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Pattaya, at last, had rows of buses full of tourists again


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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

They would have double or triple the numbers had it been for the cumbersome and unnecessary entry rules...

It does say "buses favoured by locals.."

So it would appear the topic is about local thais...

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1 hour ago, dallen52 said:

It does say "buses favoured by locals.."

So it would appear the topic is about local thais...

Pop question, How do you tell if the buses are fill with local Thais or International tourist? Give up? On the local Thai bus they will be all wearing double masks, it's built into us now.

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12 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Good for them if they do. They are enjoying a trip away from home, yet being prudent! Pity foreigners don't have similar intelligence. 

(What is with the US pronoun, you Thai too now?)

Wrong! This wasn't a question on right or wrong, it was a question on how do you tell!

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3 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

These are only Thai people out for songkran not international tourists.

Appears to be the same here in Cambodia, however I saw many foreign tourists here in Siem Reap.


"Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism, said that during the Khmer New Year holidays from April 14-17, 2022, the total number of tourists in the country was 5,175,754 people. This includes 5,140,495 domestic travelers and 35,259 foreign tourists."



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The World knows that until the bars are allowed to get their licences at full swing and lights flashing … Then Thailand will just be another Scarborough with Sunshine …. No doubt TAT will hail this as 10 million spending 500K a week

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As a snowbird, I’m currently at home in the south of France. The ski resorts near Nice have closed after a busy winter season. Talking to my hotel neighbors, they all said they’re booked full from practically now on. In the EU , it was said that summer tourists will be staying close to home., The cost of petrol plays a part, but we have good rail service everywhere, what a great way to visit Italy , Spain, France and further comfortably and not expensive. Just booked a flight to Italy, under 60 € return.  Tickets to Thailand are expensive,  with Covid , there’s no telling what awaits you, with kids as well, costs a fortune, plus , so much to book in advance, hoops to jump through. Don’t forget there’s a war on our doorstep. There’s been a lot of bad publicity about the shenanigans with the  tourists testing positive. Made headlines in the Time magazine this week. It’s been all over the internet. The Thai government still do not realize that they have sunk their economy. I have a lot of Thai friends, and they’ve said they managed to get the 2 first vaccins, but they are now * out of date* and they need boosters. Also that the city dwellers had a good service, if long, but out in the countryside ( I was in Phuket first) no one was vaccinated.  The new variant is even more contagious than the previous Omicron. To get Thailand on its feet and get people working and businesses reopening, the government needs to jump in fast , get everyone vaccinated first, use the submarine ( laugh) payment to help the poor Thais get back on their feet.

Then, maybe the tourists will come back. .

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The tourists want to come back, but the hurdles are not small. 1st covid is not finished, it's a lot better but not over. 2nd entry rules still not very easy, my Thai Pass is ready, but anyone going won't be there for the 1st time and not a lot will come with family. 3th massive inflation, fuel costs, war ... lots of uncertainties.

Expect a slow rise in tourism, maybe speeding up by the end of the year, depending on those different factors.

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On 4/19/2022 at 4:20 AM, Petey11 said:

Although great for the local businesses it doesn't bring new money into the country, just redistributes it around the country.

And the Thai's who usually like to go abroad but are traveling domestically at the moment?

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