Hard to believe this conman will evade prison. He's just a crim with a fancy suit on laughing at the justice system. He wins again... Daft Americans who voted him in.
Way too many aggressive sales people all over the road. Place became horrible after they redid the road, pushed all the bars into the street and filled the tiny walking area with people waving signs in your face. Not surprised people don’t want to go there.
When my step daughter lived with us her boy friend used to bring his friends around for a drink at weekends. There were 6 males there, they all have had kids and had bailed out. The main Romeo had 7 kids with 7 different Juliet's and he had moved on to number 8. Of course he didn't support any of them, that was 10 years ago so his current tally now could quite easily be 15.
Same here, i loved it around Candy, but i guess they don't have a long term visa for expats. Vietnam has no long term visa, the Philippines is a dump. So i guess it's Cambodia for 6 months then Thailand for 179 days.
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