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How many of you that had bad marriages to Thai women would try again but do things differently if you had a time machine?


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52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Funny that!

How many willing women would have rocked with Mick Jagger if he wasn't famous and very rich?

Maybe those who are famous do have the it factor that gives theme fame and wealth? They are not famous because they are a nobody right ? Mick Jagger is a inspirational hardworking man with goals in his life, he did not became who he is being lazy or without talent. 



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Maybe those who are famous do have the it factor that gives theme fame and wealth? They are not famous because they are a nobody right ? Mick Jagger is a inspirational hardworking man with goals in his life, he did not became who he is being lazy or without talent. 



The man's a rat for taking Jerry hall off Bryan ferry..

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Funny that!

How many willing women would have rocked with Mick Jagger if he wasn't famous and very rich?

The one in that band with most female company was Bill Wyman, he said in an interview that he had more than 200 during their first year of touring, which was before they were rich - unfortunately I cannot instantly find the source in Google - Mick and Brian had only about 10-20, and Keith some, while Charlie had none.


But perhaps during the happy hippie era in the 1960s and 1970s it was different. Just being a pop/rock musician - not really famous, and certainly not rich - could be enough for having the pleasure of being chased by young chicks. Especially the Swedish girls were crazy, could actually be quite scary so sometimes an escape was the only way out - i.e. running fast followed by hordes of screaming girls - and at that time it was also no problem dating more than one at the same time, it was actually quite cool...????

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19 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

These  days it seems the norm, being talentless seems to be a talent.

I guess they said that about Rolling Stones to!? They where just rebells, who just got lucky right. Right time at right place. Filled in a vacum where somebody could identify themselves with ????


even a youtuber work hard, and there is no luck for fame and money, but somehow some few do make it

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12 hours ago, Hummin said:

Maybe those who are famous do have the it factor that gives theme fame and wealth? They are not famous because they are a nobody right ? Mick Jagger is a inspirational hardworking man with goals in his life, he did not became who he is being lazy or without talent. 



You miss my point. If Mick was Mick the plumber instead of Mick the rock god, would he have attracted the "attention" of beautiful women, like Jerry Hall? We all know the answer to that.

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On 10/1/2021 at 7:16 AM, Kenny202 said:

Biggest problem is most of these girls can be amazing at first. Many show their true colors first few weeks to a month into the honeymoon period and its easy to weed them out. The ones playing the long game are the most dangerous. First thing I always tell anyone asking me about living here is DONT go and live in her village or even contemplate it until you have known her for at least 2 years. They usually just have too many skeletons there...ex boyfriends, current boyfriends or husbands...kids...gambling issues or debts, not to mention family dropping in and taking what they want whenever they feel like it. I have lived in 3 villages and everyone had a few women who had foreign boyfriends or husbands...usually fly in fly out types and as soon as the guy was gone the Thai boyfriend moved in. The other villagers see no wrong in this by the way. Happened to me big time. Luckily I didn't invest too much apart from emotionally.... and about $50k AUD. Not life destroying though. Long distance relationships can intensify feelings too. I know a couple of guys here at the moment invested everything and coming into the waking up stage. the future for them probably back to Australia trying to live on a pension with all retirement funds gone. Talking predominantly about uneducated / unemployed village type girls from a poorer back ground here. And by the way its not only old farang / young girl relationships that fail here. Know many blokes had major problems with older women too. Mostly about gambling and debts more than anything. Always seems to be an underlying expectation or entitlement when a Thai woman meets a foreign man here. Not of a better life....but a Disneyland style life where the money never stops pouring in. This is where the trouble starts in my experience. the guy comes here with his retirement money. Thinks he will buy a nice house, new vehicles....get set up comfortable. buy the wife a bit of gold, go on a couple of holidays then settle down to a modest life. problem seems to start at this point where the guy was expecting at some point to live on a budget, but the wife thought the money flow was never going to stop. This seems to be when she gets the idea she found this golden goose pretty easily, surely can find another one...and out on your backside. They are not all like this of course and you will learn a lot more about whos who and what's what after living here but its so easy to get sucked in early on in the piece, and for some it can mean game over. 


1) When you first come here live in neutral territory away from her past and family


2) Do no buy property. Rent is so cheap here. Buying property you will never own and can lose any time doesn't make sense. And make sure the lease is in your name. Always maintain control of your life and belongings. Remember anything you have in someone else's home (even if you paid for it) is deemed theirs unless you can prove otherwise. It's great having your own place, you can make improvements, always something to do. But here it will never be YOUR place unless you want to buy a Condo


3) Buy vehicles in your name. Some dealers will tell you you can't, you can. They either don;t know or don't want to do the extra paperwork. Easier to put in your wife / GF name. If they wont sell you a vehicle go somewhere else.


4) Don't buy too many possessions until you are sure you want to live here long term. For many the gloss of Thailand can wear off after a few months to a few years. the golden rule is never buy anything in Thailand unless you can afford to walk away and leave it.


4) Make sure your prospective partner is bringing something long term to the relationship, other than a cute smile and slim little body. Most can't drive, don't work, know very little about anything outside of their village, don't cook, want to sleep all day and expect you to provide everything whilst giving nothing in return. This gets old fast.


5) If at all possible don't move in with a steady girlfriend initially. Play the field. Learn the game. Plenty of fish in the sea here. Unfortunately for most of us the reason we move here is because of a girl. Not to say use and abuse them, but until you find the right one. Go by the old adage....if it has wheels, floats, flys or has boobs....rent it. I would advise dating for at least 3 months before you let anyone move in. As a wise old man lived here a long time once told me....they are very easy to find, not so easy to get rid of. And "Thais are opportunists, do not present them with easy opportunities".


G O A T  Post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 10/1/2021 at 10:10 AM, Pravda said:


Who cares? Don't take this the wrong way too but if you married someone much younger than yourself perhaps you have more serious issues than me.

I guess I would need to know the extent of your ' issues '. I met my beautiful Brazilian wife in 2002. At the time she was 22 and I was 47. During our time together we have made millions developing, building and marketing RE. Nothing better than a gorgeous sales person. Currently we own resort rentals in Costa Rica and Brazil and travel almost constantly aboard our sailboat. We both came came from very modest backgrounds but worked tirelessly toward one goal after another. I suggest that the fact that my wife is much younger than me is your serious issue because it has never been a problem for us. Likely your issue is a product of where you were raised because for most of the planet it is totally excepted. Truth be known most of the blowback is from UK and USA where older women, lets say past their prime, and their envious husbands despise the thought they don't have a younger, attractive and less uptight spouses to wake up to each day. Hoping you don't take this the wrong way. JAJAJA!

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You miss my point. If Mick was Mick the plumber instead of Mick the rock god, would he have attracted the "attention" of beautiful women, like Jerry Hall? We all know the answer to that.

Most likely not. Why should she find a plumber? She was a superhot supermodel and also an actor who lived among the rich and famous people. Women always seeks those with better feather and also those who can secure their future kids genes, security be economicle safe. At least those women who can choose. Obvious Mick had something special she got attracted to, be his brain, his wit, or the way he communicate and his energy. Rich people often have something else than just being rich. But somehow women also tend to find bad guys be it rich or not.


Most ordinary men can not handle a wife have success like Jerry, and to be true, I would not feel happy in a marriage where the wife is the superstar and put the food on the table, pay for all the holidays and also provide the safety. Would you? 

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Women have always loved boys in bands if they can hold even a semblence of a note, and even if only 10 people showed up to their shows.
Don't have to be rich or famous  in your 20's if you are on stage.  As a matter of fact, the girls will pay your bills.

I knew plenty of "DJ"s that lived that life 

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sooooo, what does that make her? No one forced her to change the man in her bed.

Anyway, she got karma. Mick is still famous and she's .......................................?

Mick was still married to Bianca at the time, so was firmly in rat territory, state of him compared to king Bry..

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22 hours ago, Hummin said:

Most ordinary men can not handle a wife have success like Jerry, and to be true, I would not feel happy in a marriage where the wife is the superstar and put the food on the table, pay for all the holidays and also provide the safety. Would you? 

IMO alphas should always marry betas. Two alphas is just asking for trouble.

I'd be happy as a sandboy in a very large pile of sand if my wife was the breadwinner and I was the househusband, but I'm a beta. Of course it would only work if she had lots of sex with me though.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO alphas should always marry betas. Two alphas is just asking for trouble.

I'd be happy as a sandboy in a very large pile of sand if my wife was the breadwinner and I was the househusband, but I'm a beta. Of course it would only work if she had lots of sex with me though.

And your alpha woman would have sex with all other alpha male but keep you as the toyboy to take care of the kids. Being a supermodel and famous actress doesn't necessary mean she is a alpha woman? 



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On 10/4/2021 at 1:42 PM, Hummin said:

And your alpha woman would have sex with all other alpha male but keep you as the toyboy to take care of the kids. Being a supermodel and famous actress doesn't necessary mean she is a alpha woman? 



I'd never marry a supermodel and or a famous actress anyway. Waaaay too high maintenance.

No problem being a toyboy as long as I got a lot of sex. If she gave me an STD I'd divorce her and make a load of cash.

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Now this is humorous, reading posts on various opinions as to why Mick Jagger is successful with women. No need for a discussion - HE"S MICK JAGGER.

The more interesting point being missed here is that the secret (not the guarantee) of having casual sex, not P4P is as follows:


- where are the ladies who are not in the game - lots of places.

- smile

- be friendly

- don't be afraid to say hello

- have or develop a good sense of humor

- be polite and respectful

- AND, at the right time, don't forget to suggest  carrying on the conversation over at your place.

If by chance, the topic of money comes up, just smile and say it's on the house today and you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee (don't forget the smile and sense of humor).

This will work about 50% of the time.

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13 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Especially if you have a wife there ????

Haha, could be a good point, if I had a wife. I can only comment that I have been pleasantly surprised a number of times with soft knocks on my door and it's one of my new friends dropping over for a "coffee".

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