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Thai Court rejects dual pricing case from expat in Hua Hin


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2 hours ago, Denim said:


Once again it would appear that written laws on just about anything are meaningless if everything is at the discretion of the judges. They don't follow the rule of law they follow the rule of thumb.

And hospitals follow the smell of money.

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3 hours ago, bkk_bwana said:

Matters relating to the constitution cannot be decided by a provincial administrative court.  If he won, it would have been appealed. This case will follow due process and find it's way to the constitutional court. 

Let us hope they have more sense, I kinda doubt it!!

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3 hours ago, itsari said:

The court action from the man from the Netherlands concerning price for foreigners has now set a precedent.

Meaning all is ok to charge more for foreigners because it is good for the country . 

Sad decision 

No it hasn't

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I think myself and everyone was hoping the Thai court would apply the LAW and do the right thing!  But as everyone can see the GOOD OLD BOYS NETWORK the judges in this case don't have the balls to go against their own leaders who put them in these judge ship position doing so would cut their own throats.


This is a clear example but of course none of these Thais can see the light at the end of the tunnel they all got their heads up the ass of their bosses they will never see the light. A real good example nothing will ever change in this country no matter how much they protest what Thai has the fortitude to go against and sacrifice their life to overhaul the entire system to put Thailand on the world map they will always be a 3rd world country reaching out and joining world organization for hand outs trying to copy the western world by coping others laws when they don't have a clue how to apply them.


As I noted in another post they will find some logic to their decision as always has the world scratching their heads laughing at them reason Thailand will always be Land of Stupidity and not matter how many labels or spins they put on it they will always be a 3rd world thinking country.


For judges who are supposed to be educated they just now made themselves a laughing stock of the world truly a Kangaroo bunch in their courts.????  the answer is cleared I don't expect anything better from their so call Supreme Court!

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"In its judgement, the court said that it did not see that as discriminatory – because the higher rates charged of foreigners, who it presumes earn more than Thais, is good for the nation. “The pricing was set on an appropriate basis of socioeconomic status, and it benefits Thailand, so it therefore doesn’t count as discrimination,” the court ruling said." 

They can't be serious on this and must be 100% blind! This is discrimination in its purest form!  Faith in the Thai legal/democratic system is already very low outside Thialand, but also inside Thailand, because of the many mostly negative news reports in media about  how Thailand is a country full of corruption and its problems with democracy.

This will not make these feelings that people have about Thailand any better. They now missed a big opportunity to change the way people think about and look at Thailand. It will not make Thailand more popular.

Thailand the land of smiles apperently only applies to its own people!  Assuming that Farangs have more money then their own people and because of that it is ok to rip the off as it is good for Thai economy.... Bizar !

What If foreign countries would treat Thai people the same way? The world would be  too small if such would happen. I am 100% sure that Thailand would create a big fuzz about such discriminating behaviour against their people. And that is what this is. Pure discrimination. 

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

As if there was ever going to be any other outcome... Thailand putting both feet in its mouth and highlighting its disregard for foreigners at an official level. 


Thailand’s handling of issues pertaining to foreigns is repeatedly clumsy and offensive.... I won’t go as far to suggest xenophobia and racism, but I understand those who think so. 


The message is clear - the presence of foreigners in Thailand is tolerated rather than welcomed. 


This has now set a president for any business owner in Thailand - Dual Charging is government sanctioned. 



It is news such as this which gives me pause to think - Is Thailand the correct place to live?





Again - total nonsense. 


This does not mean "you are tolerated rather than welcomed" this was the judge in a tiny court. It means nothing.


A precedent has also NOT been set for any business in Thailand. This judge is not "the government".


Honestly - it amazes me that people like you stay here - because you are so insecure and paranoid.

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3 hours ago, itsari said:

The court action from the man from the Netherlands concerning price for foreigners has now set a precedent.

Meaning all is ok to charge more for foreigners because it is good for the country . 

Sad decision 

They always have and always will charge farangs more….because they can. 
I have top health insurance and the operations I have had in Bumrungrad have costed more than they would in my own country. They definitely price gouge us. Probably why they do me same day and straight to front of the cue.

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2 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Good for them! If they can find enough morons that don't realise being taken advantage of...


As for me, this practice only saves me money in Thailand.  


Instead of being ripped off in temples in Thailand, I rather visit temples in Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, or Hong Kong. Rather than getting screwed, paying rip-off prices while visiting a national park in Thailand, I rather save my money to visit much more beautiful national parks in other countries.



Makes sense - rather than spending another 100 THB on entry somewhere - leave the family there, fly to Hong Kong, pay more than you would have in Thailand but the same as the locals.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

Anyone who have been in this country longer than one day know that foreigners are being discriminated when it comes to many things in Thailand's everyday life, when such ugly practice will stop no one knows but this is one of downfall of living in this country and as long as Thai people don't really care to correct it, it shall remain so, like the other day our condo organised a Covid ATK test to all the unit owners and tenants, Thai for free forthrightness pays 600 baht... 

And after all these years of ritual abuse, here you are, still here.

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4 hours ago, itsari said:

The court action from the man from the Netherlands concerning price for foreigners has now set a precedent.

Meaning all is ok to charge more for foreigners because it is good for the country . 

Sad decision 

Note the dual pricing, ( actually 4 tier pricing)
is ONLY at government hospitals.

private hospitals i have found the price is same for everyone..

I have no problem with this 4 tier system as well, ( those on retirement extensions are screwed and i doubt many pay tax in Thailand) as tax payers ( yes those on wp's are light less screwed)  and the government subsidizes the hospital's for Thai's.  Why should they do that for tourists or expats living here?
even at the bottom tier, i found that the government Vachira Phuket Hospital or Thalang hospital in Phuket, is usually 50-60% of what phuket Bangkok international charges

what i object to is their reasoning to defend it..

Edited by zzzzz
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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Interesting point. Special staff have to be hired for foreigners who can't speak Thai. Not sure I agree with it. 


Local discount happens everywhere, not just Thailand. 

3 years ago, I played golf with my brother in law, who is a member at Royal Melbourne golf club. I was charged 5,000 baht more than another guest from Sydney. 

I was also charged more than locals at Disneyworld. 

I was also charged more at a golf club in Scotland, despite being Scottish. They said I had to show I was a resident in the area. 

Even the Isle of Wight gives residents discounts on bus fares.


But you are arguing with people that take everything that happens here as a sign they are hated by Thai people, yet the only Thai people they appear to speak to are their Isaan girlfriend and the girl selling them booze in 7-11 or Big C if it's a 'big night out'.


It must be a bizarre life - living somewhere, isolating yourself from society and thinking they are out to get you. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

And they keep ranting on and on and on about wanting to attract wealthy ex-pats. Well, let us just add this to this current top 20 list, of reasons why not to retire here

Most of the wealthy expats would attend the high-end international hospital who routinely post package price lists.

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3 hours ago, Nickelbeer said:

No expat can ever expect justice from a Thai court. He should have been smart enough to realize this.

In Thailand, you will get exactly the amount of "justice" that you can BUY!!!!!

A rather sweeping statement based on what? I did take a Thai to court and I did win with the magistrate actually saying to the defendant that he considered ripping off  foreigners bad press for Thailand. Incidentally I also had a Thai lawyer, who when it was all done and dusted issued me with an invoice for just over 7,000 thb, I was even more suprised at this than the win. So you see it's not all bad.

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2 hours ago, KhruGin said:

Just looked in my Thai law dictionary and nope not in there ....good and valid, good consideration, good intention yep ..maybe the judge forgot his law book and made up a new term. 

Yep that's in the dictionary, maybe the judge hasn't learnt it/forgotten its meaning.


Fair play for this guy trying and nice to see the ugly truth eh and at least now we know its 'good for the nation' ...or in the bigger picture is it?. I understand when it comes to medical care complaining as its not something you can get around ..if yer sick you need it.


Other great examples I have come across (but then you can walk away and forgetaboutit) private visitor parks 100 baht for Thais 400 or more for farang (why lol even with a farang who pays taxes and has a WP), National parks same attitude, but the one that cracked me up the most was a temple in Chiang Mai ..Thai free farang 30 baht ...I asked why ..answer "You are not Buddhist" ....top answer eh and I guess the only Buddhists in the entire world are Thai ...thus personal result I dont use any national parks anymore and avoid temples which is a result! Oh and my personal favourite the Chiang Mai restaurant (yep CM again and I dont live there) 2 menus on the wall , one in Thai one in English same 20 odd dishes all marked up 20 baht in English ..so point to the Thai menu and order in Thai and bingo Thai price lol (yep no read Thai you pay the happy dual price).


Unconstitutional may be too stronger a word ...Unfair, Unjust, discriminatory would be where I'd put it.

I suspect the extra pricing in restaurants is to make up for the added expense of printing the menus in English.


That can be very expensive,

paeng mak mak


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