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Can Thailand beat Malaysia and Singapore in the race to lure wealthy foreigners?


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Why is the government so intent on making LOS into a “high end” tourist trap?

IMHO the entire allure of Thailand is the “funkiness” of the street ma and pa venders, night bars, and untamed aspect of the country.

The high rollers will snatch up a condo or two, but will probably spend most of their time in places like Caans, Hawaii, etc where the air and water are unpolluted and high end restaurants abound with the snobbish rich and famous for them to mingle (cliche) with.

Just open the country…and I don’t mean only the border which they are focused on, but the NIGHTLIFE. Once they open up the nightlife and Resturants again the dollars will flow in.


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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

Some people became wealthy by winning the lottery, or inheriting their wealth, most became wealthy by being smart. They are not distracted  by smoke and mirrors. 

If Thailand wants to attract those they need to come up with solid plans that offer long term solutions.

 It might attract some of the ones who got their money from reasons other than being smart, but those  will not be wealthy for long anyway, because you know what they say about fools and their money.

Of the 7 wealthy people who I knew in Thailand, they all came from wealthy backgrounds, usually had rich fathers, all good guys and good friends.

You'll often find that people who're described as "self-made" came from wealthy backgrounds, they were born rich.

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Singapore Tech.Pass visa is simply not an equivalence to Thailand and Malaysia visa scheme. Tech.Pass is given to foreign technology experts looking for tech-based employment and startups in Singapore. The bar is very high for financial eligibility like the need to earned at least $20,000 USD per month in the last year and cumulative experience in either a leading tech role in a $500 USD million company or as a developer for a tech product or service with $100 million USD annual revenue or 100,000 active monthly users. Singapore should not be in this comparison. 

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6 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Of the 7 wealthy people who I knew in Thailand, they all came from wealthy backgrounds, usually had rich fathers, all good guys and good friends.

Which makes my point since  none of the wealthy  people you knew had to work hard for their wealth. 

Easy come, easy go LOL

The used the axiom " It is easy to make a million, just start with two"????

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15 minutes ago, robsamui said:

But, sometime in the mid 2000s, everything changed. An unpleasant arrogance crept into the 'management' of foreigners, an attitude that farangs needed to be kept in their place.

The 'Khong Raan Chin' Hakka Chinese Thaksin.

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16 minutes ago, robsamui said:

former laid-back interaction between immigration staff and foreigners.

It was friendly, My tourist extension at Suan Phlu seemed to be taking a long time so I went up to the window and got a good natured "go and sit down, I'll be finished in a minute". Now they seem selected for their austere personalities (although in fairness they do the job efficiently and friendliness is not actually necessary for that).

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

As for Malaysia ......... can't imagine any non-Muslim wanting to live there by choice.

Not even the 19.8 percent Buddhism; 9.2 percent Christianity; 6.3 percent Hinduism; and 3.4 percent traditional Chinese religions.

Penang was ok when I was there.

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I went there once for a couple of weeks ........ never felt the urge to go again.

I went to London and stayed there for 6 months during the winter... after seeing how the UKVI and the DWP treats people... never felt the urge to go again.

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The Question is Thailand, not Bangkok! Overall, Thailand offers all comers far more than either Singapore (a city state) or Malaysia; there’s NO comparison. I lived in Singapore for four years, and have lived in Thailand for 30+ years.


I enjoyed Singapore immensely, when I was working. Getting around Bangkok when I was working was a nightmare and I didn’t enjoy it in the least. In retirement, with no deadlines and time to travel and enjoy all that the kingdom has to offer; it’s no contest. 


Thailand wins hands down, if only intimidating bureaucracy of the Thai Immigration Department would be simplified and foreigners made to feel “Welcome!”  The arrogance of the xenophobic ruling class is the reason why the process of applying for and maintaining a visa here is so stressful. “Their greed is only exceeded by their vanity.”

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If I had the money - and didn't fancy Thai girls too much...????, which however also could be arranged if I had enough money - I might consider Singapore as an option, especially due to it well organized society and infrastructure...????


However, if I had that much money so I'm real wealthy, I would actually have a lot of choices all around the World, and if I begin to make pro-et-con lists, I'm not sure if I would settle in Thailand, but I could pass by now on then and enjoy a shorter stay in a 5-star luxury hotel - plus one night in Bangkok...:thumbsup: - on my way to another luxury resort. Dreaming is sometimes a glorious thing...:happy:


Down to earth I would think that Thailand more likely could gain one million retirees and global residents in the more modest range - i.e. those retirees that can afford 800,000 baht deposit, and invest in a home, condo or house with land from around 3 million baht to perhaps 30 million baht, under not too difficult conditions - and especially on-line workers, hereunder digital nomads, if they don't aim too high about proof of education and income level, those people might also invest in a home. That would mainly be people with enough money, but who wish a little better lifestyle than they could buy for same money at home, perhaps including some tax benefits, i.e. kind of economically migrants...????


The better off, including financially loaded playboys and like - and that is folks below, or far below, wealthy-level - already have the Elite Card options, which indeed is within range if you belongs in that financial level. There are some 10,000 of them now, but not easy to imagine them increase 100-fold in five years, even with some little extra benefits...????

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8 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

Malaysia recently sabotaged their retirement program.


Only the very wealthy that are not working, living off investments can live in Singapore due to visa restrictions. I wasn't aware Singapore even had a retirement program not linked to wealth and prior employment.


Thailand just doesn't get it.


1. People earning salary this large usually need to be managing something locally.


2. People making huge amounts of money from trading (assuming that even lasts) are not paid monthly as immigration absolutely demands to the day! They are paid quarterly, annually possible 3 5 10 years out on investments. Thailand wouldn't even know this bc it has such little high finance.


3. I don't think Hua Hin, Chaing Mai or Bangkok especially post covid are at all appealing to high rollers. That leaves scammy Phuket and Samui. Pattaya could remake itself but it will also need to change it's name.


4. Banks insure less than 1m thb but you want some smart guy to deposit 100m lol.


5. Can't own land only an overpriced box in the sky. Leases are not only worth little the longer the lease the more tempting it will for landlords to break them and raise rents.


6. There is little nice coastal property unlike the US.


8. How about no tax? It's not as though the wealthy here pay taxes.


9. Healthcare is far more expensive in Thailand for those from western countries on pensions. In US medicare picks up much if not all many hospital bills.


11. Covid jail. Get asymptomatic covid - go to hospital jail.


12. Until Thailand drops all formalities the human right to frrely travel is greatly chilled. Or...just stay in US. Of course, if you're Chinese you'll feel right at home.


13. It's hot. While it might beat out China, northern England for weather most days if the year there are plenty of great places it doesn't.


14. Owning toys is a hassle. Storing them, registering them and selling them. Boats are a huge hassle.


15. The instability of a feckless, authorization government. You'd think military a government would bring stability. It hasn't nor will it.


16. Like Myanmar I think wealthy people need to respond to the question of whether bringing in assets aids and abeits - is it good for the people?


17. Cheapness is vanishing fast - not do wealthy people care something this Y price not X. They look for value, experience.


18. Back to medical. It's very difficult to find a good dentist in Bangkok they are all thieves. We all know the legally sanctioned three tiered pricing system. Finally, it's not that great. Most dentist and doctors are not to western standard.


19. Taxes on imported goods. Car, watches, wine, scotch, any imported foodstuffs. Ridiculous.


20. immigration, DLT hassles. All the cards, forms, broken online registrations, Treated as a criminal. Every changing requirements. No, they wouldn't just get an agent and invariably will be forced to report multiple times during the year for some cranky middle aged goon.


22. Imagine when cops tell the multi millionaire he can't tend his own garden, work on his vintage car or wash his boat.


23. The roads are the most dangerous in the world.


24. The cops are not honest. While I've only been hassled once in 30 years we all know the stories. This is quite common.


25. Quality of life here will only decline. This is brought on faster and harder by the authoritarian government, the cronyism, corruption. I have said for years Thailand is headed towards becoming the Philippines not Singapore. It is not a prosperous place nor will it be in coming decades. It's no longer a happy place either.


26. What's the draw? What EXACTLY is the government selling?? I mean really...


27. Back to land. Can't own it despite not being able to take it out if the country. Even if law written into Royal Gazette we know the reality and trustworthiness of Thailand. It will be recinded.


28. Back to visas. Of course no citizenship or even PR mentioned. We all know a ten year visa is just a one year visa which will function like any other O extension. This is absolutely nothing.


29. Get married? Better not. Money you make abroad which has nothing to do with the new wife is half hers despite not even having a visa to visit the country.


30. Destruction of environment. Trash is everywhere and on every shore. Plastic. No hope for this one.


Bonus: Endless corruption. Remember the old b500 departure tax that wasn't part of the airport fees? It was incorporated into the ticket. Now, we have another and the balls here is that no one knows what it's for. Ironically, for tourism. My point, this stuff is endless.


Bonus: The government is just <deleted> and will be so forever. It's one thing if you're running from an even worse despotism or corrupt nation. But if not...why be in the middle of this nonsense?


Maybe the government should ask those already here - would any expat currently here given 100m stay? Then they can abandon this silly project, go to Thong Lor and enjoy themselves.

The financial points on the list don't covers wealthy people, but us more normal folks, where money is something we talks about, because you don't have enough - don't forget that wealthy people don't talk about money that's something they have enough of...????

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I doubt any rich foreigner will park so much money in Thailand just to get a long term visa, especially with the pathetic interest rates and poor economy.


It is so much easier just to a visa run. Some tourists even live more than 6 months per year doing visa run.

Edited by EricTh
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Just now, EricTh said:

I doubt any rich foreigner will park so much money in Thailand just to get a long term visa.


It is so much easier just to a visa run. Some tourists even live more than 6 months per year doing visa run.

The thing about parking money in Thailand is if for whatever reason you leave Thailand and can't get back in, transferring the money out is nigh impossible (others who know different by all means chime in).

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8 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

Malaysia recently sabotaged their retirement program.


Only the very wealthy that are not working, living off investments can live in Singapore due to visa restrictions. I wasn't aware Singapore even had a retirement program not linked to wealth and prior employment.


Thailand just doesn't get it.


1. People earning salary this large usually need to be managing something locally.


2. People making huge amounts of money from trading (assuming that even lasts) are not paid monthly as immigration absolutely demands to the day! They are paid quarterly, annually possible 3 5 10 years out on investments. Thailand wouldn't even know this bc it has such little high finance.


3. I don't think Hua Hin, Chaing Mai or Bangkok especially post covid are at all appealing to high rollers. That leaves scammy Phuket and Samui. Pattaya could remake itself but it will also need to change it's name.


4. Banks insure less than 1m thb but you want some smart guy to deposit 100m lol.


5. Can't own land only an overpriced box in the sky. Leases are not only worth little the longer the lease the more tempting it will for landlords to break them and raise rents.


6. There is little nice coastal property unlike the US.


8. How about no tax? It's not as though the wealthy here pay taxes.


9. Healthcare is far more expensive in Thailand for those from western countries on pensions. In US medicare picks up much if not all many hospital bills.


11. Covid jail. Get asymptomatic covid - go to hospital jail.


12. Until Thailand drops all formalities the human right to frrely travel is greatly chilled. Or...just stay in US. Of course, if you're Chinese you'll feel right at home.


13. It's hot. While it might beat out China, northern England for weather most days if the year there are plenty of great places it doesn't.


14. Owning toys is a hassle. Storing them, registering them and selling them. Boats are a huge hassle.


15. The instability of a feckless, authorization government. You'd think military a government would bring stability. It hasn't nor will it.


16. Like Myanmar I think wealthy people need to respond to the question of whether bringing in assets aids and abeits - is it good for the people?


17. Cheapness is vanishing fast - not do wealthy people care something this Y price not X. They look for value, experience.


18. Back to medical. It's very difficult to find a good dentist in Bangkok they are all thieves. We all know the legally sanctioned three tiered pricing system. Finally, it's not that great. Most dentist and doctors are not to western standard.


19. Taxes on imported goods. Car, watches, wine, scotch, any imported foodstuffs. Ridiculous.


20. immigration, DLT hassles. All the cards, forms, broken online registrations, Treated as a criminal. Every changing requirements. No, they wouldn't just get an agent and invariably will be forced to report multiple times during the year for some cranky middle aged goon.


22. Imagine when cops tell the multi millionaire he can't tend his own garden, work on his vintage car or wash his boat.


23. The roads are the most dangerous in the world.


24. The cops are not honest. While I've only been hassled once in 30 years we all know the stories. This is quite common.


25. Quality of life here will only decline. This is brought on faster and harder by the authoritarian government, the cronyism, corruption. I have said for years Thailand is headed towards becoming the Philippines not Singapore. It is not a prosperous place nor will it be in coming decades. It's no longer a happy place either.


26. What's the draw? What EXACTLY is the government selling?? I mean really...


27. Back to land. Can't own it despite not being able to take it out if the country. Even if law written into Royal Gazette we know the reality and trustworthiness of Thailand. It will be recinded.


28. Back to visas. Of course no citizenship or even PR mentioned. We all know a ten year visa is just a one year visa which will function like any other O extension. This is absolutely nothing.


29. Get married? Better not. Money you make abroad which has nothing to do with the new wife is half hers despite not even having a visa to visit the country.


30. Destruction of environment. Trash is everywhere and on every shore. Plastic. No hope for this one.


Bonus: Endless corruption. Remember the old b500 departure tax that wasn't part of the airport fees? It was incorporated into the ticket. Now, we have another and the balls here is that no one knows what it's for. Ironically, for tourism. My point, this stuff is endless.


Bonus: The government is just <deleted> and will be so forever. It's one thing if you're running from an even worse despotism or corrupt nation. But if not...why be in the middle of this nonsense?


Maybe the government should ask those already here - would any expat currently here given 100m stay? Then they can abandon this silly project, go to Thong Lor and enjoy themselves.


31. We need an expensive Covid test just to do a small operation.


(I wanted to do a minor cyst operation on the hand, but they wanted a Covid negative test which cost more than the operation itself)

Edited by EricTh
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I think they should ask themselves the question, "Why do the majority of people come here"

(A) The culture 

(B) The museums 

(C) The abundance of historical buildings

(D) The Disney type theme parks

(E) The wild life

(F) The temples

(G) Award winning restaurants, 

(H) Value for money 5 star hotels or

(I) The night life?

Survey the question and answers and pile a skip load of cash into the one that comes out on top.

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2 minutes ago, mokwit said:

The thing about parking money in Thailand is if for whatever reason you leave Thailand and can't get back in, transferring the money out is nigh impossible (others who know different by all means chime in).

You can via online transfer but it is monopolized by a single company called Deemoney.


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They have been ranting about the wealthy tourists for years now. Not gonna happen. A dozen good reasons for that. They say they want rich tourists. What sacrifices are the ministers willing to make, to get them? Rich tourists like to spend money when they travel. And they cannot do that here, as they do not like getting taken for a ride. Most wealthy people are smart with their money. Thailand could be making a fortune on a 25% luxury tax. Instead of the 100% or more, which discourages most people from buying. How many people do you see in the luxury stores here? They are almost always completely empty. Inane. Beyond inane.

Some regressive nimwits do not understand basic economics. By reducing taxes you stimulate the economy. In addition, if Thailand reduces its punitive wine taxes and luxury taxes, they might be able to attract more of those rich tourists they keep droning on and on and on about. The rich are smart with their money. And not only do they enjoy a nice bottle of wine with dinner, their wives also love to spend alot of money on luxury goods while they vacation. Impossible here. Who would buy a Prada handbag for $11,700 here, when you can get it for $4,800 in most world capitals? Same goes for wine. Who would spend $700 for a bottle of wine they could get for $125 at home.

It is referred to as self sabotage, or idiotic policy. An extreme lack of creativity forces retrograde politicians to become overly dependent on import taxes. Dumb and dumber. 

Are they addressing critical issues, like the air and water quality, traffic safety, public transportation on the southern islands, rapid rail transport, and the lack of law enforcement? No. Nothing, and I mean less than zero is being done.


So, as a result of this gross negligence, they are only able to attract primarily lower to middle income Indian, Malaysian and Chinese tourists. 86% of tourism in 2019. The Western tourists have abandoned Thailand for the most part. A fraction of the number that used to come here, return.

Quantity over quality is never a good thing, unless you are selling one dollar items at a swap meet. It just lowers the quality of the experience for all.

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10 hours ago, mokwit said:

Visa is for five years because they just want their money to help Thailand recover from the pandemic and then they would like them to leave.



There is a veneration of wealth so probably not

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10 hours ago, The Cipher said:

It depends on what 'wealthy' means. Can Thailand outcompete Singapore for UHNW individuals? Unlikely. Can it outcompete Singapore for folks in the $1-10M asset range? It's possible but will depend on intelligently crafted policy.


Should easily outcompete Malaysia at all $1M+ wealth levels.

I can't see seriously rich people coming to live in LOS. It's just too dirty and decrepit. They might if they give a better deal re immigration and such than other countries in the region though. Depends on immigration changing it's "making it up as they go" policies, IMO.

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1 hour ago, LoudHailer said:

Thailand wins hands down, if only intimidating bureaucracy of the Thai Immigration Department would be simplified and foreigners made to feel “Welcome!”  The arrogance of the xenophobic ruling class is the reason why the process of applying for and maintaining a visa here is so stressful. “Their greed is only exceeded by their vanity.”

Indeed, that is the million $ question. Personally, I can't see them changing for the better.

Even if they made it easier for the rich, I can't see them making it easier for expats like myself.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

22. Imagine when cops tell the multi millionaire he can't tend his own garden, work on his vintage car or wash his boat.

IMO not true.

I could do all that and more and never got hassled for it.

I was even out digging ditches during a flood while the local officials were there, and after a storm I'd be out with the locals cleaning up. Did plumbing, electrical work, and repaired the roof in public view with no problems.

If what you claim was true, no farang would be buying DIY tools at HomePro.

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Talk is cheap, too many obstacles to entering Thailand, too many restrictions when here, unstable leadership that chops and changes in a whim and finally, wealthy people are not stupid, they go somewhere where they feel safe and not ripped off, sorry Thailand you are way down the list of attractive countries to visit????

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