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Russian invasion creates a multitude of problems for tourism


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On 3/7/2022 at 6:24 AM, 10baht said:

Help the Ukrainians - book a room om AirBNB but don't go of course. That's sending really needed money to the Ukrainian people.

And how about the huge booking cost Air BNB it taking and put this in their own pocket ?? stupid idea !

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8 hours ago, habanero said:

Russia is trying to set up their banks to use China's  Union Pay, debit and credit cards.


... yeah? 555, 5, well good luck (not) with that chincrap, after all worked like a charm over the last years (again not, 'cause it didn't) ... 


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On 3/9/2022 at 5:46 AM, sezze said:

They might have Russian passports , but they are not Putin . Do not put everybody of a country the same as their government leader and his actions . If they start wearing the Z sign or 3A ( basically the same in cyrillic script ) then it starts to get a different story . This is the same for any other country in the world . Russian tourist being stuck due to several reasons ( aka closed down Visa/Mastercard , Swift transactions blocked , airlines not operating their routes , dropped exchange rate ... ) surely did not want this and did not count on it also .

So are you agreeing with the post I was commenting on that said all Russoans are ignorant, rude and arrogant.

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2 hours ago, sezze said:

Are all Americans blatant unknown of all cultures around ? Do all French people drink whine ? Are all English person hooligans ? You do not have to answer me , since you do know the answer .

Do Russians have their own culture , yes sure , like all countries in the world . But that does not mean they are bad , it is their culture . I have spoken to many different people around the world , some are good , some are bad . Generalizations stand , because it is their culture , but not as you think they are . When you focus on the bad , you are right , but every country on the world does have good points also . They are all people , and basically they all want the best . Your best is not 100% like their best , but it doesn't mean their best is wrong , it is different but not wrong . If everybody would realise it , there would be no wars .

So in respond to are Russians ignorant , rude and arrogant , maybe , but maybe they just introvert , self assured and unknown .

I am 10.000% against the war and i never ever will give a headup for it , but not all Russians are in front of war . I only do not hate Russians , for me they are people , and they do have background , but looking behind it , as you should do , since you are a visitor in Thailand also , you should do the same for Russians .




I think you need to go back and read the post I was commenting on. They had said about all Russoans are rude etc. I commented that I had wonderful Russian friends. Maybe you replied to the wrong post. 

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with two years of covid, Many country's economies are  teetering on the edge, I hope this war and the consequent tourism and energy pressures do not put some of them over the edge creating a cascade affect reminiscent  of 2008 .

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This topic is about:  Russian invasion creates a multitude of problems for tourism.

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2 minutes ago, metisdead said:

A number of off topic posts and replies have been removed:

  • This topic is not related to fossil fuel usage in the US.
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  • This topic is not about political predilections in the US.

This topic is about:  Russian invasion creates a multitude of problems for tourism.

Sorry.  I got carried away in the heat of the moment. 

Edited by radiochaser
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2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Unsmiling Russians.

I asked a couple of Russian acquaintances about this and why did Russian tourists hardly ever smile.


Apparently, it's a cultural thing. They believe that if you smile a lot, it makes you look like a vacuous idiot.

hahahahaha, love it! I can see their point! I can also see their miserable faces sneering at me smiling, enjoying life, happily, thank you. ????

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10 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Unsmiling Russians.

I asked a couple of Russian acquaintances about this and why did Russian tourists hardly ever smile.


Apparently, it's a cultural thing. They believe that if you smile a lot, it makes you look like a vacuous idiot.

As opposed to standing around with your mouth open with no shirt on......

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On 3/7/2022 at 1:00 PM, Alex2554 said:

You didn't mention turnout 67%. Putin has 56.4M votes of 109M registered.  Fifty-fifty

How do you know the majority of those 37 % non voters were not Putin fans resting lazy confident he would win anyway - which he did.

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On 3/7/2022 at 4:59 PM, Wongkitlo said:

I have had Russian customers over the years. Some are difficult but some are the sweetest nicest people I have ever met.

Yes, and some nazi officers in ww2 were poetry lovers and cuddled puppies.
Hitler himself had a soft spot for his german shepard Blondie. But still they were ruthlessly condemnd by an incomprehensive and judgemental surrounding world

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2 hours ago, Stygge said:

How do you know the majority of those 37 % non voters were not Putin fans resting lazy confident he would win anyway - which he did.

One clue might be the opposition members in jail. A successful and popular leader would not be motivated to resort to those tactics.

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3 hours ago, lapamita said:

the politicans will tell its the fault of war. they already like to profile on external things


No it isnt the war how brings us back and more like 2008 ,,, , we already on the brink.............highest federal depts ,at record low intrest rates  ( and real intrestrates near doubledigit )combinated with high inflationrates (already without the war), combinded with assetbubbles acrosss the globe.


The Stagflation is already on the way

It's a :and + and + and story . The war created a huge disruption of the market , especially on energy prices , which is needed for everything . Also for the food , with Ukraine being a huge grain producer around the world . The market was already shaking by covid and indeed let's not forget 2008 . All the things combined makes a perfect storm .

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7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

One clue might be the opposition members in jail. A successful and popular leader would not be motivated to resort to those tactics.

Putin is their czar. Every voice against him is considered a threat. Small cracks in the wall can widen if not mended immediately. Opposition might spread if not ruthlessly beaten down. It still doesn´t mean the great majority is anything but for him. The russians love a strongman expanding their reich. If he suddenly fails, as he seem to do now, you will hear some voices against, usually from russians safely living in the west, trying to fit in and not attracting to much anger from their western hosts.

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1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

It’s the Russians problem—and only they can fix it.  Putin has cut off media and most social platforms.  Don’t expect things to change there overnight.

Very true.

This "special" whatever they call it can potentially last for many years.

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2 hours ago, sezze said:

It's a :and + and + and story . The war created a huge disruption of the market , especially on energy prices , which is needed for everything . Also for the food ,

To look at things from another point of view, western leaders have created this by exporting manufacturing to Asia who will use coal etc to make the goods we use, so they can then virtue signal about how we're "going green".


Whilst at the same time preventing our own nations from becoming self sufficient in energy and food production, so they can then virtue signal about how we're "going green".


When Putin forced the tide go out, he has shown the nation destroying globalists have been swimming with no trunks on.


But they don't care as all this gives them another excuse to keep interest rates low, print money to keep their asset prices inflated.

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