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PM Worried about Unvaccinated People


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2 hours ago, khunjeff said:

For anti-vaxxers, I agree with you.


Unfortunately, the Thais I know who aren't vaccinated actually tried to get the vaccine, but were refused by the doctors or nurses at the sites because they had medical conditions (diabetes or high blood pressure) or were "too old". In other countries, of course, those are factors in favor of vaccination, rather than contraindications.

Excellent fact.

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if so why don't you make vaccination mandatory again..... and maybe just give a 2nd thought about the opening of the country (I know some keyboard warriors here wouldn't agree with the idea but infections and deaths are increasing on a daily basis)

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

The PM doesn't give a toss about the people. There were countless decisions made during the early stages of the pandemic that proved that (refusing donated vaccines, widespread use of SinoVac, disallowing hospitals from privately sourcing their own vaccines etc.). All they cared about was profiting from the vaccines, not distributing them quickly.


Good to see he's looking so old and haggard though. Maybe he has a conscience after all, although I doubt it.



I don't think he will make it to Xmas time

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three factors have contributed to low vaccination take up;


- if the vaccination programme had been better organised and managed


- if they hadn't used the less efficacious chinese vaccine


- if public information had been better communicated

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said on Monday that new daily COVID-19 cases were stable in many areas and tended to fall in some areas due to people’s cooperation with disease control measures.

What he means is people's co-operation with not reporting positive ATK and resisting testing due to draconian isolation methods and no social fund to compensate for lack of work if isolating.

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5 hours ago, JoePai said:

No excuse not to be vaccinated - if they choose not to be vaccinated then let them die if that is their wish

What if the infected [evil non-vax folks] don't die? 

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2 hours ago, Stubby said:

I can't believe how some vaccinated posters keep banging the anti-vaxxer drum. Seriously, you can almost feel the resentment in their hard-hitting keystrokes. 


I've said it before, and I'll say it again; countless people have had all the usual vaccinations, so they're not an·ti-vax at all. But they're concerned about the COVID jabs. I would say that most of them have listened to experts on both sides of the fence and come to an informed decision. Only time will tell if they were right or wrong.

New Research: Low Education Levels Strongly Tied to Being Unvaccinated, Major Contributor to Ongoing Hesitancy


As schools across the country struggle to keep their doors open amid the Omicron surge, researchers have found a strong correlation between the unvaccinated and low levels of education.It found more than half of unvaccinated American adults who reported strong hesitancy to the vaccine had a high school education or less. Five of the top 10 reasons for bypassing inoculation included lack of knowledge about its benefits and therisks of remaining unvaccinated.  https://www.the74million.org/article/new-research-low-education-levels-strongly-tied-to-being-unvaccinated-major-contributor-to-ongoing-hesitancy/


Education is a bigger factor than race in desire for COVID-19 vaccine

Results from a new USC Dornsife study show that U.S. adults with higher education are significantly more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccination and to believe in the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.


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got the chinese jab.......seemed like it did nothing

then astra......definitely did something

then the big P........definitely felt something


now I know MANY people getting Omicron.    one person told me  they got it last week.  oh, it's a thing.  every week I hear of someone I know getting Omicron.  


BUT everyone seems fine and I'm pretty sure it's because they got at least 2 shots.


no way I would risk getting super sick in LOS.   long covid?  OMG.  Who knows what else?  I'm not taking that chance...


but YOLO........


I'm 109 years old with 3883 medical conditions.   so I am a little biased.


maybe as I kid I might be more resistant, but then I'm probably going to infect the super old people as kids are pretty active.    so if you are old........

Edited by Iamfalang
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14 hours ago, placeholder said:

So you think that people currently dying from covid aren't disproportionately from the unvaccinated? That would be a first. You believe that the unvaccinated are immune?

I don't believe any government numbers. I think more people are dying on the roads than from Covid. The Pandemic has fizzled out. I believe those that are dying from some version of Covid had compromised health issues that most people don't have.

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7 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

I don't believe any government numbers. I think more people are dying on the roads than from Covid. The Pandemic has fizzled out. I believe those that are dying from some version of Covid had compromised health issues that most people don't have.

Have you called someone in power to tell them all this, it might sway them!

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4 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Have you called someone in power to tell them all this, it might sway them!

I highly suspect they already know. Besides sway is too close to shake which is too violent and could be used against you in a court of law. The truth in Thailand isn't worth going to prison for.

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New study published 25th April:


Impact of population mixing between vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations on infectious disease dynamics: implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission


Results: We found that the risk of infection was markedly higher among unvaccinated people than among vaccinated people under all mixing assumptions. The contact-adjusted contribution of unvaccinated people to infection risk was disproportionate, with unvaccinated people contributing to infections among those who were vaccinated at a rate higher than would have been expected based on contact numbers alone. We found that as like-with-like mixing increased, attack rates among vaccinated people decreased from 15% to 10% (and increased from 62% to 79% among unvaccinated people), but the contact-adjusted contribution to risk among vaccinated people derived from contact with unvaccinated people increased.



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