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TAT latest figures: Half a million tourists will visit Thailand this year - 2/3 day wait on "Omicron Effect"


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6 hours ago, marcusb said:

My country has tourism as well. Its gone down. I don't believe I've heard one report guesstimating the tourism numbers this year. Why do they feel the need in Thailand to takes wild guesses 3 times a week. Its embarrassing. 

The've got nothing else to do then Dream .

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Personally we will look back in six months to see that these figures are pie-in-the-sky.

Of course, six months from now TAT will be making excuses followed by massively inflated bs that will never become true in 2022 either. To quote Greta Thunberg: "Blah blah blah."



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4 minutes ago, VBF said:

Excuuuuuuuuuuse me!!! (And no...WE don't!) ????




We make an absolute statement of "the answer is xxx", then blame the input data when we are a factor of "only" 10 adrift ???? 


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4 minutes ago, Crossy said:




We make an absolute statement of "the answer is xxx", then blame the input data when we are a factor of "only" 10 adrift ???? 


Hell's Bells's - you must be a SENIOR Injuneer! 

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2 minutes ago, VBF said:

Hell's Bells's - you must be a SENIOR Injuneer! 


Even worse, a "Consultant Engineer"!!


It's in my job description that it's my fault, even if I wasn't even on the project when the descision was made.


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1 minute ago, VBF said:

Or even an "Expert"....

Definition....... Ex = Has-been; Spurt = Drip under pressure. ????


Or "x" is an unknown.


My business card says "specialist" :whistling:


Those who can - do

Those who can't - teach

Failed teachers become consultants.


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9 minutes ago, Crossy said:


Or "x" is an unknown.


My business card says "specialist" :whistling:


Those who can - do

Those who can't - teach

Failed teachers become consultants.


Failed consultants become politicians.  ????


Btw...my business card would say "retarded"....but that's 'cos I cannot spell "retired"...honest Guv.

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15 minutes ago, barney42bb said:

Tourists will be chomping at the bit... To come and pay homage to an Old Sacred Site ... Made in Thailand (Pattaya) 


Pattaya...  China has you in its plans to become Sanoukville 2.





That is one of my biggest concerns for the future, having seen how "Snooky" was ruined!

Sadly the same attitude of "take the money and run" is likely to prevail in Pattaya as did there.

It almost makes one want to believe in some grand conspiracy but in reality, I think the key word is just "greed". ????

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Maybe 500000 come or not this year. Who knows. What speaks for his assumption is that we traditionally have a Peak Season from December 15th to January 15th, around Christmas and New Year's Eve. The increasing lockdowns in Europe could also lead to additional short-term bookings. "Better on the beach in sunny Thailand than locked up at home." In the end, nobody knows.

Edited by tomacht8
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3 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Is where I got my inflatable GF from..also picked up some duct tape--its gonna be a wild night

What's your secret sauce to get the tape sticky off? Goo gone?


So if the total is 100k but only 300 k are looking at Thai pass? How does that add up to 500k?  Surely not all that look at Thai pass submit.  And some just poking around. And some looking for next year.  Why don't they have a way to sort out tourists, business, and returning to family in the system and report that.  Why has this guy been fired?

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There is absolutely no way to guess tourism numbers now, or post Covid. They are throwing darts into the wind. Men with little talent trying to guess the future. 


Whatever happens, the numbers will be low. Thailand's days as a tourist mecca are behind it now. They will have to live on scraps. None of the myriad of issues that existed long before Covid have been addressed, and the quality of tourist Thailand attracts has been declining for years. Nearly anyone in the industry will attest to that. 


Now? Few tourists will be interested in visiting a Quaker state, built on a foundation of fake purity, stripped of it's character, by fools who know nothing about anything. 

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You know, I cannot help but think that with Thailand saying tourists spend say 60,000-80,000 each, they would be better having a promotion of free travel from the airport, free test and free hotel for the first testing night. They'd still be making a minimum of 58,000 to 78,000 per tourist, and that would be far better than them NOT coming and spending NO money in the economy. Probably too advanced thinking for a General I guess. 

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The number of tourists is a very debatable subject but as has previously been said, many will not be tourists at all - people visiting to see their wives, families, business etc.  The TAT may have thought it a good idea to ask the reason for travel on the Thailand Pass application - there wasn't a place for visiting wives or family so I for example, just ticked travel.


For the future, a lot will depend on Thailand's response to the Omicron variant.  If they impose tighter restrictions, many will simply cancel.  However, it's not entirely down to what Thailand does.  My own government (UK) has started to impose restrictions and added to their Red List again.  After more than 20 months away I'm booked to arrive on 30 December but as I've no doubt many other's will, I'll be watching the situation very closely. 


As well as the worry that Thailand may close up again, I have to consider the fact that even if Thailand remains open to tourists from the UK, if the situation in Thailand itself becomes more serious, they might be put on the UK's Red List.  If I am allowed to fly and that happens whilst I'm away, I'll probably be given a couple of days notice to get myself home or face 10 days quarantine at a cost of £2285 (103,000 baht).


This situation is absolutely crazy - over the last 20 months, I and thousands of others have been prevented from visiting our families and hundreds of thousands of Thai's have been thrown out of work due to the collapse of tourism.  At first, although they were hard to live with, I supported restrictions and understood the need for them.  However, time has moved on and its clear this virus is going to be with us for a long time.  There will be countless new variants in the coming months and years. We have to learn to live with the virus.  So many of our 'leaders' have said the same but as soon as a new variant comes along, its forgotten and the travel bans/restrictions begin again.


Living with the virus means accepting that some people will be infected and sadly some will die but there is no such thing as living a 100% safe life.  You could be run over and killed simply crossing a road or struck down with food poisoning and be sick for a while. The vaccines were supposed to let us 'learn to live with the virus' - we in the UK have been told from the very start that they were not 100% effective against all features but that they would offer a good level of protection, especially against severe illness and death.  A new variant comes along and the 'learn to live with it' message seems to have been forgotten.


Yes, this variant may be more infectious, it may be more resistant to the vaccines and the government may want a little time to study Omicron's capabilities but is this going to happen every time a new variant comes along? There is no way of forecasting when a new variant will appear and it is entirely possible that one may come along whilst Omicron is being studied.  Are we to be in limbo forever?


The UK's governments answer when they are questioned about the fairness of imposing quarantine charges on people returning home is that in light of the Pandemic, you should be prepared for things to change before you make the decision to travel.  If we all start to do that, the airlines, hotels and tour companies + their support industries are doomed. Very few people are going to take the risk of being quarantined - imagine how much a family arriving back in the UK is going to have to pay?


As an example, a husband and wife with one kid aged 11+ and one aged 5-11 will have to pay £5470 (246,000 baht) for their quarantine hotel. How many families can save up that amount + the cost of their holiday before travelling?


Living with the virus?

Edited by KhaoYai
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15 hours ago, marcusb said:

Why do they feel the need in Thailand to takes wild guesses 3 times a week. Its embarrassing. 

It’s always been this way. Primarily self-aggrandising simpletons trying to justify their job and that they’re actually doing something. If they don’t put out crazy ott figures that make their department and the state look great, they will be replaced by equally off-their-rocker airhead. 

Everyone knows the figures they’re putting out are tosh. Lucky if 5% are genuine tourists. Previous rallies were also bloated. There weren’t 40m ‘tourists’ in 2019 eg. 

anything from T(w)AT just deserves ????????????

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10 hours ago, Cat Boy said:

Fully one in seven humans on earth with visit Thailand over the coming months, all of them Hi-So, none of them backpackers.

Why so conservative bruv? I think everyone will come. All 7,874,965,825 of them. And they will like it so much that they’ll return 15 times before Christmas. So 118,124,487,375, but let’s round it up to 120 billion because that’s what they’ll do. 

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