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Thailand again signals move away from mass-market foreign tourism with falling numbers


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The TAT has absolutely no idea about modern tourism marketing.
How about:
- CRM?
- Differentiation of target groups?
- Customer loyalty strategys?
- New customer acquisition strategys?
- Customer recovery strategys?
- Customer ABC analysis?
- Customer life cycle accounting?
- Competition analysis?
- Customer needs analysis?
- Product development strategies?
- Control and early warning systems?
- Category management?
- Key account management?
- Customer individual Marketing?
- Ansoff Strategies?
- Market potential analyzes?
- Communication and feedback evaluations?
- Customer satisfaction measurements?
- medium to long-term future visions?
- and other modern tourism marketing basics

In contrast, the TAT practiced tourism marketing from 1975.

A slogan + print ads + TV commercials + exhibition stands and a stone age homepage.

The deficits of those responsible with regard to training, specialist knowledge, methodology, analytical precision and mathematic skills are evident.


And if you then do benchmarking and compare Thailand with other tourist regions such as e.g. Greece, Spain, Turkey, Mexico or the Dominican Republic in the Covit crisis, one would fire every manager who is responsible for a decline of 99% within 20 months.

Edited by tomacht8
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2 hours ago, Dont confuse me said:

Spain actually has 'Clubs' that are brothels, in days gone by Spanish women worked in them now mostly Eastern block some South Americans, they cater for all tastes, for sure more expensive but the quality of the rooms etc is reflected is that price.

Also on offer are the 'roundabout' girls these are freelancers who I would say are all Eastern block.

You can get menu de dia (menu of the day) 3 courses with a drink and coffee from as little as €8.50 but expect to pay €10 that's less than 400 THB .

Visiting Market Village I'd spend $100 on a bag of basics in Spain for the same amount I'd do a weeks shopping for 2.

Your right about the coastline and the Med also you can get to Sierra Navada have a morning up a mountain and be back in time for dinner on the beach.

I've lived in USA a great place for recreation and food but in all honesty it has nothing (other than gun crime) that can't be found in Europe.

I like the local centres I think they are termed, each town generally has one,the locals pitch up,cheap tapas and excellent wine,hot afternoon no better place. Spanish is so easy to learn,fantastic language

Lot of Brit ex pats can no longer live permanently in Spain,selling up,but rentals are getting cheaper,no way do I want to buy

USA? those retirement complexes in FL are fantastic,nothing like it in Spain.Probably will head to Spain  if things go pear shaped here

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16 hours ago, Willy Wombat said:

And if Omicron gets a grip in Thailand and it will, they will be begging anyone with a heartbeat to visit

if only that were true.....  more likely a hard lockdown. Japan hates foreigners too, but they are more polite about it.

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16 hours ago, Willy Wombat said:

And if Omicron gets a grip in Thailand and it will, they will be begging anyone with a heartbeat to visit

With a heartbeat and two three four shots and three four five PCR tests and at least $50,000 $100,000 $300,000 in a bank account in their home country with a ream of documentation to prove they are wealthy worthy enough to visit.

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1 hour ago, fredscats said:

I like the local centres I think they are termed, each town generally has one,the locals pitch up,cheap tapas and excellent wine,hot afternoon no better place. Spanish is so easy to learn,fantastic language

Lot of Brit ex pats can no longer live permanently in Spain,selling up,but rentals are getting cheaper,no way do I want to buy

USA? those retirement complexes in FL are fantastic,nothing like it in Spain.Probably will head to Spain  if things go pear shaped here

USA was a very good deal in recession, exchange rate was favorable, problem was getting green card.

6 months USA and 6 in Thailand sounds good but after a while became a pain.

As you say Spanish easy to learn, I got my residence in 2000 managed to keep it current. The days of flipping property are long gone, ( no more black money at notary), therefore I agree renting is the way to go (it suits my circumstances, tax is a killer)

Rent a nice sea front or very close to sea,  certainly with sea view €450 a month (2 or 3 bed), long term rent 3 yrs X 2.

There is however a fly in the ointment after Brexit, new regulations regarding visa's but not a lit of difference to Thai requirements. 

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The common men and women who helped prop up our nation for so long are ignoring us now. So, we no longer want them. We want only the rich. 


Guess want? The rich have no interest in Thailand. For a dozen valid reasons. And those few wealthy ones who come, rarely ever return. See ya! 

if you actually believe that, explain why are you coming back ?


why not stay in LA or Mexico ?

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is again sending change signals to its foreign tourism market

the good news is that anyone familiar with Thailand will know that the signals are just noise, mostly there to protect personal reputations or pet projects.  whatever happens will depend on the political ecosystem, not some policy decision by a bureaucrat

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21 hours ago, Willy Wombat said:

Just pissing into the wind is TAT.


They’re in absolutely no position to be picky with who comes to their country.


And if Omicron gets a grip in Thailand and it will, they will be begging anyone with a heartbeat to visit

Yeah - makes a lot of sense 'let's kill the goose that laid the golden egg'. Nitwits change ideas according to which way the wind is blowing. So they want a better class of tourist ... to do what may I ask ??? In BKK there is one skyscraper being built after another - for what ??, whom ?? Chinese miserly tourists ??

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13 hours ago, Flink said:

Yes, the high vacancy rate is something they've learned (albeit the wrong thing to learn) from Uncle Xi. Go to any middle tier city in China and you'll see mile after mile of high-rise apartment buildings sitting totally empty and not being maintained. They have entire cities that are ghost towns because no one wants to/can aford to live there. But they keep building because the politicians and the developers are getting rich. The same will happen here. It's all very well tearing down the "seedier" parts of the cities and towns but if what you replace them with is way out of the budget range of the locals you hit the issue of how you're going to afford the maintenance of those areas. 

Rather than building bigger, brighter, far more expensive hotels, condosand apartments turn the land over for landscaping. Introduce more nature and beauty to the areas. Instead of spending a fortune teampting in developers use that money to provide better infrastructure to support what is already in place. Get to work cleaning the place up, (what millionaire tourist is going to want to walk in a gutter filled with detritus because the grass has grown too thick on the pavement to be able to use it.) 

They want a "better, welathier class of tourist" to come here, then get to work sorting out the traffic, get the police actually enforcing traffic laws (rather than breaking them themselves), getimmigration to streamiline the process for people to come here, and do away with all the ridiculous controls in place once they're here. 

Their attitude seems to be that the wealthy tourists will come here because the Thai government wants them to. It doesn't work like that boys. You have to stop buying planes and submarines and usre the money to provide something those wealthy tourists will want, and overpriced hotels and casinos aren't the answer.

As for visitors, a retiree moving to live in Thailand will spend more here, and for longer, than somemega rich tourist somake the place more attractive as a retirement destination. It will keep money flowing in all year round and thereby supporting local services continuosly, not just for a couple of months of "high season" tourist traffic. Places in South America have the wonderful beaches, friendly locals, low cost of living, and to retire there you just need a pension of $700 a month, not a bank deposit of $25,000 that you can't touch. They also offer 2 year retirement visas with a route to permanent residency after 5 years and far fewer controls on what you CAN'T do on a retirement visa. 

The placeis being run by people who struggled to create an efficent and effective military force (except against their own people) so what hope is there that they could run an entire country any better? The Thai people deserve much better than what they are currently being offered but have no hope of getting it while the current regime (both political and economic) remains in place.

You are speaking truth. But you are also making sense, and using a well developed intellect. Something the goons here do not possess, and practical considerations mean nothing to them, if money is involved. We are talking about men who possess greed above everything else.


Woe is a nation that allows such men to rule. 

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I wouldn't worry too much about this latest crazy statement. Personally, I've filed it in the same bin as their plan for trips to the moon. Given Anutin's enthusiasm for legalising cannabis, you sometimes have to wonder what they're smoking in the Thai parliament.

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On 12/18/2021 at 3:36 AM, RichardColeman said:

the dismantling of the sex industry

Interesting; Do you suppose that "sex tourists" will instead visit Amsterdam and the numerous 'civilized' sex tourist destinations?  I've wondered about "image cleanup" I suppose, but I do not know, that some government official kept track of the numbers [pre-lockdown days] of "tourists" who visited specific [comparatively small] areas of some cities in Thailand. Everyone, that I know personally, did not come to Thailand for sex tourism. This includes families, couples and individuals. I know that there must have been a brisk trade in these normal folks.   

  Except for "price" and a "beach", can you tell me the difference between Thailand and other "destinations"?  Even in authoritarian nations (you can guess which ones) the "trade" exists.  Corrupt behavior seems to be universal and simply more hidden in some nations. Just my opinion; and interested in other's observations.-

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On 12/18/2021 at 11:31 AM, thailand49 said:

I wouldn't worry too much!  These guys are just blowing smoke the reason the air is always bad in Bangkok. They can't even get vaccines how will they get high quality tourist. ????

Bit like the gazillion tourist that were meant to be coming back by the end of 2021... bahahahahaha!

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56 minutes ago, pizzachang said:


  Except for "price" and a "beach", can you tell me the difference between Thailand and other "destinations"?  

But price of girls and beach are very very big pluses . This is synergism : the combined effect is greater than the sum of the parts, 1+1=3. That is what this place had going for it that attracted all the development coming in riding piggy back. It would not be possible to replace those two attractions with a Monte Carlo. Just look at the sidewalk/infrastructure scene in Pattaya. Impossible , they can go on and on until the cows come home. But they cannot change at that level outside of some exclusive enclaves. 


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