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Thailand looks to welcome tourists again — less than half its population is fully vaccinated


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Hello ,

wasn’t it recently like in the last month or two I had seen the government boasting about 70% or 80% of Thailand was fully vaccinated !!?? 
I’ve been saying right along Thailand’s  failing Government covid policies, Vaccination policies and testing policies , To even fathom only 50% And still !! Quality vaccines are extremely hard to come by because the government choose not to react and now Thailand is in a long global waiting line  !!  PATHETIC !! 

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

They don't like long-term visitors because we find out what the country and its leadership is really like, while those who come for two weeks go home with their rose-coloured glasses still in place. And we criticize what we see and the suits uniforms don't like that.

The first 2 weeks just fully interested in go-go and booze, afterwards awakening, starting to study the leadership diligence (where can I get a proper info?).


Then, no longer going to see the girls, looking for the chance to attend the protesting crowds...  

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3 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

If I remember rightly last year the Government said GDP for tourism was only 10% and the shortfall could be made up by promoting domestic tourism. I think 21% of GDP plus another 10% in the black economy is more likely.

Quite possible as the true numbers relying on tourism , directly or indirectly , is difficult to estimate cos most do not pay taxes and not on a payroll 

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2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

It's not only that.


Thailand isn't really hygiene orientated.

Huge markets never have soap or toilet paper in there bathrooms.


Washing hands after taking a duece isn't really a Thai thing.

Which is why I never visit them. I'll stick to the malls and the supermarkets inside them. 

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In some ways, it really doesn't matter whether someone arrives with covid19 or not, since there is already substantial community transmission. What does matter is the vaccination rate, which in Thailand is still low and slow, and means people are not protected against the severe form of the disease. Above all, it's necessary to have most over 60's double jabbed.  It's good that so many in key locations like Bangkok have been vaccinated- that will delay the surge that will inevitably occur if Thailand fully reopens.  Without an end to social distancing measures such as bars reopening unconditionally, I really can't see many Brits wanting to come.  After all, who wants to fly in to a lockdown when your country is not in one.



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3 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

I don't think they have much vaccines on order either.


30 million pfeizer vaccines won't even cover 20% of the booster shots they need now.


All this "cheap charlie"  way of ordering vaccines is biting them in the rear



....Yet they keep saying how great there doing.


Jaw dropping incompetence!

They do have lots of vaccines on order. Pfizer and Astrazenca are equally effective in the real world at preventing symptomatic infection (80%), probably even the optimal regime.  We can see this in the UK.  The most important function of vaccines is to prevent severe illness.  Sadly, they only have a limited effect on transmission and may not prevent asymptomatic infection at all.



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There is one thing I am missing in al the requirements for tourists and that is wearing a mask. In many countries already here is no need to wear a mask anymore but in Thailand you are obliged to do it.. Nowhere I have seen written that tourists has to do this too, or have I missed something? 

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And why is only half of the population vaccinated? You do not have to look too far away to see the current provincial states with their policy of vaccinating only those born and living in their province are responsible. How are unvaccinated people able to travel to their home states to get vaccinated when there is a restriction on non vaccinated people from travelling?

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3 hours ago, richthai said:

Somewhat misleading report.  As of 2 days ago (28 Oct) 42% of the entire population is fully vaccinated and 17% have 1 vaccination.  One month ago these figures were 30% and 17%.  Each day, +1% of the population is being vaccinated putting it at the top of the world for the past 2 weeks.  The rollout to 12-17 year olds is moving ahead nicely.  103M jabs have been administered thus far.  Thailand has made good progress in the last two months with plans to exceed 70% by mid December.
The opening to tourists is focused primarily on the fully vaccinated.  
Given how the tourism industry has been decimated, moving ahead carefully at this time seems good for the people of Thailand.  It's not without some risks, but many steps have been taken.

It seems you forgot something very important.

The main danger doesn't come from the (vaccinated) falangs - vaccination is  a must for them - , but from the not fully inoculated people here in Thailand, more than 50%. And the reason for the very low number of vaccinated people in Thailand, Thais and foreigners as well, lies with the military leader, who didn't like to spend the budget money for this urgent vaccination.


Another reason, the Thai leader and his bootlickers first served the interests of his "friends" in special provinces, dependimng on tourists. The remote areas got fogotten, as I can confirm here in the Mae Hong Son Province.

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in the 41.7% (as of today) fully vaccinated, how many got it from the (almost) useless sinovac and Sinopharm  vaccines? I understand that the country, due to its strong reliance on tourism, doesn't have much choice to open up. I do hope the health care system will hold out if a new wave comes up from abroad (unless they "sweep the sick and dead under the carpet"). Even in Europe where more effective vaccines have been given to at least 70% of the population, cases are far from over and hospitals are getting "a bit stretched out" in some regions. Best of luck.

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4 hours ago, NanaSomchai said:

That leaves the 26 EU countries, we're back to early 2000's era.


Most of us are vaxxed (I'm not) as such we are barely recovering (apart from the British idiots, but they are a different can of worms).


The main issue is the Thais have their heads so far deep in the sand, they are not seeing the bigger picture; we, Europeans just went through a full year and half of mixed quarantine period, economic losses & turndowns and such, in which millions of jobs have been destroyed, we're low on cash and holidays (specially to Thailand) cost money.


We, European citizens are barely starting to recover from this economic recession, lots of unpaid bills left to pay (besides the cost of electricity/power/gas just went through the roof) yet the Thais expect us to pull the funds to travel to the Kingdom for leisure reasons?


Where are we supposed to get the money from? From our buttocks?


Not happening for another year. At the very least.


And then you eventually fly into the Kingdom, book an ASQ, SHA+, jump through all the hoops only to be met with a Kingdom being turned into a police ran totalitarian state where you must be tracked 24/7, with a ban on booze, with no bars, no girls, no nightlife and the looming risks of curfews being reinstated left and right at any whim?


No thanks. I'll pass for now!

Would that be a Thailand Pass?????



4 hours ago, richthai said:

Somewhat misleading report.  As of 2 days ago (28 Oct) 42% of the entire population is fully vaccinated and 17% have 1 vaccination.  One month ago these figures were 30% and 17%.  Each day, +1% of the population is being vaccinated putting it at the top of the world for the past 2 weeks.  The rollout to 12-17 year olds is moving ahead nicely.  103M jabs have been administered thus far.  Thailand has made good progress in the last two months with plans to exceed 70% by mid December.
The opening to tourists is focused primarily on the fully vaccinated.  
Given how the tourism industry has been decimated, moving ahead carefully at this time seems good for the people of Thailand.  It's not without some risks, but many steps have been taken.

So why not wait until the 70% goal is achieved?



3 hours ago, goatfarmer said:

70% projected by second week of December. Answer to your question can be found here:



So why not wait until the 70% goal is achieved?


I come up against this thinking in our condo. We have banned any renovations within it until Thailand as achieved its 70% (fully) vaccinated rate, and last month stated "until the end of 2021". But those who want to renovate, (who obviously wont be living here during the renovation), want to start..."because the government is opening up Thailand on 1 November". [Renovations involve teams of workmen using the service lift, floor corridors etc whilst waiting for said lift, check in at service entry etc. It impacts on the health of our cleaning and security staff,  by presenting an outside risk.] I know it's frustrating, but having sacrificed freedom for strict protocols so much for 5 or 6 months, (and more), why give it all up for an arbitrary date chosen for political reasons?

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2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

They do have lots of vaccines on order. Pfizer and Astrazenca are equally effective in the real world at preventing symptomatic infection (80%), probably even the optimal regime.  We can see this in the UK.  The most important function of vaccines is to prevent severe illness.  Sadly, they only have a limited effect on transmission and may not prevent asymptomatic infection at all.



Never enough.



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it appears the vast nos of thais who arnt fully vaxed will be at risk,the foreigners are well protected and all are virus free on entry,so.........what happens next?i believe there will not be so many people coming. hk and china wont allow their people to come,europeans ....not really .too far too much hassle,easier and closer options.moneys thin on the ground everywhere so......ex pats can return.a few others who are needing to scratch an itch.hurry up with those vaccs ,27th to the 1st well should be able to vax a few million times and that will help!6 days.after that keep it coming real fast.the restrictions will unleash internal infections which im sure the xenophobes will blame us for  but the science says it aint.we w ill be having an interesting few weeks

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