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22 baht shy of 800k for a month

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13 minutes ago, Denim said:


And if they refuse I would ask for a bankers draft for 800,000 since I will be banking the money elsewhere in future. Say it nicely but explain you need a more customer friendly bank.

If you're so close to the 800k that you fall short by an unexpected small fee, it's not the bankers fault.

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8 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

If you're so close to the 800k that you fall short by an unexpected small fee, it's not the bankers fault.

it's not the banker's fault, but unwillingness to provide a small service is reason enough to change banks, if there is a better alternative.

Edited by tgw
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This problem is the same as people waiting for the very last day to make an extension of stay to come to the conclusion they are missing a document. A clever person doesn't have only 800K but some more as 820K on his account for in case.....

Don't give IMMI a chance to find something to refuse your request. Be more clever they are ....

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Immigration is quite strict, even if it falls below by 10 baht, they will notice it because it is 7xx,xxx


They will scan for the 8xx,xxx for the required months.


When are you going to immigration to renew? Do update us on the outcome.


Edited by EricTh
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23 minutes ago, Bluetongue said:

OK I now have a statement that shows another account with ample funds to make up the shortfall, I'll keep that in reserve

If I were you I would get immigration letters from both banks and present your application with two banks from the start!


Using multiple banks is definitely allowed.


Going under the required money definitely isn't.


What's the point of playing games and not presenting the second bank?


They will see the shortfall and they are going to demand an immigration letter anyway from the second bank.


Turns out you never were in non compliance.

Edited by Jingthing
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23 minutes ago, Bluetongue said:

OK I now have a statement that shows another account with ample funds to make up the shortfall, I'll keep that in reserve

Not sure how io will view an second account if it's with another bank. 

Personally I use 2 dedicated bank accounts with same bank. 

The bank letter refers to both accounts. It's still charged 100 for the one letter. 

Thinking that if io was happy with accounts from different banks, you would need to provide 2 letters. One from each bank.

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Had the same problem at Samui I was 165 baht 79 setangs short of 800 k for 12 hours and was refused my 1 year extension thankfully I had another Thai bank account with several 1,000 baht had to go get another letter plus statement which they accepted took me an extra 5 hours of grief now I use an agent well worth it no more hassle or travelling to the IO 

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28 minutes ago, Bluetongue said:

Well as it happens, both accounts with same bank/branch so one letter, but covering both accounts should suffice?

As posted previously, I use 2 accounts with same bank. One is FD a/c and the other standard savings a/c..

I attend bank on day of application and make a deposit into each account. This also updates accounts. I have all the photo copies of bank books and ask bank Clerk to photocopy copy last page to show activity and update on day of application.

The bank provides one letter. 

Both accounts are shown. 100baht.

Kasikorn bank.

If dealing with CW the banks are located lower level. Note SCB does not have a branch there.

You don't require bank statements. Just photocopies of pages covering previous 12 months. 


Edited by DrJack54
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On 12/23/2021 at 11:56 AM, Bluetongue said:

Yes the 800 has been there all year. I was hoping they wouldn't notice, ie the passbook update would be one of those block ones where each transaction isn't printed, however alas I didn't have enough transactions for that. No point "losing" the passbook and getting a statement as the opening balance would be 799977.5. I am leaving the country on 14/1 so I'm not sure an extension does it for me. My current one expires 18/1 a 2 month extension would be 18/3, they probably wouldn't do a retirement extension before I left. I should say regarding asking about a fine or penalty, my frugal instincts probably don't extend to giving them 5k for such a tiny mistake I'd have to think about that if it was the final option.

Do not forget, you do not have to wait till the last minute.  30 days in advance is normal and give you a little leeway in how to sort it out.  Does the office have a Christmas fund you contribute to?  The other choice would be as advised, pay a fine or whatever but not a direct 'stipend' to the person assisting you.

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Sorry to hijack this thread, but does anyone know if the 12-month (actually 2x 6-months) self printed statements available via Kasikorn's new K-Biz internet site are acceptable to Immigration (rather than having to wait for a branch to supply a statement).  I realise a bank letter would still be required.  

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If you don't update your passbook frequently then banks tend to aggregate deposits and withdrawals making it impossible to check compliance. This is a very common problem. In such cases definitely obtain and present a full record showing ALL transactions.

That only happens when there are many transactions in a month.

In majority of cases a bank statement is not required using money in bank method. Photocopies of bankbook pages is sufficient.

IMO folk using money in bank method are best advised to have a dedicated bank account for purpose of extensions. 

Separate account for day to day banking needs.

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22 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

Why have a card for an account used for retirement extensions with a balance so close to limit? Just open a second account for immigration only with no card so no annual fees or unexpected deductions all year long?

Or if one can manage without needing to withdraw the permitted 400k, ie maintain 800k, a Fixed deposit account with the  800k in it. 

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1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

Why would you require a bank statement. 

Imm. require a 12 month statement to ensure your balance has not dropped below the 800k/400k during the year..  (...or you need to keep the bank-book updated every month or so.)

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On 12/24/2021 at 11:16 AM, Chris.B said:

Sorry, I do not think you will be getting any leniency or compassion from Thai Immigration, this is not the UK!


You also need a letter from your bank for your extension. I wouldn't be surprised if that letter states the minimum balance held during the past year.


PS. Do you only have one bank account in Thailand? Don't you have another with at least 22 baht in it so you could claim you have held the full 800K in Thai Banks?


You clearly have not dealt with UK officials. Far worse than the Thais.

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