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CCSA operations director say detailed announcements on Thailand’s reopening plan to vaccinated foreign tourists without quarantine will come this week


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7 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

There is much more chance of an infection from the taxi driver at the airport....10,000+ cases each day...that's the cases reported only and 100 deaths each day......

Travellers to Thailand will need to walk around in a bubble, 'cos it's easy to see where the danger really is...and it ain't the travellers!

If the Travellers to Thailand are vaccinated why would they "need to walk around in a bubble?"  Surely that's why they got vaccinated in the first place, to either prevent Covid or at least lessen the effects if exposed to it.

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17 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i was shocked to reveal recently that my vaccined status is ABOUT TO BE EXPIRED SOON !!!

i am 2x pfizer, and it says on my paper VALID UNTIL 1NOVEMBER...now what? will

i be able to return to thailand if i leave soon? and how many more vaccines i will have to take

just to keep my status ?? what a mess !!!

Sounds like the bar code which changes every month i think, but not sure.

No worries at all for you as automatically renews.

*sorry just realised you said 'paper'...i'll pass this on to others in this case!!!

Edited by Ty Hareways
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15 hours ago, it is what it is said:


surely everyone needs to have the app, not just tourists, otherwise how would they know who an infected person has come into contact with?

Could be a nightmare if you arrive on a flight from London with say 200 people onboard and just 1 is proved to be 'positive'...wonder if the other 199 will be rounded up and shipped to hospitals.

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1 hour ago, Ty Hareways said:

Covid test on arrival has killed it for me and three pals i'm afraid...expect it will be the same for thousands of others????

Yes, even if it were just a vaccine confirmation before flying..there is still the fear factor in travelling overseas for most people...me included - and younger with no underlying issues...so how about older guys with health issues are they taking a pause on snowbirding till more effective covid treatments surface...(oral pills that nail covid developing in first 24 hours etc.)


If Thailand had not backed up their currency reserves with gold etc...I'd guess good old days of 75 baht to the pound right now...may come yet...I think it might be a sudden cliff-face slide on Thai currency...best thing for them..makes tourism cheaper in near future.

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Well stated Richard Coleman, I whole heartedly concur,

"Flash my vaccinations at the airport and get on the plan and I'll come November first week". 

Also if the Thai Minister of the MFA were to conduct an audit of the efficiency of their overseas embassies we might see better responses from some of them.


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2 hours ago, Ty Hareways said:

Could be a nightmare if you arrive on a flight from London with say 200 people onboard and just 1 is proved to be 'positive'...wonder if the other 199 will be rounded up and shipped to hospitals.

Time to fly first class in your own suite like many of us do. limiting your exposure while in the air.  Of course that does little for de-boarding and standing in lines getting through immigration ques in other countries or even here in Thailand, so I digress.  Lets hope that some common sense plays out with the rules and restrictions they will be bringing out in a few days.  Based upon what was initially laid out by the PM and then the 1 day PCR quarantine upon entering the country I scheduled a 4 week trip back to the US with a return here for after the first of the year. It is not that I do not want to quarantine for 2 weeks upon returning here its the principle of the matter and I do not want the extra expenditure when I live 500meters from an ASQ, I just want to return to my home without playing the games this government has created.

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2 hours ago, Ty Hareways said:

Sounds like the bar code which changes every month i think, but not sure.

No worries at all for you as automatically renews.

*sorry just realised you said 'paper'...i'll pass this on to others in this case!!!

by paper i mean the printed certificate...anyway it seems like this is an interpertation

of my country, while thailand might see the 2x pfizer as valid for ever...but who knows?

by the way, in my country they decided that only 3x pfizer will be defined now as vaccinated...

while thailand and many other countries will accept only 2x....a mess...i do not want

to be refused entry in any airport this days and time.

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2 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

by paper i mean the printed certificate...anyway it seems like this is an interpertation

of my country, while thailand might see the 2x pfizer as valid for ever...but who knows?

by the way, in my country they decided that only 3x pfizer will be defined now as vaccinated...

while thailand and many other countries will accept only 2x....a mess...i do not want

to be refused entry in any airport this days and time.

I think it would depend on when your jabs were given and if you were in the time frame after the second jab before a booster was needed.  Flying to the US and then returning here before my 6th month after my second AZ vaccine should not be an issue, as the US has effective next month also lifted the travel restrictions put in place as long as you have been fully vaccinated and then test negative before boarding your flight.  I would think that Thailand would get on board like the other countries have done.  From what I am seeing 2/3rds of the US is vaccinated with at least one jab.

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Lets hope for the sake of business owners, employees and the people of Thailand these guys for once in this Covid mess get it right, PM says no quarantine then says 1 night etc etc! does he not realise what he is saying and this is absolutely typical of Thai officials. They continually contradict themselves day in and day out which sends the wrong message to people interested in coming to Thailand and makes them look totally inadequate & incompetent.  

So Mr PM no more quarantine does not mean 1 day so if that's what its going to be then say that right from the start then tourist won't get confused, frustrated and look elsewhere, this is constructive critisism for the benefit of the country and not some stupid farang having a go at you.

Then you have Anutin chipping in and saying oh but if the numbers go up we may have to close again, why say this if you really want people to come and if the <deleted> really hits the fan then deal with it at the time instead of negatively predicting what is a possibility. We already know this and so does the rest of world so get positive, make affirmative sensible statements so Thailand can get back to some sort or normality. Take a look at Sweden, Singapore etc etc

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11 hours ago, johnarth said:

I am truly amazed why if you have two jabs you are allowed to rome around  Thailand there is no difference between a 2 jaber and a no jaber they are equal as far as spreading covid 19 is concerned is the bull so thick that people cannot understand that ? 

Well firstly your initial statement is in all probability false , there is growing evidence that the double vaccinated pose considerably less risk of transmitting covid.

Secondly it is universally recognised that high levels of vaccination are the best defence against the virus , consequently the double jabbed will always be favoured in all sorts of ways.

Put bluntly anti vaxers will be discriminated against , best they suck it up because the situation wont change anytime soon.

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An announcement this week to define these terms:

-Fully vaccinated - means double jab, approved vaccine, verifiable

-covid test - type, timing, result

-quarantine - definition of "none" does not include 1, it means 0 nights

-insurance - none should be required as no-one doubly-vaccinated gets hospitalised unless they have another desease

COE - not required as paperwork is verified by Immigration at airport... entry is on visa and return flight and tracking app, PCR is recorded online at airport, there's no quarantine, no insurance

Big thing to clarify is how do you tether the "tourists" to their sandboxes / presumably there are no sandboxes as once past Immigration you can go where you want.


"Thailand is open" means the only change from pre-covid is the requirement for a PCR test within 72 hours of entry,  negative test result ; a vaccine "passport" ; the tracker app.

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23 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i was shocked to reveal recently that my vaccined status is ABOUT TO BE EXPIRED SOON !!!

i am 2x pfizer, and it says on my paper VALID UNTIL 1NOVEMBER...now what? will

i be able to return to thailand if i leave soon? and how many more vaccines i will have to take

just to keep my status ?? what a mess !!!

Just get your booster !!! 

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6 hours ago, freedomnow said:

Yes, even if it were just a vaccine confirmation before flying..there is still the fear factor in travelling overseas for most people...me included - and younger with no underlying issues...so how about older guys with health issues are they taking a pause on snowbirding till more effective covid treatments surface...(oral pills that nail covid developing in first 24 hours etc.)


If Thailand had not backed up their currency reserves with gold etc...I'd guess good old days of 75 baht to the pound right now...may come yet...I think it might be a sudden cliff-face slide on Thai currency...best thing for them..makes tourism cheaper in near future.

Fear Factor?

Well as an older guy, yes, I'm taking a pause on snowbirding....but ONLY because of the ****ing STUPID rules to get into Thailand. If all the rules were relaxed and if I could TRUST Thailand not to reimpose them, I'd be booking now.


Why? I've been vaccinated so am no more worried about Covid than I am about other things against which I've been vaccinated.

Otherwise, what was the point of getting vaccinated, may I ask?

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1 hour ago, VBF said:

Fear Factor?

Well as an older guy, yes, I'm taking a pause on snowbirding....but ONLY because of the ****ing STUPID rules to get into Thailand. If all the rules were relaxed and if I could TRUST Thailand not to reimpose them, I'd be booking now.


Why? I've been vaccinated so am no more worried about Covid than I am about other things against which I've been vaccinated.

Otherwise, what was the point of getting vaccinated, may I ask?

How about new variants that vaccines are not effective against ?

Nothing is clear-cut yet on this virus and how it is panning out.

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On 10/18/2021 at 5:17 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

even if they open all now to everybody, with no requirements at all, nobody will come.

might be surprising to them, but regular tourists do not think now "oh gosh, when will i be able to return to thailand at last ???"

Plenty hollow heads from "low risk" UK will come. They can't wait apparently from what I see on social media. Pandemic has ended for them with 50thou new infections and 200+ deaths.

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On 10/18/2021 at 2:26 PM, TooMuchTime said:

By the time 70% approaches it will then go back down to our favorite BOOSTERS!!


Repeat this cycle of boosters being needed and you will never reach 70%.  Endless profits and kickbacks for people that govern your lives though. 


Israel showed this method of making money works.

sadly, I think the possibility of booster mandates or yearly vaccinations is possible and likely in some places. Once companies spend money on something and start making huge profits on it, they have lobbyists beyond what many would believe.  


  I recently got the JJ vaccine here in Florida in the USA.  I did not have to show my insurance card.  I paid nothing.  Now who paid for that vaccine?  Does the pharmacy submit a bill to Johnson and Johnson or to the Government?  What branch of government?  Few things in life are free


Only time will tell what COVID stuff will be required in the future.   Yearly flu vaccinations are mandatory for many health work places, hospital workers, many nursing homes, etc.

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That opening photo of the inside of the airport and all the nothing going on.  Still surreal and almost unbelievable to see.  My last visit there was in July 2019 and the place was packed.  chinese hoard flag bearers, etc.  Heck, remember when there really was a low season in Pattaya?  Places open, but no traffic jams or crowds.  It was nice and just a calming time before High season

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For Scott F, the expiry date was what was on the vial of COVID vaccine, not how long you are

good for before your immunity is gone.  Read your form it shows the lot number of the vial, then its expiry date of when it has to be

injected into someone,  or, it has to be tossed out.  Clear enough?


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13 hours ago, freedomnow said:

How about new variants that vaccines are not effective against ?

Nothing is clear-cut yet on this virus and how it is panning out.

So one lives in fear of what might happen....or gets on with life in the hope it won't?

My glass is half-full mate plus I'm getting older!

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13 hours ago, Letseng said:

Plenty hollow heads from "low risk" UK will come. They can't wait apparently from what I see on social media. Pandemic has ended for them with 50thou new infections and 200+ deaths.

If we're "hollow-heads" for wanting to get on with life, indeed we will. But ONLY when Thailand's rules make it viable without paperwork and testing. And that can ONLY happen when Thais are vaccinated.. Oh and as for "50thou new infections"...could that be because UK's testing regime actually works?

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"UPDATE (October 20th) The CCSA has not announced a final list of countries yet, and at the moment we advise to proceed with general Sandbox / AQ bookings until these new programs, and policies are finalized. As mentioned by the CCSA the existing Certificate of Entry (COE) applications will be honored in November (Thailand Pass is not yet required)."


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14 hours ago, Letseng said:

Plenty hollow heads from "low risk" UK will come. They can't wait apparently from what I see on social media. Pandemic has ended for them with 50thou new infections and 200+ deaths.

And plenty of hollow heads will post rubbish on this forum.

Head of AZ vaccine this morning was  saying the vast majority of those in hospital with covid in the UK are unvaccinated or the vulnerable elderly.

Even then they do not get as seriously ill and are discharged quickly.

Sorry to spoil your uninformed, bitter rant.

Maybe you could leave hollow head land and make an effort to actually learn some facts.

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21 hours ago, paul1804 said:

Lets hope for the sake of business owners, employees and the people of Thailand these guys for once in this Covid mess get it right, PM says no quarantine then says 1 night etc etc! does he not realise what he is saying and this is absolutely typical of Thai officials. They continually contradict themselves day in and day out which sends the wrong message to people interested in coming to Thailand and makes them look totally inadequate & incompetent.  

So Mr PM no more quarantine does not mean 1 day so if that's what its going to be then say that right from the start then tourist won't get confused, frustrated and look elsewhere, this is constructive critisism for the benefit of the country and not some stupid farang having a go at you.

Then you have Anutin chipping in and saying oh but if the numbers go up we may have to close again, why say this if you really want people to come and if the <deleted> really hits the fan then deal with it at the time instead of negatively predicting what is a possibility. We already know this and so does the rest of world so get positive, make affirmative sensible statements so Thailand can get back to some sort or normality. Take a look at Sweden, Singapore etc etc

I surely wouldn't be waging anything on the hopes that they might be getting their collective acts together anytime soon.

This is what they do. Standard operating practice for this group......regarding most everything. Domestic policies of every nature. 

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General Supot Malaniyom from the CCSA’s operations center revealed today to the press that the details of the plan to open the country to fully vaccinated tourists without mandatory quarantine, according to the Prime Minister’s policy, will be announced at a major CCSA meeting within 1-2 days from today, October 18th, 2021.


Well, it's Wednesday. That's 2 days. Will they be making an announcement later tonight?


Thanks for nothing.

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23 minutes ago, nkg said:


Well, it's Wednesday. That's 2 days. Will they be making an announcement later tonight?


Thanks for nothing.

It appears that many don't comprehend vague rhetoric terribly well.

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The translation and summary of the CCSA briefing Oct. 20 -- posted by Richard Barrow about 3 hours ago  -- says absolutely nothing new.



4. Preparations for the Country’s Reopening

– There are many key factors that are being considered by officials for the country’s reopening on 1st November, including – on the health side – the Covid-19 situation, the capacity of the public health system to control the pandemic and treat patients, and the vaccination rate in the provinces set for reopening; the local economic situation, in particular the tourism sector and related businesses, as well as; coherence with the reopening plans in other countries and compatibility of international travel regulations.

– As of now, there are two existing channels for entry that are being implemented and these channels will transition into the reopening of the country.

– First, Thai and foreign nationals who have not been fully vaccinated may enter Thailand, but will have to undergo mandatory quarantine in the Alternative Quarantine (AQ) system.

– Second, fully vaccinated Thai and foreign nationals may enter Thailand via the sandbox scheme, which currently includes four provinces and will be expanded to cover 17 provinces on 1st November.

– The upcoming new channel to launch Thailand’s reopening on 1st November is for fully vaccinated travelers from a list of countries to enter Thailand with no quarantine. Relevant agencies are now considering this list and CCSA will inform you as soon as the list has been finalized.




Then Barrow just posted a fresh Thai PBS story quoting some fancy division within Dept of Disease Control:



From November 1st, foreign tourists arriving in Thailand, without being required to enter quarantine, must meet seven conditions, according to the Bureau of Risk Communication and Health Behavior Promotion of the Disease Control Department, today (Wednesday).



Earlier someone posted something he got from a phone call to the Thai Embassy in London that says to expect something next week. LOL. 


And so much for the promise of a list of low-risk countries exempt from quarantine by Wednesday, as posted in the OP above:


General Supot Malaniyom from the CCSA’s operations center revealed today to the press that the details of the plan to open the country to fully vaccinated tourists without mandatory quarantine, according to the Prime Minister’s policy, will be announced at a major CCSA meeting within 1-2 days from today, October 18th, 2021.



Just more puzzle pieces that don't fit any coherent plan. Now, what's Lalisa up to? 


Edited by Kaoboi Bebobp
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