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Opposition targets Test and Go for spreading the virus as government insists on endemic status


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17 minutes ago, Gentleman Roy said:

Yes its all the horrible round eyed people who have a test before flight and a test on Day 1 of arrival that is spreading the virus.


Not the thousands and thousands of locals congregating in markets together and never getting tested or being tested.


No surprise Thailand is the most xenophobic country in the world as the horrible racism starts at the top.





No it isn't.... where do you come from?

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

exactly, foreign arrivals have alread had 2x tests unlike most of the locals they will be mixing with, who is infecting who is the question and the bigger question - with omicron does it really matter as western countries have pretty much reduced restrictions or removed them completely, why is Thailand always months behind the curve


seems the only thing that matters now is - are you vaccinated or (as increasing recent evidence is showing) have you already been infected with the virus which seems to offer the best protection - natural immunity that could last for years


this pandemic is coming to an end Thailand needs to get with the program



seems the only thing that matters now is - are you vaccinated or (as increasing recent evidence is showing) have you already been infected with the virus



Why is this the only things that matter?

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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

This guy really needs to be put out to pasture.

I think you'll find he already is. Tourism and Sports isn't exactly a plum portfolio (as opposed to Energy, Health, Transport - the ones with the big budgets and mega-projects).


Is the '1944 Convention' a Buddhist or Christian era date, I wonder?

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Very sad to read.  Like most of the covid racism in Thailand, not only sad because of the racism, but because of the stupidity involved in anyone thinking this way.  (And yes, we know it's not everyone, but it's enough.)


Too right. This cretin also wants to bring back state quarantine for Thai nationals! 


From the source article: "Ms Treechada warned that the arrangements were not conducive to curbing the spread of COVID-19 in the kingdom because she feared it would let visitors carry the disease all over the country. She also claimed that the government was unable to control the current situation. At the same time, she called for the reintroduction of state quarantine for Thai nationals residing in the kingdom who she said should not have to fund expensive hotel bills to return home."




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the majority on thailand pass and test and go are thai themselves. Not foreigners.

Many of those thai have second passport from countries they are settled now, they do travel on thai passport for easier entry (no insurance needed, free medical care if positive).


Where this lady was, when Thanathorn from future forward raised over a year ago an issue of vaccination program and was charged with lese majeste?



because of the government reluctance to order proper quantities and from many different companies and reliance only on a locally made AZ, thailand was forced to buy 50mln substandard and expensive sinovac and sinopharm, and that's why only some 70% are fully vaccinated by now. With many boosters wasted in support of those poorer quality vaccinations.


Thailand began it's full scale vax program far behind the other countries, because they believed they can stop covid by crossing borders. That not worked, because illegal border crossing by thai nationals themselves, as well as migrant workers from birma and later from cambodia.

Illegal border crossing is on a large scale, thousands every day in any direction, untested and largely unvaccinated. That scale compares in numbers to legal entry into thailand with Thailand Pass, tests, vaccinations (many with boosters), health insurance etc. 

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Tell all these brainless brabbling talkers of nonsense to look at Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Senegal - just to name a few. 
No such idiocy like 1st/5th day checks, paperwork to no end, non-working apps across the board and the continued stirring of anti-farang hatred.

It is precisely such clowns who are directly responsible for the present situation and, instead of constructive approach, they destroy the little they have. I - for one - I am telling all my friends NOT to visit Thailand until normality and common sense is on its way back - unfortunately.

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37 minutes ago, pizzachang said:

If the 'science' was followed this would be the 'normal' course of action. These facts suggest that restricting travel and not disease prevention is closer to the truth.


that link goes nowhere near your statement.

you linked to an article about ivermectin

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Ms Treechada claimed this allows incoming travellers to spread the disease around the kingdom before a second test result.

But...but...but....they've been tested before flying in, then tested the moment they arrive, both times clear ..............

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Its always going to be someone else's  fault,pick any government in any country they all have their issues yet they simply blame any non native minority for all their problems and we all go along with it. fact is Covid is airborn yet a foreigner is responsible for infecting all our respective nations so we locked the doors it achieved nothing other than to make the poor even poorer then someone developed a vaccine which was discredited politically it saved millions of lives worldwide and was non profit not even so much as a thank you for that so far. well I'm saying it now thank you Astra Zenica you saved millions of lives and you never made a profit that's unheard of all the big companies around the world did nothing to help people apple, amazon etc did nothing big pharmaceutical companies used covid to earn money supermarkets put prices up petrol went up everything went up in price the world was facing a major disaster millions of people were dying and governmants and industries  profited from it. What are we?

Sorry for the rant 

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4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

I cannot think of a good reason for the day 5 test, except that testing in general is a good thing. But Thailand would be better served if instead random sampling were undertaken to give the authorities a better understanding of the epidemic. 

In my humble opinion - and experience - a day 5 test is of more use than Day 1.  As Thailand Ryan says, arrivals pitch up here having had a PCR test up to 72 hours before departure, and may well pick up the virus on the journey here (airports, flights etc)  but will not be positive on the day 1 PCR test.  I was aware of a very mild sore throat on day 3 which alerted me to the possibility of having picked Covid up, tested negative with an Antigen test on that day and then positive on day 5 (both my own Antigen and the hospital day 5 PCR).  I was diagnosed as having Omicron, in a rural area that apparently has been the only case in the area, which suggests mine is not a local infection. As you say, the more testing the better.  

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