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UPDATE: Brutal attack on Thai woman investigated by NYPD


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3 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

There has been a huge rise in attacks on Asian in the USA , seen as revenge attacks for the spread of Covid

this guy robbed her. I agree that it was a hate crime, he hated not having the money for his next drink  or drug.

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12 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

They are surely doing a lot more than the Thai police would do if it was a US woman attacked in Thailand. 

Had it been an American woman in the same circumstances, among the first questions would be was she authorized to work as a model? That is, did she have a work permit, if she entered the US in order to study English? Second, who paid for her medical care. I'm sure she likely had sufficient health insurance while "studying English." But worth checking. Just to keep things fair.

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2 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

 Exactly why say racial attack.... she's a pretty girl.. she's out late in a subway station..has handbag ..phone would probably have been the same if she was a white girl robbery ..mugging doesn't have to be racists but it does sound better for the media eh 

She may have been targeted because She was Asian , or the beating may have been because She was Asian and the robbery was just a robbery and the punches were for being Asian ?

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1 minute ago, bradiston said:

A man beating up a woman. You can dish it up any which way you like. That's what it comes down to. Violence against women. It's a global problem. Denouncing it, you think is sexist.


BTW, I guess this forum is made up of 99% white males. Maybe worth bearing in mind.

Violent people is the problem , violence is the problem .

Males also get attacked by other Males and sometimes Females attack Males .

  Violence  is the problem

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

That's sad.  But no Thai should get into a moral uproar as every time I walk past the Thai TV news I end up seeing pixilated videos of Thai men and women visiting violence on other men and women of all nationalities.

Violence sucks.  But it's not something that is unknown of in The Land Of Smiles (and 10 on 1 beatings).

I don't believe any Thais actually care about who mugged the girl. 

You can't really compare the racial aspect of this crime to a similar one in Thailand. For a start, there are and will never be in my lifetime, a European Thai race, although I am one. The African American term is actually very alien to me, and a stupid term. 

One think I like about Thailand is when they  call a spade a spade, which goes against their normal indirect communication style, like in the rest of Asia.  For example, I was in hospital yesterday and even after showing a nurse my Thai ID card, she told someone that the farang over there was next. A US nurse would never say that white man over there, or that multi-coloured person(or whatever the correct PC term is nowadays) would they?




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3 hours ago, Thai Visa Member 999999 said:

Are you saying there is a 2% chance that a random individual will be a victim of violent crime? THere's no doubt that the USA is more violent than Thailand but it's almost impossible to believe your statistic unless you are taking an all-encompassing definition. And of course, the rate is different for your racial class, making your claim even more incredulous. I'm certainly open to being corrected but 2% is just an astronomical percentage. 

Well a source I was looking at was saying that..... based on per capita violent crime numbers, although over what time frame it was I forget. This is a different source suggesting similar.

Some neighborhoods are no go zones I expect.


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2 hours ago, Sig said:

The stats may say 1 in 50, but I've seen more blood spilled on the sidewalks in knifings and shootings in BKK than I ever have seen anywhere else, by far.

Although I feel confident to say your experiences and comments do not persuade me that The Skytrain in Bangkok is more dangerous than NYC Subway.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And 61% of the population are white, and 18-19% black.

According to the American Bureau of Statistics as at 2019, the census showed that white americans make up 76.3% of the population. and "Black or African American alone, percent 13.4%".


However, in New York, the % figure is shown as 26% - I thought it would have been higher.

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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

According to the American Bureau of Statistics as at 2019, the census showed that white americans make up 76.3% of the population. and "Black or African American alone, percent(a).. 13.4% ;"

I forget where my source was but I thought it was for 2020.... but that isn't the point.. Oh yeah, Wiki.

Perhaps a lot now choose to define themselves non-white to get college lecturer positions.

Edited by jacko45k
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7 minutes ago, sambum said:

According to the American Bureau of Statistics as at 2019, the census showed that white americans make up 76.3% of the population. and "Black or African American alone, percent(a).. 13.4% ;"

There must have been huge changes in one year .

In 2020


As of 2020, white Americans are the racial and ethnic majority, representing 57.8% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans (who may belong to any racial group) are the largest ethnic minority, comprising 18.7% of the population, while Black or African Americans are the largest racial minority, making up 12.1%.[7]



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5 minutes ago, sambum said:

According to the American Bureau of Statistics as at 2019, the census showed that white americans make up 76.3% of the population. and "Black or African American alone, percent(a).. 13.4% ;"

Try the US Census ... and don't handpick which 'white version' you quote.


"In the 2020 Census, 204.3 million people identified as White alone (61.6% of all people living in the U.S.). Together with the 31.1 million people who identified as  White in combination with another race group, the White alone or in combination population comprised 235.4 million people (71% of the total population)."


Larger criminal, assaults & robs smaller victim.   That's the only story here.  Race, sex, religion, sexual preference has nothing to do with it.


Moral of the story ... Don't take the subway at 4 am unarmed.

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7 hours ago, LarrySR said:

From the FBI Report

Washington, D.C.
FBI National Press Office

55.1% offenders were white, and 21.2% were Black or African American.

Now you know.



So given the percentage of African Americans in the population this would suggest that a disproportionate amount of crimes of violence  especially against Asians is carried out by blacks

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6 hours ago, poskat said:

I am going to go oit on a limb and say the guy robbed her because he wanted money, and there was no racial or sexual or any of the other reasons being discussed by all the crimminal pysychology experts on here involved in his motivation. 

If you have seen the video you can see and the girl mentioned that he grabed/felt up her crotch so that is considered a sexual assualt. Probably not his main purpose but it did occur.

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2 hours ago, Bad boy 561 said:

You must be a democrat

Well, thank you for the compliment.

The dictionary describes Liberal as: enlightened, flexible, lenient, humanistic, permissive, tolerant, rational, understanding, broad minded, intelligent, reasonable, receptive, un-bigoted, unprejudiced, progressive.


Conservative: intolerant, narrow minded, reactionary, redneck, fuddy-duddy, diehard, limited, greedy, mean, conformist, reluctant to change, inconsiderate of new ideas, opposing innovation.




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3 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Try the US Census ... and don't handpick which 'white version' you quote.


"In the 2020 Census, 204.3 million people identified as White alone (61.6% of all people living in the U.S.). Together with the 31.1 million people who identified as  White in combination with another race group, the White alone or in combination population comprised 235.4 million people (71% of the total population)."


Larger criminal, assaults & robs smaller victim.   That's the only story here.  Race, sex, religion, sexual preference has nothing to do with it.


Moral of the story ... Don't take the subway at 4 am unarmed.

The figures I quoted ARE from the U.S Census Bureau, and I am quoting their figures based on estimates as at 1 July 2019, so preach down to me, teacher!


However,  regardless of which figures you take (61.6% or 76.3%) the fact remains that the majority of Americans are white, and should you make additional investigations, (without "cherry picking" or "handpicking"), you will find that a large proportion of ALL crimes committed in  New York, are committed by blacks, although they are in the minority, percentage wise. But don't take my word for it - the figures are easily available, and I'm not your student, so check for yourself! 


(P.S. Interesting that you should imply that anybody taking the subway in NY at 4 am in the morning should be armed - IMHO, the fact that it is every American's right to bear arms is probably the reason why there is so much violent crime anyway.)

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2 hours ago, bradiston said:

So what's your contribution, apart from derisory low life slang? Knobhead? Dickwad? You ever speak up for anybody?

I know many Dickwards and Knobheads, Used to enjoy there stories, pre Covid sitting outside the local  7/11 over a few Chang's. salt of the earth guys, bet you never got and invite. !!!!!!!!!! LOL  :giggle:

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Well a source I was looking at was saying that..... based on per capita violent crime numbers, although over what time frame it was I forget. This is a different source suggesting similar.

Some neighborhoods are no go zones I expect.


Your cited article claims that only Detroit would fall in the 2% figure. The US' violent crime rate, according to the article, is ~400/100K which is approximately one-fifth of your claim. As I wrote before, two percent is just an enormous number and it's unfathomable that it could be that high since you can reason that rural areas have much lower crime rates so that cities would have to be at a 4% rate. That's a Mad Max society.

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