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Insects in bed - advice needed


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Found three or four of these creatures in my bed. Crawling on my skin and disturbing my sleep. Seem to have sucked blood, my blood...


What are they, where they come, how to get rid of them?




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If you can get some food grade diatomaceous earth (not the type used for pools) sprinkle it on the mattress and leave it there and put a mattress cover on.

It is non-toxic solution.  I ordered some from vitacost before, it's in the pet section.  You can also dust pets with it for flea/tick problems.  Just checked there is some on Lazada now.

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23 hours ago, tonray said:

If they are bedbugs, spray everything down with isopropyl alcohol.

Probably more of a shock than a prolonged problem, if the appropriate remedy is taken.

Happened to us in a Chiang mai hotel once.

Just spray the mattress/bedding with flyspray/mortien/aerogard etc.

And your bedclothes if you wear them.

Dealing with bedbugs is not so traumatic as scabies as they don't live on you, they prefer the seams and corners in the mattress material, so that's the area that needs targeting.!

Usually that's all that is required to get rid of them, but if infections persist, then up the treatment to things like boiling bedding/clothes.

You can see them if you look through a magnifying glass.

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Cedar oil few drops on mattress also help keep critters away. I put on mattress then put mattress cover on. Seems all bugs hate the smell of cedar. Bought the essential cedar oil at Lazada..Have also sprayed it on hotel beds in some dodgy places.. We keep small bottle in the emergency first aid kit along with Dettol. 

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Remove all bedding, Vacuum the mattress, spray with medical alcohol ( i use an old empty mozy spray bottle), leave for at least 15 min, Vacuum mattress again, spray again wait till evaporated.  I would NOT use any bug spray on the mattress, it could soak in and you would inhale it.

Edited by brianthainess
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18 minutes ago, millymoopoo said:

Probably more of a shock than a prolonged problem, if the appropriate remedy is taken.

Happened to us in a Chiang mai hotel once.

Just spray the mattress/bedding with flyspray/mortien/aerogard etc.

And your bedclothes if you wear them.

Dealing with bedbugs is not so traumatic as scabies as they don't live on you, they prefer the seams and corners in the mattress material, so that's the area that needs targeting.!

Usually that's all that is required to get rid of them, but if infections persist, then up the treatment to things like boiling bedding/clothes.

You can see them if you look through a magnifying glass.

You have misquoted....I did not say this...please correct

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On 10/4/2021 at 8:04 AM, HappyGoLuckyLife said:

If they are bedbugs, spray everything down with isopropyl alcohol. It kills them and the eggs you won't be able to see. Spray the hell out of your bed, and anything fabric. Wash your clothes and if you can find a dryer and throw them in there and dry em like there's no tomorrow.

Agreed, strip the bed down to the mattress, spray the mattress both sides, the curtains, the rugs, basally anything that will allow a bug to reside.

The bedding for what it's worth I would dispose of [you could boil/wash it all] but get rid of the pillows and buy new ones.

The other thing is think how or where these little blighters are coming from.


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19 minutes ago, tonray said:

You have misquoted....I did not say this...please correct

Actually you quoted that phrase and then it was quoted by above member and tagged to you by the <deleted> forum software.  I know - it sucks.  Been there - done that - and was not easy correcting.  If you quote content of a quote forum software labels it as from poster - not the obvious quoted poster.  

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If you don't have a clothes dryer with a super-hot setting (and/or a washer without a hot setting) when you take the clothes out of the washer, put them in a black plastic trash bag while wet, seal it tight, and toss it on the roof.  A couple days of sun exposure will steam the hell out of them and kill any bugs. 

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1 hour ago, yankyoakum said:

Cedar oil few drops on mattress also help keep critters away. I put on mattress then put mattress cover on. Seems all bugs hate the smell of cedar. Bought the essential cedar oil at Lazada..Have also sprayed it on hotel beds in some dodgy places.. We keep small bottle in the emergency first aid kit along with Dettol. 

I hate the smell of "cheddar" too.

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Your blurry picture does not help much in the identification of this insect.  That said, as I understand it bed bugs are very small and best seen with a magnifying glass.  And your comment on blood sucking and no trail of bite marks might indicate they are ticks.  Are they big enough to see with the naked eye?  Thailand does seem to have a 'tick season' when they can be everywhere especially if you have pets that roam outside and inside your house.  No expert on eradication of these but some of the suggestions given may work.  It may also be time to call in the professionals.  I often see trucks here that advertise internationally known bug killing companies.  Might be worth looking for one of these.  

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    It looks like a bed bug, cannot be sure. I have a friend in the states who does pest control. I used him for bedbug treatment in my condo I owned there.  This was due to other owners having issues with bedbugs in my specific building.  And one homeowner tried to treat it himself. He was unsuccessful. I will tell you what he told me.

    The bugs are very tiny. But will increase in size after their "blood meal"  Some people who have bedbugs get bitten, but do not react to the bites.  If it is a multi family residence, it is difficult to say where they originated from.  

    I dont know what type of home you live in.  If it is a single family home it is easier to treat. If it is a condo or apartment, the adjoining units would need to be inspected and treated as a precaution. 


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Google "mattress cleaning (insert your city)", they clean the mattress. You'll need to clean around your bedroom (floors, furniture, etc.)


Mattress sanitizing is related to removing dust mites and other harmful living micro organism in the mattress. This kind of cleaning is not visible to the human eyes. Prior to any mattress sanitizing, it is also strongly recommended to deep clean the room and particularly the mattress surroundings to avoid further recontamination.

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