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Thailand’s nightlife venues to reopen on Jan 16, subject to assessment


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17 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I sincerely think that the many, many Thai citizens, who have already been deprived of income for over 7 months due to the closures, and are struggling to feed their families, will disagree with your view that it is "great news".

Who said selfishness is dead ?  

I think that a lot of dust has settled and certainly those in the entertainment business that I know have moved on to start small businesses or help their families or find other jobs in their home towns. Thai's can be very resourceful and while the income gap may have widened between old and new jobs, they at least have progressed from nothing to something. We all had to make changes and adapt to a new environment. For example hotel chefs have taken their skills to cook in home towns, many night life ladies are selling items in their local markets ... I even met a hotel staff from Phuket who is now working as a manager in an Italian restaurant in Isaan. The question is whether many of them will actually return to the industry that they left after reconnecting with their families and going back to their hometown roots. Tough yes, but people adapt.

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17 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I sincerely think that the many, many Thai citizens, who have already been deprived of income for over 7 months due to the closures, and are struggling to feed their families, will disagree with your view that it is "great news".

Who said selfishness is dead ?  

Yes, I agree but I think to a certain extent the problem is partly false hopes given by the authorities by saying 'next month...next etc.' and people have tried to hang on. What should have happened is that the authorities try to solve the unemployment problem by getting more involved with the people and providing help. I am not suggesting that this would be easy but isn't that what the politicians supposed to do?

There are several families around my place that are in trouble and it is indeed, sad to see so myself and a couple of other foreigners are trying to help, which in itself can be problematic (how much help is sensible, should it be individual or a fund, and are we really helping them is also debatable). But this isn't solving the problem and the government really needs to step up...but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

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1 hour ago, NanaSomchai said:

Hope no one has any real estate valuables in Pattaya because without the seedy nightlife to attract sexpats and alike, that city is a complete dead dump, thus means the real estate market bubble could finally just go "pop".


You wake up the next day, "your" houses and condos have lost 80% of their values.



At 80% discount, I might buy a pool villa.

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14 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

According to many contributors to this thread and several similar ones, most places are serving alcohol anyway. So the official government line has almost no relevance. Bars are open and serving regardless of what the law/government says. As usual in Thailand, little or no enforcement, and this time we can be grateful for it.

But I grow weary of having to keep my voice low, looking over my shoulder for a BiB visit.

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17 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I sincerely think that the many, many Thai citizens, who have already been deprived of income for over 7 months due to the closures, and are struggling to feed their families, will disagree with your view that it is "great news".

Who said selfishness is dead ?  

Totally agree with your sentiment, its very sad that people like this exist!

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18 hours ago, ukrules said:

I believe it when I see it - for now I'm filing this under "things that are not going to happen"....


They're drip feeding snippets of 'bad news' to soften the blow.

I think thats it.


They don't want to tell the people what they already know.


The pandemic is still raging and the majority of the people are vaccinated with subpar vaccines.


By January the whole country most likely be struggling under the weight of COVID-19 cases.

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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

I agree with you regarding Thais using Patts as a weekend getaway. I've visited Patts many times during the pandemic, and weekends my hotel was packed with Thai families, despite "no agogos being open".

I'm very well aware, last year we rented out our villa 14 times, 13 out of 14 times it was to semi-wealthy (very sting) and emerging class Thais from Bangkok, the remaining one was to a wealthy Indian family.


Thanks to your English proficiency, the expression I was looking for is "weekend getaway", Patts being only an 1 hour 30 minutes direct drive from Bangkok makes it the perfect getaway for Bangkokians.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Middle class Thais have their own type of whore houses, bars & clubs that they patronized. You wouldn’t see them in Nana, Cowboy or Pattaya. 

Good point. But I doubt the family of 6-8 10 patrons booking our villa over the course of the week-end would visit a whore house regardless.


But then again with the Thais, you'd never know... afterall wasn't Surachat "Big Joke" himself caught out visiting a "massage parlor" in Bangkok last year'ish?

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Thai logic on tourism is so annoying, they want the money but not the tourists lol.                                                                                                                                          

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1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

Most have become terribly weary of the restrictive and costly bureaucracy that attaches itself with residency or long term.

When I posted a few days ago in a different thread a "mini-guide" on how to maintain yourself legally in Thailand by first acquiring the Brazilian/Peruvian/Chilean/Argentinean/South Korean citizenship and whatnot in order to "ease" the 800k visa requirements, people laughed it off...


Guess who's laughing now?


1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

Cambodia and Vietnam have become the particular favourites.

Even Laos is becoming more attractive than Thailand. 

Yes and yes and yes to all three, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are becoming attractive alternatives, plus should you get married with a bird, there's a clear simplified path to citizenship after 3, 5 and 5 years respectively. Something that Thailand will NEVER offer you or me, no matter how much ca$h you have spent/invested in the Kingdom.


Xenophobic pricks, the whole Junta lot.

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Really! It has been brought up a number of times here how alcohol changes people's behaviour and is likely to increase Covid spread, far more than a plate of Som Tam or pate and toast. 

There's a restaurant near me. It was an outside thing but they've really redone it and now it's enclosed, airconditioned and quite big. Went past there last night. Jam packed. Easily 200+ people. All of course masks down. As for a plate of somtam etc this is where families and neighbours and friends all sit around sharing the meal which of course is the Asian way of doing things. You don't for a minute think alcohol isn't being consumed on these occasions do you. This is happening all over Thailand everyday.

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2 minutes ago, rocky123 said:

When you suddenly grasp, that this whole thing is not about controlling a virus, its about controlling us. The rabbit hope is very deep. 7 Billion v 1% what do you do ??

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.

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Some posts with derogatory references toward Thai women have been removed as well as the replies:


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Il y a 19 heures, Thaiwrath a dit :

Je pense sincèrement que les très nombreux citoyens thaïlandais, qui ont déjà été privés de revenus depuis plus de 7 mois en raison des fermetures, et ont du mal à nourrir leurs familles, ne seront pas d'accord avec votre opinion selon laquelle c'est une "excellente nouvelle".

Qui a dit que l'égoïsme était mort ? 

There is no worse blind man than the one who does not want to see.

This is excellent news for 90% of Thai people who no longer want foreigners in their homes, according to a survey and for Anutin who can't stand dirty tourists.

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39 minutes ago, NanaSomchai said:

THIS. 2000% THIS.


If they could come up with an elaborated scheme on how to fleece you out of your earned ca$h as soon as you set afoot at Swampy then put your farang ass on your return plane right away back home, they'd do it in a heartbeat.


That picture made me laugh. Actually, still laughing!

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