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The Time has come to pack in it

Guest Isaanlife

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7 hours ago, Mentors65 said:

After years away from home country some people often forget the reasons they have left back then...


After a while it all comes back to them and then they can move back here, get a new nick and start all over again in wonderful Patters or an Isaan paradise. Thailand will still be here.

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah awesome.

Awesome economic inequality.

Awesomely crappy crumbling infrastructure.

Awesome racism.

Awesome lack of affordable housing.

Awesome political division.

Awesomely dysfunctional government.

Awesome inflation.

Awesome lack of public transportation.

Awesome homelessness.

Awesome seniors living in cars.

Awesome criminalization of poverty.

Awesome book banning.

Awesome retreat from democracy.

Awesome corporate power.

Awesome rejection of science.

Awesome incarceration rates.

Awesomely poor access to health care at awesomely high costs with 

awesomely poor outcomes.

Awsomely high covid deaths coupled with an awesomely stupid antivax death cult.

Awesomely high rates of gun violence.

Awesome burritos.

You forgot out of control illegal crossings, but you knew that. Not going to respond to your baiting post any further. papa is watching

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45 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah awesome.

Awesome economic inequality.

Awesomely crappy crumbling infrastructure.

Awesome racism.

Awesome lack of affordable housing.

Awesome political division.

Awesomely dysfunctional government.

Awesome inflation.

Awesome lack of public transportation.

Awesome homelessness.

Awesome seniors living in cars.

Awesome criminalization of poverty.

Awesome book banning.

Awesome retreat from democracy.

Awesome corporate power.

Awesome rejection of science.

Awesome incarceration rates.

Awesomely poor access to health care at awesomely high costs with 

awesomely poor outcomes.

Awsomely high covid deaths coupled with an awesomely stupid antivax death cult.

Awesomely high rates of gun violence.

Awesome burritos.

You missed Awesome Wokeness and PC pressure.

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7 hours ago, CharlieH said:

I certainly felt that the home country that I knew and felt " at home" in has long gone, totally different and beyond all recognition to the memories and way of life I had and knew.

Too true. After having moved back to Germany (15 years in Thailand), in the first three months I had several intense episodes of 'reverse culture shock', because people behaved so different compared to my memories of home.


If my memories were maybe a bit too idealizing or if I personally had just changed so much -- or if people were truly different to the past -- I cannot say, but the feeling was really strange.

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6 hours ago, fondue zoo said:

Reading posts of this nature makes it sound easy to move Thai born partners and children to other countries.

Are the requirements for the USA and Europe/UK fast, easy and relatively cheap?

In case you are already legally married, I found it not difficult at all (to Germany in this case); in case you are of working and not pension age, there might be issues if you are financially not stable or cannot prove to be so at the visa application, as there needs to be a guarantor for the foreign national entering. However we are not talking about outlandish amounts (which might be, as far as I heard, a different story if you try to go back to the UK, where you seem to need to have a quite high own personal income).


Visa costs themselves were negligible, or maybe there were even none; I actually cannot remember so it cannot have been much. You should not be in a hurry when attempting this, exacting bureaucracy is part of the German national identity and it takes its good time; on the other hand, if you are able to follow the rules, success is 100% guaranteed.


Also, to heighten the chance of a successful integration -- principally a good idea -- my wife had to learn German, with similar rules now in place in many European countries. This could have been a much bigger problem, but luckily was not (she simply would not have gotten the visa without the passed exam, which is not all that easy and required some real learning effort over a number of months).

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38 minutes ago, Denim said:

You missed Awesome Wokeness and PC pressure.

That would be covered under awesome political division. For example often people complaining about "cancel culture" are very quick to hypocritically support final cancelation of people they don't like. Perfect example of such a target is Dr. Fauci. 


"A house divided against itself, cannot stand."


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29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You are amongst tens of thousands of expats leaving Thailand. A mass exodus is taking place. 

A friend of mine uses a foreign lawyer in Bangkok, who is one of the top attorneys around. He said his office cannot find enough hours in the day to meet with expats who are leaving, with their Thai spouse or family, and dealing with legal issues, and wills for their remaining Thai families, properties, etc. 

He said he has never seen anything like it, in the 30 years he has been in practice here. 

Wow that lawyer doesn't seem to be able to manage his time in the day very well since he has now had 2+ months to get his office in order and up to speed since the last time you put up this exact same post 2 DEC 2021 



So all them up-country Isaan-ites are going to maybe inherit Phuket villas with infinity pool see-ment ponds




Edited by jerrymahoney
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51 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

1. Overall, a declining quality of life. 

2. An oppressive government that was not sincere about letting go of power. Ever. 

3. High prices on most import goods and wine. Crappy selection of beer. 

4. Rampant xenophobic on the part of the goons and immigration. 

5. A nation in reverse. No hope for a better future here. 

6. Extreme timidity and destruction of the economy, many lives and businesses. Please, don't blame Covid. That is only one element. 

7. Little in the way of good education available for kids. 

8. The sanitization of Thai society, the elimination of anything that resembles character, and the tired, insincere, increasingly fake purity campaigns. 

9. The continued environmental destruction and worsening air quality, coupled with no intent of effort to fix anything. 

10. The worsening dependence on China. Will Thailand eventually be a communist colony? 

Shall I go on?

No need, most of your points don't apply to pensioners.

1. My quality of life as about as good as it could be (for a 66yo).

2. Not my government, I don't care what they do to their citizens.

3. Cheap as chips compared to the UK (I prefer wine coolers to wine).

4. Immigration is only once a year, I can cope.

5. Nation in reverse is good, the wimmin are more desperate to please.

6. The worse the economy is, the more my pension buys.

7. My kids are doing OK, happy enough, not starving, decent home.

8. Fake purity, they've always done that (the good thing is it's fake).

9. Probably the least pollution I've ever encountered in CM this year.

10. I have no problem with China, in many ways I prefer China influence to USA influence.


I like it here, I'm staying until they make me leave.

Edited by BritManToo
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Guest Isaanlife
59 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You are in a good position owning real estate back there. For most, the inflation in the US makes a potential move back there prohibitive. Was there recently, and nearly everything is grossly overpriced. 


You are amongst tens of thousands of expats leaving Thailand. A mass exodus is taking place. 

A friend of mine uses a foreign lawyer in Bangkok, who is one of the top attorneys around. He said his office cannot find enough hours in the day to meet with expats who are leaving, with their Thai spouse or family, and dealing with legal issues, and wills for their remaining Thai families, properties, etc. 

He said he has never seen anything like it, in the 30 years he has been in practice here. 


Woe is Thailand. Where is the hope for the future? 

The dinosaur creeps are moving this nation backwards at a breakneck pace. Truly regressive reptilian leadership.


1. Overall, a declining quality of life. 

2. An oppressive government that was not sincere about letting go of power. Ever. 

3. High prices on most import goods and wine. Crappy selection of beer. 

4. Rampant xenophobic on the part of the goons and immigration. 

5. A nation in reverse. No hope for a better future here. 

6. Extreme timidity and destruction of the economy, many lives and businesses. Please, don't blame Covid. That is only one element. 

7. Little in the way of good education available for kids. 

8. The sanitization of Thai society, the elimination of anything that resembles character, and the tired, insincere, increasingly fake purity campaigns. 

9. The continued environmental destruction and worsening air quality, coupled with no intent of effort to fix anything. 

10. The worsening dependence on China. Will Thailand eventually be a communist colony? 

Shall I go on?

There aren't too many who dare to tell the truth about Thailand, however this is exactly correct.


Those that disagree have trapped themselves.


Thailand politician's have NEVER, EVER, done anything to help the people or the country.


Politics exist for one reason. Corruption and Power.


Ministers fight to be in charge of important portfolio's like transportation, where they will make themselves filthy rich through corruption.


Once one band of politician's is bounced out during an election, a new band is elected hell-bent on making themselves rich through corruption.


And the cycle goes on and on and on and on, unbroken as every politician wants their riches.


There is NO money to be made solving all the ills of Thailand.


Therefore the country will never, never move forward.


Money buys the power. Money pays off the military. The military has all the guns to suppress the people.


It is sad for the everyday people, the 99% of the good people never stand a chance.

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Guest Isaanlife
11 hours ago, itsari said:

I wish you luck with your decision to leave Thailand .

I do however believe you will come across American citizens that have a attitude you do not find palatable .

Very true, however, that can be said for any country across the globe.


I don't find Thai politician's very palatable.

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Guest Isaanlife
10 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I recently returned from a trip to Ca. I keep a car in storage there, a V-8 hemi and 65-70USD everytime I gassed up. Hotel in a small farming town was $100/nt at a Motel 6. Closer to $200/nt for nicer place. In a tourist city it would be closer to $300/nt for nice room. Homelessness was rampant. Have to pick certain Walmarts that had middleclass customers. While I look forward to future trips to USA to do some cross country driving and exploring, I miss the upperscale gym in Ca. that doesn't cost too much. I'm fortunate as I was able to keep my International BC/BS health ins from old job. 


But living in Thailand certainly has it's charm.

I always say there are 2 Florida's.


There is the coast, which is quite expensive, and there is all the rest of Florida, quiet rural farm land, which is quite reasonable.


I guess you could compare it to Pattaya and Isaan.

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Guest Isaanlife
10 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Good luck.  I was there for a month last year could not wait to get the hell out of the U.S.

A lot has changed in the past 2 years politically and economically.  A lot.  You will soon find out, it is not some easier life there just the opposite from my experience.

And, you complain about the attitudes of Ex-pats here?  Haha just wait, you are in for a big surprise.

I don't worry about politics, I have better things to do.


Economics? I can afford it, although I don't like the state of inflation right now, I can certainly afford it.


An easier life is where you live and if you can afford to live where you want with no financial worries.


For me it will be much easier.


Please tell me one country where there are people that do not have bad attitudes?



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Guest Isaanlife
8 hours ago, Smithson said:

Now 52, I have been here since I was 23, in that time spent a total of a few months in Australia. It's no longer the country it once was, the easy going nature is just lip service these days, it's all rules and boredom.

What have you been doing in Thailand the past 29 years?





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Guest Isaanlife
8 hours ago, fondue zoo said:

Reading posts of this nature makes it sound easy to move Thai born partners and children to other countries.

Are the requirements for the USA and Europe/UK fast, easy and relatively cheap?

Thai Wife is a US citizen.


Prior Planning.

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Guest Isaanlife
6 hours ago, Old Croc said:

I don't understand how going back to resume your previous life and residences relates to "we want to spend time exploring new places and see new things."


I would have thought using Thailand as a base would open up much more opportunity to explore than Florida.

Anyway, if I wasn't classified as one of the "glad I never had the pleasure" expats surely I now am. 

Your departure from the forum will leave a huge hole. 

We lived in Thailand a long time and over the years we did a lot of traveling.


Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bali, China, Laos, Japan, South Korea and The Maldives.


Also went to Dubai, NZ and Australia.


Now there are other places to explore from Florida.


Columbia, Peru, Argentina, Caribbean Islands, Latin America, etc. 


I would also like to visit Scotland, Ireland, other places in Europe if I stay healthy.


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Guest Isaanlife
5 hours ago, crouchpeter said:

Hear hear! I'm 77, and when I go back, I definitely don't belong! I generally go back 4 times a year, and can't wait to get back to Thailand.

Glad you have your health and are able to do so!

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Guest Isaanlife
5 hours ago, DJ54 said:

OP best of life to you and your family....  We live in Isaan countryside going on 7 years and is where I’ll 

be when dust kicks up... Spent 35+ years traveling a million and a half air miles to different countries like mad man.. still crazy put not insane..  I’ve enjoyed it all and enjoy slowed down life..


My 90 year Mom and youngest sister  (not so young ) lives just outside Ocala two houses on 5 acres

nice place to live but I like it here.. 


Enjoy the journey.... If you like motorcycles it’s a great way see all the things you passed by in a car...

I had an uncle that lived in Ocala.


Unfortunately, he passed from cancer last year.

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Guest Isaanlife
3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah awesome.

Awesome economic inequality.

Awesomely crappy crumbling infrastructure.

Awesome racism.

Awesome lack of affordable housing.

Awesome political division.

Awesomely dysfunctional government.

Awesome inflation.

Awesome lack of public transportation.

Awesome homelessness.

Awesome seniors living in cars.

Awesome criminalization of poverty.

Awesome book banning.

Awesome retreat from democracy.

Awesome corporate power.

Awesome rejection of science.

Awesome incarceration rates.

Awesomely poor access to health care at awesomely high costs with 

awesomely poor outcomes.

Awsomely high covid deaths coupled with an awesomely stupid antivax death cult.

Awesomely high rates of gun violence.

Awesome burritos.

I often wonder about folks who want to pick out only the bad things from one location, without every recognizing and accepting all the bad things from where they are actually living?


If you bother to open your eyes, everything you stated, except for awesome burritos, is the same in Thailand.



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2 minutes ago, Isaanlife said:

I often wonder about folks who want to pick out only the bad things from one location, without every recognizing and accepting all the bad things from where they are actually living?


If you bother to open your eyes, everything you stated, except for awesome burritos, is the same in Thailand.



I don't comment on Thai politics. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.

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Guest Isaanlife

How many of you folks have ever been to a funeral of a relative or friend in Thailand?


How ever many had a relative or friend that was sick and died?


I am not sure how this works in the cities in Thailand, but I will relay my experience from attending several in Isaan.


Last year my wife's grandfather passed at age 99.


Went to the rural hospital, nothing they can do for him.


Sent him home, pumped full of morphine or whatever.


Family made a comfortable bed at home for him to lay in, until a few days later he passed and was cremated.


Even though I am moving back to the USA, I will never (or hope never), to be a resident in a nursing home or hospice. If you are aged and don't know the reasons why that is, then I am not going to explain it to you. You should already understand why and if you don't, oh well.


If and when I ever find out I am terminal or going down the wrong side of the mountain towards terminal, I pray to God I still have the energy to make it back and die in Isaan.


It is a morbid thought, however, everything in my life I have always tried to have a careful plan, good or bad. My plan!


I have never been one of THOSE expats that did not trust having everything in my wife's name. 


Careful planning and tutelage over the years, she is very well educated and prepared to handle all our affairs, properties, accounts, etc in the US and Thailand.


I did not spend my life working and planning, to give it all away to a nursing home or hospice.


While I am in excellent health, we have the means and opportunity now to do move back and have some new adventures outside of Southeast Asia.


There will be a day, and I accept and plan, that the end will be forth coming. 


We will live our lives to the fullest, (to heck with all you hating expats that can't), and I will still go out of this world on my own terms and my own plan.


I worked a lifetime, I earned what I earned, and the chance to enjoy life on my own terms now where ever I want to live.


It was/is never mentally easy to carefully plan or even think about death and I do that in care of my wife and son, who will be well taken care of when I die.


I have no idea why expats hate so much, people they have never met, just because they have made their own life plan?


We, as men, all have of our own path to choose in life.


Haters can hate all they want, they will not alter our chosen course.


There are a lot of good expats in Thailand, lots of happy men with good wives and great families.


I say bravo and applaud you all; enjoy your happiness.


Someday in the future, when you are riding down the road in Isaan and look up and see that plume of smoke, that just may be me saying adios in Thailand!







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