  Lung damage is not good!

As a person who takes his health seriously and runs, this was the #1 fear for me.  I don't want to be a prisoner in my own body.  

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5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

First of all, the extreme Wuhan lockdown completely contained the virus, so you are wrong.



I know you think that you got me there, but: As I was saying in my post: It is probably because it wasn't prevalent there, but was already prevalent in the U.S.


It had clearly reached 1% of the U.S. population by early December, which means it simply had to have been circulating for several weeks prior to that. That is based on antibody findings in blood donations from the red cross. I don't know why this doesn't get more attention, it's a mainstream media report. 

Covid in U.S. earlier by August due to blood donations


Please consider how many people would have had to be infected in the U.S. in order to have 1% of the blood donations positive for covid antibodies by early December. Millions. 


I would guess this is why lockdowns couldn't stop it in the U.S., it had spread beyond the point of being controlled by a lockdown by the time lockdowns were attempted. Probably, it wasn't that widespread in Wuhan.



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5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:


I stopped reading your post after just a couple of really incorrect assertions.

This is truly a sad response. I posted a mainstream article for you, I hope you take a look. The religion of covid is so completely out of hand, and your response is a great example, that you come on this website and ignore things that disagree with you. I guess you only read comments that support your paradigm. I encourage you to grow. 

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5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Are you vaccinated?

So I gotta virtue signal here? Gotta know whether I'm a loony anti-vaxer or not? Or that I deserved to get long covid cuz I'm not vaccinated? 

Yes, I am vaccinated, although I have natural immunity (having caught covid before vaccines were around). Natural immunity has been shown to be more robust than the vaccines, so I don't need to be vaccinated, but I did it to avoid conflict at my work.


I am young and healthy, and don't fear any issues from the vaccine, so I went ahead and got it as soon as it was available to me. That said, the religion and mentally behind people pushing these vaccines, and the way that the unvaccinated are perceived is outrageous, the unvaccinated have become the way that the extreme right spoke of vermin immigrants destroying their society, the way that the Christian right expressed distain for godless heathens who have sex and do drugs. 

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31 minutes ago, timmyp said:

I know you think that you got me there, but: As I was saying in my post: It is probably because it wasn't prevalent there, but was already prevalent in the U.S.


It had clearly reached 1% of the U.S. population by early December, which means it simply had to have been circulating for several weeks prior to that. That is based on antibody findings in blood donations from the red cross. I don't know why this doesn't get more attention, it's a mainstream media report. 

Covid in U.S. earlier by August due to blood donations


Please consider how many people would have had to be infected in the U.S. in order to have 1% of the blood donations positive for covid antibodies by early December. Millions. 


I would guess this is why lockdowns couldn't stop it in the U.S., it had spread beyond the point of being controlled by a lockdown by the time lockdowns were attempted. Probably, it wasn't that widespread in Wuhan.



You are missing the point. Even if large numbers are infected, restrictions limit personal contact so that the spread is limited. The heavier the restrictions, the less the virus spreads. 


In the US, states with more restrictions generally had lower infection rates. 



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22 minutes ago, timmyp said:

So I gotta virtue signal here? Gotta know whether I'm a loony anti-vaxer or not? Or that I deserved to get long covid cuz I'm not vaccinated? 

Yes, I am vaccinated, although I have natural immunity (having caught covid before vaccines were around). Natural immunity has been shown to be more robust than the vaccines, so I don't need to be vaccinated, but I did it to avoid conflict at my work.


I am young and healthy, and don't fear any issues from the vaccine, so I went ahead and got it as soon as it was available to me. That said, the religion and mentally behind people pushing these vaccines, and the way that the unvaccinated are perceived is outrageous, the unvaccinated have become the way that the extreme right spoke of vermin immigrants destroying their society, the way that the Christian right expressed distain for godless heathens who have sex and do drugs. 

When you had Covid-19, were you tested? 

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Check out Wikipedia “Long Covid”. UK stats. are 13.7% having serious symptoms over three months from infection. then read the horrific permanent internal damage to brain, heart, lungs plus unknown damage to liver, kidneys, nervous system, immune system, etc. one uk guy a total vegatable after 18 months of treatment, coma, etc…….holes everywhere internally…….unvaxed are fools playing a version of russian roulette…

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32 minutes ago, timmyp said:

This is truly a sad response. I posted a mainstream article for you, I hope you take a look. The religion of covid is so completely out of hand, and your response is a great example, that you come on this website and ignore things that disagree with you. I guess you only read comments that support your paradigm. I encourage you to grow. 

Tom Woods is a loon. I don't know why you would pay any attention to his drivel about face masks. 

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1 hour ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Check out Wikipedia “Long Covid”. UK stats. are 13.7% having serious symptoms over three months from infection. then read the horrific permanent internal damage to brain, heart, lungs plus unknown damage to liver, kidneys, nervous system, immune system, etc. one uk guy a total vegatable after 18 months of treatment, coma, etc…….holes everywhere internally…….unvaxed are fools playing a version of russian roulette…

Medical experts have already said this will probably be a modern day polio.

People who willingly refuse to get vaccinated will have to live with the results and I suspect there will be little sympathy for them.  

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18 hours ago, timmyp said:

Right, less than 1%, more specifically 0.4%. I think the argument against lockdowns is because of the extensive harms on the economy, psyche of the population, and children's education, and should not be simplified to "only less than 1%". Of course that 0.4% goes way up when you're older, etc., and way down when your younger. Sorry to state the obvious, but it's to deflect people who will want to correct that point. 

These lockdowns are insane, and the craziest part of it is that more people aren't saying that. Luckily, more are waking up. The craziest part is the people who refuse to look at the data-supported risks of the disease, and specific harms from these lockdowns. 

This 0.4% can only go up.  You can't tell the end percentage rate of deaths until the pandamic is over.  It will sure as hell be much higher than 0.4%

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Agree timmyp - those pro lockdown remind me of anti abortion crusaders in days gone by.

I am right - you are wrong. If you do not agree, you should be shot ... kind of thing.

We do not have a clue what the vaccines will do long term - they are too new.

We do not know what covid will do long term - it is too new.

Your examples of Japan and Sweden are correct.

Two of the only nations on this planet who did not do the "Chicken with their head chopped off" response.


And to all the posters loading up with rock salt and bacon rind - I am vaccinated, and got the jabs as soon as I could.



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