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Thailand dreams of high-end cannabis tourism after marijuana is legalised


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Different view of the same argument.
This govt has shown time again that it like to go "step by step" as it makes any significant changes. Cannabis is a great example.

I consider this to be the end of phase 1 - made it legal.

Phase 2 will be to have designated recreational areas, e.g. Phuket where the "best" weed will be available. Promote the hell out of. Thai Sticks and the Golden Triangle. Have shops where you can select your smoke, smoke or take away your smoke, maybe a couple of cold beers and out the door. .2%??? Is that a misprint? No, the most potent weed Thailand can produce.

Then they will come. And I mean a lot will come. Legalize prostitution? That would be nice but really, who cares.


Quality or not, these tourists will bring their money and be prepared to spend, especially after a couple of hits on the bong.

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4 hours ago, Maha Sarakham said:

From backpackers to potheads, the true quality tourist that will save Thailand.

As if there was not already a big enough problem with drunk driving now they are going to add legalized 'pot' to the mix.  Being Under the Influence whether it be alcohol or drugs, legal or not, will just magnify the road carnage issue here.

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