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Thailand dreams of high-end cannabis tourism after marijuana is legalised


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19 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

High end tourism all hyped only in Thailand.  

We have had marijuana legalized here.  Do you know what changed?  Nothing.  Zero.  

Thailand, why do you act like you were dropped on your head as an infant?

The problem is that any attempt by the Thai people to drag Thailand out of the mid 1900s is met by a fierce resistance by the yellow shirted ultra rabid monarchists bleating about Thailand being better than every other country in the world.


They want to drag Thailand back into the 1930s when in their minds, everything was perfect. If it wasn't perfect then call the army in for yet another coup.

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On 4/6/2022 at 1:48 PM, RocketDog said:

I'm willing to be more patient than many here as the camel gently nudges his head further and further under the tent flap.


Imagine if you will hundreds of rai planted with California poppies, carefully camoflaging opium poppies in plain sight. They look identical after all. Opium poppies are illegal in the USA, as they are in most countries, but California ornamental poppies are not. Law enforcement spends no time inspecting flowerbeds with expensive test kits.


Can you imagine the armies of inspectors it would take to find the true high THC plants among the numerous hemp plants, all over Issan for instance? (This is not a rigorous metaphor since the hemp would quickly spoil the good plants.)


But the point is that once the plants are ubiquitous in the Kingdom, the jig is up.


Don't for a second think the greedy officials don't understand this. All of this talk is simply political theater. Consider their adamant statements that there is no prostitution in Thailand. Nonetheless many tourists (and their money) come here seeking and finding it. Just as many tourists would come seeking the same nominally nonexistent, nominally illegal weed. 


I've watched this progression in attitude, enforcement, and eventual legality transpire in a dozen states in America. Currently there is a bill in Congress to legalize recreational marijuana at the federal level now. There is simply too much money to be made by taxation.


This train has left the station  IMO.

Looks like the camel is fully inside the tent now.


It was inevitable and we can only hope the authorities don't backslide. Even if they do this particular cat will be impossible to put back in the bag and I'm sure their slide will land them in a trough of tax slop and they will then be content. I had to laugh at the pictures of folks in Kohn Kaen bringing their plants out of the closet to play in the sun, and they weren't babies either.


I know all this camel, pig, and cat stuff is confusing but it made sense to me at the time. Despite my obvious incoherence I look forward to sampling the Kingdom's Best Bud soon.

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