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If a dog sinks its teeth into you, what to do?

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16 hours ago, simon43 said:


- Entice dog into your car with some tasty food

- Drive 100 Km

- Entice dog out of your car with some tasty food

- Jump back into car and return home


That's how I handled soi dogs who were aggressive to my hotel guests in Phuket (the local Burmese workers had a quicker method to deal with the dog....)


This is exactly the reason why there are so many feral dogs in this country.. unless of course if the car hit a bump while pulling away from said dump site 

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1 hour ago, misterphil said:

When we got our first Doberman she was a biter. The best way we controlled her was to grab her by the scruff of her neck and throw her on the floor and place her on her back in the submission position. We would hold her there until she relaxed, let go slowly and tell her to stay. Dogs on their backs is a very vulnerable position for them

so it didn't take very long for her to realise that we are the pack leader, not her. 

If they jump up at you poke them in the chest with firm fingers. They'll soon realise that jumping up and biting gets pain in the chest and with persistence they'll stop doing it. 

Powerful breeds of dogs need controlling from puppies before they control you. 

If it bites and lets go then just instant chastisement and reinforced training.

If a dog bites and holds on grab it's throat area , hold the windpipe and squeeze like hell, it will instantly let go.

Hold the dog and flip it on it's back and hold it down while verbally chastising it.

It will remember.

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18 hours ago, BananaBandit said:

What parts of the dog should you grab or strike in order to convince it to let go?

Why would you strike a dog? Thats not teaching it to behave, thats teaching it to be scared of you. 

Excersize and discipline is the correct way to control a dog. 

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19 hours ago, BananaBandit said:

Coming to think of it...Let's say a human bites your face and won't let go. Does the self-defense strategy differ?

Rather than starting a debate, you should be off to the hospital for rabies treatment.

The rabies virus can be carried.


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If you are married the dog may be at an age where bonding is becoming important.
Perhaps if your dog ( assuming dog means male ) is seeing your wife as the master and you, being male, are a threat.

Obviously you should have had medical treatment however severe the bites were, especially regarding infection and rabies etc.     The dog needs to be fully vaccinated at all times, inc for heart worm.

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18 hours ago, Polar Bear said:

If a dog bites your arm/leg, you push into their mouth, rather than trying to pull outwards, and it forces them to open their mouth. I've used that successfully with a 100+kg dog. If they are attacking rather than just biting and holding, grab the skin at the back of their head, so they can't shake. Hitting them, gouging their eyes, or otherwise hurting them, is more likely to make them double down and start trying to shake you rather than release you.


Covering their eyes can help make them momentarily release, if you can use a towel or t-shirt to cover their head, that works well. But it'll only give you a brief window of opportunity. 


I wouldn't put myself in a position where a dog could bite my face.

I wouldn't put myself in that position either, and I have always tried to ban having a dog or cat in the first place.  Sometimes hard to do with an American family with pet hearts.  You can just guess who had to enforce making sure that they were taken care of, but I never cleaned up any mess.  Not my animal.  Luckily my now Thai wife, no kids and near same old age, would rather not even have to pet someone else's friendly animal.

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

And also pulling their tail, twist their collar band, and if no collar band choke them. Alot of videos on youtube. Small dogs like he have, pull their tale backwards, and continue pulling to both is safe. 


Never run away from dogs, stand your ground, and do not agitate them with sticks, hands or legs which can resoult in they will bite you. If more dogs one follow the other, but if you stand your ground, they will normaly hesitate, and I have not experienced one situation so far even walking with my bully who I teached to sit when a pack of dogs arriving. The other dogs hesitate and do not know what to do my bully do not bark, do not get exited, and just walk straight up to them if I let him and they back up. 

tried that once in Pattaya stood as still as a statue  bar..steward still bit me  ill try the running away next time eh 

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19 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

No not really always go for eyes. 

Beat me to it. Stick a thumb into one or preferably both eyes and it's sure to let go. Don't try to pry its mouth open as a grown dog is sure to be too strong, plus you risk getting bitten on the hand as well.


If a dog, and can't reach eyes, give the balls a good squeeze or a blow.


Dogs are pretty immune to hitting on the body, as I well know, but a good strong stick or pipe across the back legs works a treat ( for anyone trying to help, but free to move ).


I read somewhere that grasping each foreleg and pulling apart works, but no knowledge if it actually works.


If no other recourse, block it's nostrils and hopefully it'll pass out.


Follow up with antibiotics to the human, and hopefully a death blow to the dog.

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1 hour ago, Panadadad said:

This is exactly the reason why there are so many feral dogs in this country.. unless of course if the car hit a bump while pulling away from said dump site 

OK - I'll use the Burmese solution next time...

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46 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

If you are married the dog may be at an age where bonding is becoming important.
Perhaps if your dog ( assuming dog means male ) is seeing your wife as the master and you, being male, are a threat.

Oh brother. So, once the thing develops more, you think it might try to rodger my wife?

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1 hour ago, papa al said:

Normally soi dogs are mongrels.

There is no dominant breed.

A black dog is not

'part lab'.


Street dogs are dogs that do not follow the selection of the breeds and for this reason they can be called bastards but it is only a human formality.


In reality, if Thais were to no longer give food to street dogs it would become very dangerous to meet them with a face that has forgotten who feeds them.


And a pack of dogs would not be very different from wolves even if they actually belong to the Canids which is a different original breed but the various modifications of crosses performed by men could quickly lead them to be much more aggressive towards humans.


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2 hours ago, rwill said:

perhaps you could choke one out.

When I was in my mid teens in the mid 1960's, we had two dogs that were sisters.  They seemed to hate each other.   They were fighting each other 1 - 3 times a week.  

We choked one or both of them almost every time they fought, when they would grab each other, hold on, and shake their heads.  That did not work very well to stop them from fighting.  Sometimes it was more than 5 minutes before they would release the other. 


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19 hours ago, simon43 said:


- Entice dog into your car with some tasty food

- Drive 100 Km

- Entice dog out of your car with some tasty food

- Jump back into car and return home


That's how I handled soi dogs who were aggressive to my hotel guests in Phuket (the local Burmese workers had a quicker method to deal with the dog....)


Hmmh, 100Km in Pucket? Man I hope you didn't go full circle.

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