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On 10/4/2021 at 8:04 AM, HappyGoLuckyLife said:

If they are bedbugs, spray everything down with isopropyl alcohol. It kills them and the eggs you won't be able to see. Spray the hell out of your bed, and anything fabric. Wash your clothes and if you can find a dryer and throw them in there and dry em like there's no tomorrow.

Your better off throwing out your bed.


If you're in a rental situation move out.  The entire place is likely infected.


I wouldn't be able to sleep in there.



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33 minutes ago, Nong Khai Man said:

Was badly bitten after staying at a 3- or 4-star hotel in China years ago. 


Was it in WUHAN By any chance ??

It would have been a "bat bite"

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, xxeo said:

But I see them and feel itchy a little, but have NO visible traces of bites! A friend had bedbugs years ago with absolutely visible bites.

The photo you sent is definitely of a bedbug.I unfortunately have lots of experience with them. I used to live in an old apartment building with porous floors. There was a senile old lady who lived below me. Her apartment was infested with bedbites. I had to doubly exterminate them in my apartment twice. Once to kill the already hatched insects and later to kill the ones that hatched in the interval. I have forgotten how many days that interval should be. Another problem is that bedbugs have gotten a lot harder to kill as they have developed strong resistance to pesticides that were effective back when I needed them. Definitely launder all of your bedding and your clothes to make sure you've killed them.

On 10/4/2021 at 7:58 AM, tonray said:

My best advice..if a rental...get out as soon as possible if not, call in professionals to handle it.

Doing that is the classic worst thing to do. There will be bedbugs in all of his belongings. It will only bring the bedbug infestation to another building. Will be back to the same problem in a few weeks.


You need to contact a professional. 

If you have itchy bites. Probably bedbugs. However, not everyone reacts to bedbug bites. Some have no reaction.


Find lives bugs, get better pictures and post in a bed bug forum/community.

If positive ID, again, contact a professional. Bedbugs are extremely difficult to get rid of.

6 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

An excellent point about keeping suitcase closed; if possible place it on the table in the room not on the floor or in the wardrobe.

And if the bedbugs wear crampons......?


A bug probably.

But your bed sheets into a deep freezer or wash it hot.

Also nix a proper matress. Best Latex. Then you're bug free. Bugs won't stay in Latex. 

Remember when you last used Latex? There were'nt any bugs in it I reckon????? ????


Bedbugs are confirmed by professional in my case.


Deep freezing is useful for some clothes?


Mix a solution of cheap Thai whiskey and sand, smear liberally across your bedding. After several minutes they will get p+ss*d and stone each other to death. 

  • Haha 1

Bedbugs will lodge in the tiniest crannies. NYC has big infestation. Exterminators there use super-cold spray, liquid nitrogen, I believe.


Steaming your laundry in a black bag will only make it mildewed, also nearly impossible to remove. Dry-cleaning is expensive but guaranteed to kill the bugs.


Toss the mattress & pillows. I'm hoping you don't have carpeting!


The picture displays a female tick,they are bloodsuckers and can make you ill, Lyme disease,if you see a bullseye ring around bite mark ,see parmacy for anti biotics'    Male ticks are smaller  black in appearances,put a thumbnail on them and crush it,makes a crunching sound as its shell is broken,the female will squirt blood


No need for anything but tick /flea powder,its a fine talc,perfumed too in some brands,light dusting everywhere,keep it down it  dissipates rapidly,dust yourself down too,if its those virt imposs to see bedbugs ,works quickly

19 hours ago, ThLT said:

Doing that is the classic worst thing to do. There will be bedbugs in all of his belongings. It will only bring the bedbug infestation to another building. Will be back to the same problem in a few weeks.

If you Google it you may find that getting rid of them is really difficult.


Just moving your laundry may infect other rooms.


Nightmare bug!

4 hours ago, fredscats said:

The picture displays a female tick,they are bloodsuckers and can make you ill, Lyme disease,if you see a bullseye ring around bite mark ,see parmacy for anti biotics'    Male ticks are smaller  black in appearances,put a thumbnail on them and crush it,makes a crunching sound as its shell is broken,the female will squirt blood


No need for anything but tick /flea powder,its a fine talc,perfumed too in some brands,light dusting everywhere,keep it down it  dissipates rapidly,dust yourself down too,if its those virt imposs to see bedbugs ,works quickly


Per prior post, it has been confirmed OP has bed bugs. Not ticks.


But very, very hard to get rid of.

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Important to realize bed bugs can travel slowly but steadily to a victim. There may be some in close proximity as in the crevices of the mattress and seams on pillows etc but they can also be living metres away. If confident the bed has been cleared a trick I have used is to put the bed legs in bowls with some vegetable oil mixed with a few drops of teatree oil. Liberal sprinkling of diatomaceous earth along skirtings etc helps for sure.  I am wary of using chemicals in the room I spend hours sleeping in!

And for the cynics who would like to jokingly infer some connection to China it is believed that indeed bats brought them into the habitats of humans long ago but from the Middle East originally.

On 10/4/2021 at 7:25 PM, chalawaan said:

One way to say for sure it's a bedbug is if the room smells like ripe berries (heavy infestation, their droppings have this unlikely odor) They also bite in a row, you'll notice 2-3 bites in a short "line" formation.


If your bedframe is hollow like tube metal, you'll have to seal it like a tomb, or toss it.

They're very difficult to remove, they usually arrive in luggage, which is why I keep my suitcases closed in hotel rooms. Separate and seal my dirty laundry going home in plastic etc.

Regular insecticide won't kill them.

You can google all this and more about them.

Good luck, its a nasty problem to have.

Clean laundry before going home!

On 10/5/2021 at 3:40 PM, xxeo said:

Bedbugs are confirmed by professional in my case.


Deep freezing is useful for some clothes?

Don't move, they are inside your belongings, and moving will only spread it to another building and to other people (and you'll be back to where you started once they reproduce there).


You need to research, research, research. Work with a professional (if you research, you'll be able to know if the exterminator knows what he's doing). Work with the landlord as well—this is or could be a problem for other apartments. If you can work with him, this is good for himself and the other tenants. The problem needs to be eradicated in all apartments for it to work.


If you just found one bug, then you identified the problem early on. This is good. Now you just need to make sure you nip the problem while it's just starting.



Thais use to do their laundry with cold water...


Is it effective enough to tumble the laundry with maximum heat for at least one hour?

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