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Is Thailand rushing to categorize COVID-19 an endemic disease?


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54 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I agree, there must be a good proportion of delta still lingering in the US deaths and no doubt in ICU, never seen a breakdown of that though. I think the cleanest countries to look for Omicron deaths are South Africa and Denmark as they were both well out of the previous delta wave.



And the UK and Aus esp NSW and Vic.


Edited by dinsdale
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Good positive balanced article here on Omicron becoming endemic in the UK soon. Lifting of most restrictions is slated in a couple of weeks time including mask wearing in shops, public transport the work from home ceasing and full spectators at football matches events etc.


Nationally numbers in intensive care have been falling since November. While its good news the world also needs vaccine equity because until then a new variant can still surface.


"Alpha, Beta, Delta and now Omicron – has not been a descendant of the previous one, as is typical in flu and seasonal coronaviruses, allowing immunity to develop."


"Instead these Covid variants of concern are likely to have arisen from individuals with chronic infections, with virus genetic make-up from distant lineages"



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The US is a very large diverse country so infection.waves hit different areas differently and at different times.


Oregon being a blue state is heavily vaccinated. The Omicron hospitalizations and deaths are mostly about the unvaccinated.

You are absolutely right, yet when people talk about the US they only throw out the stories of the middle of the country which are red states and not heavily vaccinated because that is where hospitals are being loaded up.  However, the numbers of many states are seeing a decline just like the UK and SA have.  Will the other states follow soon, well that begs to be seen, but I feel pretty comfortable that it will all fall in line here in the next month or two and the backside of Covid will be seen.  4am here on the west coast, still have not quite gotten back into a normal sleep pattern, but then I am watching the east coast news which is discussing just what I have said and am responding to.


Coronavirus United States - live map tracker from Microsoft Bing



Edited by ThailandRyan
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14 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Best possible place for new variant to happen now is China with their once again draconian lockdowns. Obviously impossible to tell what is happening there as they have been lying and covering up since they stated the the whole thing.

2 years ago today: WHO's most infamous tweet, saying China found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus


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37 minutes ago, garyk said:

What does it matter, Thailand is not going to open again anytime soon.

So your saying that you can not get to Thailand as the country is closed? is that right, hmm doesn't that beat all.  If that's true where are all of these tourists coming from....

Edited by ThailandRyan
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No no no.  It's best to stay at home fully masked with the latest shots and boosters (maybe even more) and to never venture away from home unless it's to go to a nice safe Mall or Big Box Store like Big-C or Marko. All small businesses and family business should be force to close permanently to save mankind and Thais specifically, and alcohol should be outlawed as the amoral sin drug that it is!  And keep your TV on 24/7 so you never miss out on the next variant horror that will kill you for sure if you let up your guard. Best to triple mask! N95, KV95, and a cloth mask!  And just close the border for the next two, three, five, ten years! 
Well all die for sure of Covid, unless we die of something else, like old age. 
Nope - This needs to be a Forever Pandemic and everyone needs to "Do The Right Thing" or be thrown in jail forever!!!  I'm so afraid!  It's the government and society's obligation to protect me from dirty Covid spreader. 

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Just now, connda said:

No no no.  It's best to stay at home fully masked with the latest shots and boosters (maybe even more) and to never venture away from home unless it's to go to a nice safe Mall or Big Box Store like Big-C or Marko. All small businesses and family business should be force to close permanently to save mankind and Thais specifically, and alcohol should be outlawed as the amoral sin drug that it is!  And keep your TV on 24/7 so you never miss out on the next variant horror that will kill you for sure if you let up your guard. Best to triple mask! N95, KV95, and a cloth mask!  And just close the border for the next two, three, five, ten years! 
Well all die for sure of Covid, unless we die of something else, like old age. 
Nope - This needs to be a Forever Pandemic and everyone needs to "Do The Right Thing" or be thrown in jail forever!!!  I'm so afraid!  It's the government and society's obligation to protect me from dirty Covid spreader. 

Or?  Learn to live with it!  :thumbsup:

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11 hours ago, meechai said:

Oh come on now...what is this fear mongering when Thailand is finally following the smarter bunch?


Even Moderna has said the same on Bloomberg today

Moderna co-founder tells Bloomberg News that 2022 may be the year the pandemic enters the endemic phase.

It must be fake news for sure.  Have you had this fact checked? 
Perhaps the Trump supporters at Bloomberg are revolting?  Omg! 
<what to believe, what to believe?>  We'll all die if the pandemic emergency isn't kept in place!!!

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8 hours ago, Enoon said:


They keep throwing the word "endemic" around as if it's synonymous with "safe".


It's not.


Ebola is endemic in East-Central and West Africa and has a very high mortality rate.


Declaring a disease endemic does not mean it's safe........it means it's always there.


It means it hasn't gone away.


Dengue Fever is endemic in Thailand.


They really just seem to be looking for a "form of words" that they can place in front of a generally ignorant and easily manipulated population.........prior to abandoning restrictions.



If it becomes endemic or not has nothing to do with how we feel or don't feel.  It will simply morph into whatever it is.  

Just to be clear, I am triple vaccinated.  However, I agree that people who are struggling on the edge things like the flu can push them over the edge quite easily.  So can other things.  When this enters the endemic stage the same thing will happen and there is nothing that we can do about it.  The only way for people to truly be safe in some cases is just to stay home.  

We are not there yet, and I agree that we need to be careful about hospital admissions for now.  The whispers are growing into a bit of a chorus now that this may be the end but scientists are generally very cautious about these things.  Many news stories are out saying that it could be the end.  I really hope that it is, but just to be clear, hope doesn't negate what will happen.  I have no control over what will happen.  But I am very hopeful.  Furthermore, I am no longer afraid.  Delta is bad omicron is borderline ridiculous unless you are unvaccinated.  

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

So your saying that you can not get to Thailand as the country is closed? is that right, hmm doesn't that beat all.  If that's true where are all of these tourists coming from....

I could come if I wanted to do the quarantine, insurance and what ever else. No sweat.  Doen't means tourism is not dead in Thailand. Thousands.. haha. at 20% GDP.  Only people that are serious are people like you basically. The rest of us will wait until Thailand opens.

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12 hours ago, Kenchamp said:

I know a few people here in the Pattaya area who have or have had this Omricon variant and ALL of them report mild symptoms. They have all been vaccinated.

What so they were all tested in pattaya? Found positive ? Didn't have to do quarantine? And were all genome tested by a reputable lab and found to have the omicron variant. Yeah sorry champ I'm calling heavy bs on that statement. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

That was wrong. Why is that relevant now?

It's relevant now because if the CCP fessed up and the WHO wasn't and isn't a CCP lap dog we wouldn't be in this situation and millions of people wouldn't have died and millions wouldn't have got very sick and millions wouldn't have lost their livelyhoods and millions etc. etc. etc.

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1 minute ago, dinsdale said:

It's relevant now because if the CCP fessed up and the WHO wasn't and isn't a CCP lap dog we wouldn't be in this situation and millions of people wouldn't have died and millions wouldn't have got very sick and millions wouldn't have lost their livelyhoods and millions etc. etc. etc.

That's a blame game that doesn't help.us NOW.

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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's a blame game that doesn't help.us NOW.

Well that's DENIAL. Who knows if the CCP will do this again. Maybe it will help us if these criminals against humanity are brought to justice.

Edited by dinsdale
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20 hours ago, DLock said:

Neither does Australian Omicron death statistics which are about to reach record levels.


Omicron "may" be less severe, but its making up for it in volume.

Screen Shot 2565-01-15 at 10.05.21 AM.png

But these are very low deaths in the first place so it’s silly to compare to now when omicron is causing much more infections. Many places still have delta causing damage and haven’t had their peaks of omicron yet. 
The best way out is to vaccinate the world and let it spread everywhere. Unfortunately still too many anti vaccine types in places like America who could drag this out.

I will laugh if the whole world has moved on while china stagnates in a zero Covid policy.

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On 1/15/2022 at 9:20 AM, Kenchamp said:

I know a few people here in the Pattaya area who have or have had this Omricon variant and ALL of them report mild symptoms. They have all been vaccinated.

Your right, this BS has gone on long enough. My sister in the states  had Omicron for 1 day and she is unvaccinated.

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4 hours ago, charmonman said:

“Thira suggested that the government monitor the situation for another year or two before deciding to downgrade COVID-19 into an endemic disease.”


another year or two? Is he having a laugh?

Who knows? You don't. It could be five years.

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18 hours ago, dinsdale said:

I agree with much of what you post but on this one without a breakdown between Delta and Omicron I can't see how this can be supported. US is still a Delta/Omicron mix.

For the week ending 25 December, Omicron was 58.6%, by now will probably be 80%+.

Other countries have seen around 4-6 weeks from Omicron patient zero to see Delta more or less 100% out-competed. 


There is a lot of data from other countries (UK/NL/ZA) contrary to the high hospitalizations in the US, as is prudent when in the middle of battle, I keep an open mind on this but also consider that the private (please come into hospital) vs public (go home and ride it out unless serious symptoms) healthcare systems may have some impact.

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23 hours ago, Enoon said:


They keep throwing the word "endemic" around as if it's synonymous with "safe".


It's not.


Ebola is endemic in East-Central and West Africa and has a very high mortality rate.


Declaring a disease endemic does not mean it's safe........it means it's always there.


It means it hasn't gone away.


Dengue Fever is endemic in Thailand.


They really just seem to be looking for a "form of words" that they can place in front of a generally ignorant and easily manipulated population.........prior to abandoning restrictions.



Endemic to...

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