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Majority of Thai people never watch pornography and oppose legal pornography, NIDA Poll reports


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The majority of Thai people never watch pornography and do not want legal pornography as it would affect children and youth, according to a poll by the National Institute for Development Administration (NIDA).

Well if that ain't fake news I don't know what is.

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I've been amused by the survey fiction published by NIDA for years, but this one's a bit OTT. What's next? "NIDA survey finds 98% of Thai people would never charge more for Falang than Thai"? I'll put this with the "popularity of the current government" polls in terms of its accuracy.

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44 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

1,315 bases a majority. 

54% of a tiny, 2 day survey.

This indicates a very small plurality of a miniscule sample. Since with this sample size 3-5% inaccuracy must be assumed it is 50/50 yes and no.


Essentially half the questioned said no, half said yes or fine with me. But nothing is showing an accurate ‘majority’.


I’s not like 80% of 100,000 folks cross the entire country were asked to ‘privately and blindly answer’ unbiased questions and then gave a thumbs down.


if you call it “pornography” you bias the question, and to do it in a semi-public, peer surrounded, way the answers will be massively skewed.

there is sexually acts on film and there is pornographic content and they are not the same thing unless the definition is stretched. It is a concept that differs between many cultures. 

How about a quiet questionnaire not answered verbally in proximity to others asking;


Do you think access to videos of active sexuality should be legal for consenting adults?

aak that of 100,000 Thais not standing next to their wife or husband and you might get a more accurate response 

Edited by animatic
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My gf and I usually begin our playtime sessions watching some porn. It’s like the starter’s pistol, my gf’s “motor” hits the nitro button and we’re off in a matter of several minutes. Not being a patient man, I value minimizing that old fashioned foreplay process. My gf was not polled in this recent survey.


Sidebar. Porn is not for children and easily managed if all these worried parents took a few minutes to learn about the Parental Control tools provided for every internet device.

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Porn is popular around the world.


But just like when people were polled if they supported TRUMP people lie.  Imagine if you are asked if you have ever smoked marijuana people will say no.


If you ask most men they will say that they never look at porn someone has to be watching and paying for it 


I don't want my kids seeing it.


OKAY we can all agree with that BUT


that is why websites have restrictions. that is why onlyfans and sites like them cost money or you have to use a credit card.


Any thai male can watch and enjoy porn.  They can see Chinese, Korean and Japanese girls having sex or making out on YOUTUBE.


They can log on and watch women from all over the world (except Thailand) simulating sex.


Those Thai girls  (and probably some guys) that do perform are like hookers not paying any taxes.



you can walk into a bar and watch a girl blow out a birthday cake, blow darts, empty and fill cokes bottles and shoot ping pong balls using their vagina BUT porn is illegal. Imagine if they legalized it.


It makes no sense.






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I think this poll is just another fakenews in the form of weak propaganda. Do thais watch porn? In China Town vendors were busy selling DVDs -  but that was Bangkok, I have now idea how do they watch it in Buriram. Some old VHS, perhaps? 5th copy of Deepthroat?
on one hand we got this ridiculous poll yet another "Rights for LGBTQ+ folks". I see diversity and that's good. Good that there are conservatives who hold uber-horny boys and girls from filming and airing boom-boom, good there are those who tell them to mind their own business.
I think those who want to do porn they are already busy with KY.

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1 hour ago, WEBBYB808 said:

It's a culture  about face... most wouldn't  admit it.  Same as other countries.  Ask an American lady if she watches it, and she will probably say no.  But get that same Ame lady alone and put it on, and I bet she doesn't  run away.  

My western ex gave me a John Holmes VDO to watch after she had finished watching it.

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Let's do the numbers. Porn is illegal in Thailand. We know so because the scary government screen that tells us "this site is blocked." Maybe jail time for viewing Porn Hub is possible. I dunno.


Now, let's dress up like government officials and ask random Thais about their porn habits. 

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I've yet to meet a Thai of porn-watching age who doesn't watch porn, but I'm sure they must exist somewhere.


The thing is, those who do watch porn online couldn't care less about its legality. That's more an issue for those who want to produce and sell porn.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

while 45.78% said they had seen it at least once

Well, my missus was obviously not in this section polled......:whistling:

To give you an idea I mentioned how much hair appeared on the floor on an average day. When she said it was not all hers I replied, quote, "Mine is not black and twelve inches long". To which she simply replied, (while looking at her phone), "No. it isn't is it" :blush:

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For a country that doesn't watch porn a lot of them seem to accidentally type in pornhub and end up on the site.


Thailand’s finally made its long awaited debut on Pornhub’s Top Twenty Countries by Traffic’s list in 2019, rising six spots to claim seventeenth place.

That places Thailand above Russia but underneath India and the Ukraine, on the list compiled annually by Pornhub.

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