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4 minutes ago, LoeiI said:

if your not good at forms / processes / computer stuff

But you're knowledge of above would be needed to send all info to the agents, there's really not much difference in that and uploading to the website.

At 3K per pop say you do 3 or 4 per hour ( easily ) that's really not a bad little gig........

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2 minutes ago, LoeiI said:

The difference in uploading all the docs to an an agent than to the actual TP website itself seems to be the TP website haven't responded to his application leaving him up Sh%t creek without the proverbial paddle, so were all the docs uploaded correctly ?? surely the agent would have advised you if you sent all the docs to them. I'm also pretty sure an agent can chase it up with the right people, not sure what difference it makes if they're doing 3 or 4 an hour or 30 or 40 an hour it still only costs you 3k, cheap i would say if you get the TP 

30-40 per hour would be serious money....


If it gives the applicant the warm fuzzy feeling then up to them, not disimilar to visa agents, plenty people pay 25-30K for their services where they could do it themselves for 1/10 ( or more ) of their charge.


There's also plently of reports on here of people in the same position with first application attempts, they simply re-applied and a vast majority got the TP second time round.

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1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

not only me could not  pay for the PCR, also my hotel tried to do it from thailand !!

and could not do it !!

also many other people complain about it.

why must i use an agent and who is that agent? do you know this agent? can you assure

me the agent will not run away with the money?

my main complain is that THAILAND PASS does not even SAY SOMETHING, just leave me

waiting until my flight date. and not only me. many  other people complain about it.

so you see, sit,this is not just a case of SCOTT FITZGERSLD NEED TO PAY HIS PCR.

we are not in elementary school anymore. when there is NO ANSWER AT ALL



THAILAND PASS is the only way to travel to thailand now and giving NO ANSWER AT ALL

destroys tourism to thailand.

the reason i am writing all this here is that maybe some high officials read it and become

aware of the problem and fix it. because the reason for the problem are LAZY INCOPETENT


Well.... You can keep complaining on the 4 different threads you keep complaining on, or you can work towards a solution. 


You don’t need to contact with the Thailand Pass, they are not infested your complaint. They are only interested in you submitting the required documentation - its ‘robotic’ but thats the way it works.

If you don’t have the PSAS receipt, you don’t have the required documentation. 


Compartmentalise and work towards that end. 


Have you tried to pay for your PSAS in the past few days ???


Others have used agents - if you don’t wish to do so, you have put up your own brick-wall and are avoiding a possible solution. 


Have you tried paying for the PSAS with a transfer from a Thai Bank? (as others have?)


You are rightly upset, but, there are solutions.




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3 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

and what if in april there will be another outbreak? we cannot plan like that.

i learned and followed the rules, problem is that thIs PASS team are breaking the

rules they made. the least they can do it SAY SOMETHING so people will know

if to wait for their answer or not.


The new covid variant broke the rules! Both you and the Thai travel industry  is a victim of the this héĺĺ!

3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


The Op’s Thailand Pass (Phuket Sandbox) application was incomplete because it was missing the PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket - the Op submitted the application regardless and is angry because his application was ignored and his complaints to them that he couldn’t make payment on the PSAS site was also ignored. 


IF the Op is struggling so much an agent may help. 

IF the PSAS payment portal remains a problem for the Op (perhaps because of his use of a North American Credit card) then a use of an Agent could ‘circumnavigate’ this issue.


But... the Op does not want to use an agent because he is reluctant to give up his private information.


There’s not much more that can be done to help the Op.



Perhaps the Op has a ‘friend’ in Thailand who can make payment with a domestic (Thai) card?.... 


I doubt all the possible options and solutions have been explored, but the Op seems far more intent on venting his understandable frustration than putting that aside and working towards a solution. 

Agreed as i put in a previous reply if you feel confident enough to complete the process and upload all the documents correctly alone feel free to crack on with it but if your not confident dealing with the authorities and the IT side of it whether TP / Visa or whatever employing an agent doesn't seem a high price to pay for peace of mind.

I equate employing an agent to changing the oil on the motorbikes i could get down on the concrete remove the plug get oil all over the place cross thread the plug upon reinsertion then struggle to to get back onto my feet or i could go to the shop and get a qualified bloke to do it for about a fiver ???? not much of a decision if I'm honest ????  

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, LoeiI said:

Agreed as i put in a previous reply if you feel confident enough to complete the process and upload all the documents correctly alone feel free to crack on with it but if your not confident dealing with the authorities and the IT side of it whether TP / Visa or whatever employing an agent doesn't seem a high price to pay for peace of mind.

I equate employing an agent to changing the oil on the motorbikes i could get down on the concrete remove the plug get oil all over the place cross thread the plug upon reinsertion then struggle to to get back onto my feet or i could go to the shop and get a qualified bloke to do it for about a fiver ???? not much of a decision if I'm honest ????  

Personally, I never would and never have needed to use any agent in Thailand for things such as Driving Licence application / renewal and Extensions of stay applications at immigration etc.


I’ve gone through the Coe Application three times, the PSAS payment process once and the Thailand Pass application once.


The Thailand Pass website is glitchy and the PSAS payment process was simple when I used it but the payment portal clearly had an issue two weeks ago. 


I’m not sure if the PSAS Payment portal issue still exists or if the Op has been complaining for two weeks. 



Has the Op tried to pay for his PSAS Swab tests in the past couple of days and then reapply for his Thailand Pass (Sandbox) ????????




57 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

If it gives the applicant the warm fuzzy feeling then up to them, not disimilar to visa agents, plenty people pay 25-30K for their services where they could do it themselves for 1/10 ( or more ) of their charge.

Doubt very much the OP has said feeling, dare say an agent would have also picked up on the missing PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket

3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Personally, I never would and never have needed to use any agent in Thailand for things such as Driving Licence application / renewal and Extensions of stay applications at immigration etc.


I’ve gone through the Coe Application three times, the PSAS payment process once and the Thailand Pass application once.


The Thailand Pass website is glitchy and the PSAS payment process was simple when I used it but the payment portal clearly had an issue two weeks ago. 


I’m not sure if the PSAS Payment portal issue still exists or if the Op has been complaining for two weeks. 



Has the Op tried to pay for his PSAS Swab tests in the past couple of days and then reapply for his Thailand Pass (Sandbox) ????????




You sound brilliant have you ever thought of opening an agency to help the rest of us ? BTW do you also do oil changes ? ????

1 minute ago, LoeiI said:

Doubt very much the OP has said feeling, dare say an agent would have also picked up on the missing PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket

Other things to consider:


- Most hotels you communicate with now are up to speed on requirements and can assist with questions ( if asked )

- Some / most hotels offer refunds or are willing to accept date changes

- During the TP application it is not even necessary to have an 'actual' flight booked, merely a flight number is all that's required.


Surely it makes the most sense to select flight ( don't book or pay ) go through the TP process ( book hotel with good lines of communication and cancellation / refund policies ).


Once TP issued, book flight.


If there's an issue with TP for whatever reason, no flight cost to lose and hotel dates etc can be rescheduled ( perhaps at a cost? )



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It's not just the Thai government's amateurish websites that are like this. I bought a new Samsung 85 inch QLED TV as a Christmas treat. The salesman at Home Pro told me that I have to register it online with Samsung to activate the 3-year warranty. He sent me the link and I've filled it in three times and pressed the submit button, but so far I haven't had any reply from them. I assumed that they'd send a confirmation and the warranty certificate to the e-mail address I entered, but nothing has arrived in the last three weeks. A rubbish website messing up your holiday plans to Thailand is one thing, but this is a 140K Baht TV that currently doesn't seem to be covered by the Samsung warranty as I haven't been able to register it.

  • Sad 1
5 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i did call them. they said they have no control over the thai pass.

That's unfortunate. It does rely on the goodwill of the local embassy and some are more helpful than others.


You have my sympathy for having to deal with this. I posted previously about the problems I had helping a friend get her Thai Pass with multiple incorrect rejections and then radio silence. Of course, no one ever replied to the emails or answered the phone. And this was before Christmas, pre-Omicron. The whole setup is shambolic.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Vietnam done the same back in Mid March 2020 

No warnings at all and no refunds of Visa costs from them.

Just like the UK and Morocco no visa refunds from them either.

5 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

so this is why i have to lose my flight and my hotel booking?

if they cannot handle PASS requests within the 3-7 days they promised, than they

should say so clearly. i just followed their rules and got the silent treatment,

Part of the PASS process is having insurance? So if all is in order you are covered. I did my PASS application correctly and both my son and I were approved within 10 minutes. So something perhaps must be amiss from your side? 

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

TOO late for me because my flight leaves in  2 hours.

thing is that this PASS is connected to many bookings. flight hotel ext.

so i cannot change them according to their craze. that is why THE WORST thing they

can do is GIVE NO ANSWER AT ALL. that is because they just waste people;s time until

their flight is coming. they know when the date of my flight. why can't they say something

even a say or two before the flight date? they just do not care.

plan ahead guy ...  that wont solve all the probs but should help

2 hours ago, LoeiI said:

You sound brilliant have you ever thought of opening an agency to help the rest of us ? BTW do you also do oil changes ? ????

If the Op promises to change my Oil, I’ll do his Thailand Pass !!!! 


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44 minutes ago, Nip said:
6 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

so this is why i have to lose my flight and my hotel booking?

if they cannot handle PASS requests within the 3-7 days they promised, than they

should say so clearly. i just followed their rules and got the silent treatment,

Part of the PASS process is having insurance? So if all is in order you are covered. I did my PASS application correctly and both my son and I were approved within 10 minutes. So something perhaps must be amiss from your side? 

According to the Op he could not pay for his PCR tests on the PSAS site - thus he was missing an important document in his application. 


The annoying part is the Thailand Pass people ignored his requests for assistance / understanding etc and now the Op has missed his flight. 


His only option is re-book everything and this time ensure he has his full documentation, including the PSAS payment receipt. 




Feel your pain op whether you have gone about it incorrectly or not. Trust Thailand to put up all sorts of barriers and make a mountain out of a molehill. I hear getting to Cambodia is a doddle. 

  • Sad 1

If I remember correctly they suspended the program on Dec. 22nd. So, that would likely mean you missed the deadline. Sorry to hear. My guess is the sandbox scheme is your best bet now. 

56 minutes ago, Nip said:

Part of the PASS process is having insurance? So if all is in order you are covered. I did my PASS application correctly and both my son and I were approved within 10 minutes. So something perhaps must be amiss from your side? 

The PASS application requires medical insurance, not missed flight insurance, and even if you have travel insurance, many policies won't cover a flight missed because you didn't get your visa, etc. in time.

Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it works for everyone. My friend's pass was rejected multiple times for different and incorrect reasons. For example, the vaccination certificate was rejected for not being in English, when it was trilingual including English. When it was eventually approved, it was just another resubmission of the same documentation she had been uploading all along, but miraculously, it was suddenly correct.

But even if someone has got an error in their documents, they are advertising support by email and 24/7 phonelines, and they don't answer any of them. Why even advertise it if you aren't going to staff it?


The whole system is an incompetent mess. 

5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

If I remember correctly they suspended the program on Dec. 22nd. So, that would likely mean you missed the deadline. Sorry to hear. My guess is the sandbox scheme is your best bet now. 

They suspended Test & Go. You still have to use the TP system for Phuket Sandbox (which OP is applying for) and ASQ, both of which are still running.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

What's the difference in uploading all the docs to an an agent than to the actual TP website itself?


Apart from the 3000 baht you're wasting?

In case of the OP.. quite a lot of stress and money

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42 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

If the Op promises to change my Oil, I’ll do his Thailand Pass !!!! 


Indeed everyone has his strong and weak points, Richard can use his brain. Like me he is probably not that technical i would need help with an oil change too ????

7 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

TOO late for me because my flight leaves in  2 hours.

thing is that this PASS is connected to many bookings. flight hotel ext.

so i cannot change them according to their craze. that is why THE WORST thing they

can do is GIVE NO ANSWER AT ALL. that is because they just waste people;s time until

their flight is coming. they know when the date of my flight. why can't they say something

even a say or two before the flight date? they just do not care.

Wait two or three months.  Things are very fluid now with disagreement among agencies and agency heads.  While the newest version of COVID doesn't seem to be all that dangerous, it is spreading like wildfire here and scaring the be-Jesus out of the authorities. Couple that with an innate inability for Thai people, particularly officials to think through the logical consequences of their decisions (or no decision/response in your case) and you've got an unpredictable mess.  It must be something in the water or in the gene pool, but these happy souls just don't think particularly well.

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8 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

that is a helpfull advice. but than they break their rule that says answer will come within

3-7 days. if now answer will come within 10 or 15 or whatever days, it means we need

to book a month or two before traveling, and anyway they MUST ANNOUNCE IT CLEARLY !!

they are wasting people's time and money with their nonsense

This is so sad, you know right after your flight leaves you will get the code. Maybe they will do it right next time.

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