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Thailand slides down the happiness index - but personal relationships and mutual respect remains strong


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2 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

My sentiments exactly.

Well said.


4 hours ago, webfact said:

is how much I love this country. Like many of my friends, that has never wavered. I’m not going anywhere but I want to see change.

Add me to the above sentiment

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I would have expected to hear your own opinion about the diminishing feeling of happiness in Thailand. I admit you started to do so, but lost the thread.

However you repeated what we read already during the week.....in a very humorous way. I liked it and enjoyed it.


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28 minutes ago, George Aylesham said:

Rooster, I loved your list of rebukes qualifying the British PM. One of the best came from the ex-PM of Finland "only in brexit la la land Boris Johnson is seen as Putin's leading opposition"

what great comment by Finnish PM hahaha????

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I love it here. Live like a king. Beautiful woman who loves n takes great care of me. Gorgeous beaches to swim at just down the road. Can fly to anywhere in the world so easily. Incredible golf courses just nearby to play at as much as I want. Delicious food. Tropical fruit the entire year round. Fantastic gardening weather. smiling giggling playful Thais all about. Some times surf. A shoppers paradise.

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IMO it's a sign of the times when my GF, who lives in the present, was concerned enough to ask me if we were OK financially. Jai yenn yenn, teerak.

It's a sick joke when the Thai government, perhaps one of the most parsimonious of welfare support providers, has the gall to tout loans of 10,000 baht to COVID-affected Thais.


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Thanks Rooster for another update of the weeks news, and some chuckles as well.

   I still like to visit Thailand for vacations, and when it is safe to do so I will return, when the present restrictions, and COVID rules

are all gone. Maybe by November or December.  With Omicron variant being so contagious, and the new one as well, I may

delay for a further year. Better safe than sorry I say. Thankfully I am young enough that I can wait a bit longer.

   My Thai family also hopes that there will be a change of government, they sort of miss the generals all getting some leadership

time, then changed around in the old days.  I just hope that Putin will see the light and quit his special operations.

   Ukraine is certainly showing us all that it did not like being invaded. It is too bad that the Russian population only sees

their government operated news source.  With the pandemic affecting us all over the world, there is no country that

has much to smile about. Good Luck to all, in avoiding COVID in any of its variant forms. We all need a better future.

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"As Mrs R packed up all the things necessary to take the kids on the long drive to Loei a close friend of ours tested positive for Covid. With my interaction with him making it highly likely I’d contracted the virus, I went into Covid isolation at home so as not to potentially infect my daughters and wife who will be in close proximity to the dying old lady in Loei."


( …  And in reference to the fall of the Thais in the happiness stakes also ! ?  … And the International Dictators that you also speak of here.)


 ... Well, Good Brother Rooster, .... It is the same ? … Well Similar in our Family, and well, all around here also now.  As your and Mrs. Roosters possible impending Dramas. ? …


… A physically Knocked up Grand Daughter here (Badly Broken leg) d/t a bad Road accident, orchestrated, by her wanting to go out, !!!  and her Brother, being Drunk !!! …. Like Bad decision Ms. Noon !!!  .... So She now being the Potential preexisting condition, Victim, with her badly Broken leg. .... …. with people being Infected very VERY close to us all now.


Like 2 of the ones I was drinking with, 1 meter away from, and sharing a glass with last Sunday Night !!! ??? ... Ho Hum ??? So this will test my Tipple Jabs Astra Zeneca and Pfizer life line right ??? ???


.... Nothing seems to be able to ? or even want to stand in the way of these new Variants of the Good Old China Virus. .... !!!


Nearly Every House hold has an Infection in it around here now ….. though only people that work, get tested I think ???? ….. And only here I, and my Wife are the Old ones who ??? have to be Looked out for ???? ... (Not that many people here now seem to have much time for that any more. ???) ....


…. Though well, we both are Triple Jabbed !!! one good thing about the Country, well around here anyway ... nearly every one old IS triple Jabbed !!!! ….  Like Anti Vackesers !!! …. There is NONE around here !!! I can tell you !!!


…. And God Bless the Really Good Thai people for, Yes, still actually being very smart people !!! Even under this terrible Yoke of the International Epidemic, …. …  as well as the now, rise of the Dictators !!! …. as they often do !!! ... When they get the Opportunity to do it !!! …. They just take that opportunity !!! right !!! While the opportunity is open to them and their corruption is looking a lot easier to get away with, than under Normal situations.  


... So well maybe we can have the last Laugh !!! Any way ? Being Triple Jabbed !!! …. Like I might even be able to drink with them !!! ??? Without actually getting it ???? Right ???? .... ??? …. as everything else and everything else just goes to <deleted> ??? ... I will let you know next week ! ??? 


7 Days unofficial Quarantine, the locals here just do it automatically with no government or other input !!! Like it is almost like they actually really DO know what is going on !!! and well, possibly have just seen it all before any way !!!   ??? ..... But with a 4 and a half year old Boy to look after as well !!! Just to make things a bit harder !!! #%^*(*&^% …. Right. (If it’s got wheels it’s good !!! Right ??? or is a mobile Phone these days !!! ??? )


…. Yes so this all matches what You wrote really R, … so not I just got to live with it !!! …  (Like we all do) …. and just hope that I come out the other end of it a bit better off …. ??? Well, Lets Hope !!!


.... I hope that Loe goes OK for you and “Her In Doors” ??? Right ??? … …. Well not in Thailand !!! Har Har right ??? “Her Out Doors” would be more honest by just Miles in most relationships around here I think !!! .....  The Third world Traditional gardeners !!! … ...   Just dodge the Virus Right ??? … ???


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20 hours ago, DoctorB said:

Your comment "Now it’s time for the western allies to realise that it wasn’t all bad Mr Putin but mistakes of their own making that led to this almighty world-happiness-threatening mess" is most interesting. Please do elaborate and let your readers know what mistakes by the western allies led to the invasion of Ukraine; we really do deserve to know.

You raise a good question.

Best way to look at the situation is who has the right to enforce there rights over a bordering country.

I believe that Russia has not got that right .

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3 hours ago, itsari said:

You raise a good question.

Best way to look at the situation is who has the right to enforce there rights over a bordering country.

I believe that Russia has not got that right .

You are quite right. I was amazed that an entertainment column about life in Thailand should contain such an inappropriate observation. Who is it intended to impress?

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On 3/26/2022 at 10:34 AM, Longwood50 said:

Thailand slides down the happiness index

Does this mean Thailand will now be known as the Land of "a hint of a smile"

I have just returned to the UK and frankly finding a smile here is like trying to find gold dust at the bottm of the garden. Comparatively Thailand is still LOS.

And long may it remain so despite the hardships that many people are facing.

My concerns are that the impoverished will find or found an organization that will lead to some severe disturbances in the country. 

What is the State providing a rural family,?

Meanwhile we see adverts by "International Schools" touting for pupil admissions. 

A child progressing from a rural primary school to an urban Secondary School of their choice requires parents with sufficient funds to pay the "ENTRANCE FEE" . No receipt given!



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6 hours ago, DoctorB said:

You are quite right. I was amazed that an entertainment column about life in Thailand should contain such an inappropriate observation. Who is it intended to impress?

He is a name dropping boomer if that answers your question.

Have a good day Sir

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Hold on a moment. How can this be? 


The great and benevolent comrade leader has already insured happiness.
He is lowering unemployment.
He is growing the economy.
He is doing everything in his power to open the country up again, and increase tourism revenue.
He is increasing exports.
He is abiding by all of the terms of the ASEAN charters he signed, and allowing the duty free importation of all beer throughout ASEAN. Bintang, Beer Lao, Bia Saigon, Bia Huda, Bia Ha Noi, Dagon, Saigon Special, 333, are on all of the supermarket shelves as we speak. We are not longer subject to the very low quality local beers, as promised in the recent ASEAN charter, that Thailand agreed to and signed. 

He is making visa policy easy, simple and streamlined, and all tourists and expats are very happy about that. He is working on the attitudes of government workers, and making sure they are open and friendly to both tourists, and ex-pats.


He is improving traffic and public safety.
He is working day and night to eliminate the air quality issues, that have become a catastrophe for the nation. 
Corruption is being eliminated, and innocent fall guys are no longer getting charged for murder, and being put to death.


The taxi mafia on Samui and Phuket have been eliminated, and tourists can now get a taxi at a fair price. They are also adding multiple options of cheap public transportation on the Southern islands. 
Life is better for all now that this great man is demonstrating his genius and vision on a daily basis. All he cares about is the welfare of his own people, and the happiness of both tourists and the ex-pat community. He contemplates this day and night.


And Uncle Tu responds *


I love honest, open smiles, kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they cry
Music when it's good and life

And I love you, too.


* Courtesy the late Tom T. Hall

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On 3/26/2022 at 11:19 PM, Noah K said:

I first came to Thailand on holiday in 2014.




My final destination was actually Chiang Mai and I arrived there on the 23rd of February, 2020, 


Noah Paul

I was in Medellin, Colombia on 23 February 2020, I remember that date as my 59th birthday was the day after. I too love Thailand and made a go of it in Chiang Mai for 8 years, but as online business ideas failed, and my nest-egg dwindled. Finally, I could see the only viable future was to return to Aotearoa, with my long-term Thai galpal, no spring chicken herself, and get a real job while we look at some side gigs such as a market food stall (her seasoned expertise) or maybe selling upmarket Thai silk scarves etc on ebay/TradeMe.

Also, the ridiculous visa extension tyranny -and it's needless cash grab- became intolerable to me year after year.

We at least have a central BKK condo to renovate and lease, and a plot of land in Korat (hers) that we may forever retire to if the next decade or two offshore are kind to us. 

For now we hope to avoid the coldest NZ months renting in Thailand near the sea but away from tourist zones. 

I loved Chiang Mai but the soot still settles on everything all year round, and I was hacking up black phlegm there at the end, that's cleared up since I left; just after new year 2022 and into New Zealand's strict quarantine, which I avoided paying for thanks to their own reasonable rules.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the honeymoon of being back in one of NZ most beautiful cities, but I miss the quirks and pleasures of Thailand greatly, I've always enjoyed a rather long leash, which ironically, is why my galpal is a keeper! And the cost of living here is atrocious! I'll never moan about grocery prices in Thailand again, even as artificially jacked as they are, and eating out is now a rare indulgence! Which is exactly why we're exploring the food business in this rather wealthy enclave I've chosen. 

Thanks for sharing your story, Noah, you encouraged me to share mine.

We hope for the best for Thailand, and know time is on the side of change! We just hope it's sooner rather than later. 

Officialdom in Thailand really need to start treating it's expats and visitors far better than they do. If a Thai was treated the way the Thai Government treat us, they could sue (and win) here for outright discrimination. Anyway I'm beginning to rant! Here's to a better future for a deserving people. 

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