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Authorities to Distribute Free Cannabis Plants for Home Cultivation

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10 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

How long time you have live in LOS?! Nobody never tell you that all truck and taxi drivers now drive whit power of yaba! So much better if they sleep some pause place and smoke weed! LOL

Yaba or alcohol... Weed maybe safer for the passengers, if the drivers switch.

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6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Was thinking the same.  I'd imagine it would go pretty quick.  These freebies wouldn't have less than 2% THC....would they?

Those freebies have in face 0.2% or less of THC by dried weight. Everything else is (and remains) illegal, regardless how enthusiastic Mr. Anutin trumpets on about Thailand's "cannabis liberalization".

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Nice little earner - as the knock-on effect is many will feel safe to sneak in budding THC plants also now and then the BiB can get a nice little fee if a neighbour gets into a dispute and knows who to call on guy next door....



This will be genetically modified or with the THC taken out so it's not psychoactive. It's just the latest in a long line of fads which will die down in due course. Useful for some types of pain and cancer anecdotally, but so far no large-scale, rigorous scientific trials have been undertaken, due in part to the difficulty of regulating dosage.

2 hours ago, WingFat said:

FYI to all you pot smokers...I quit smoking tobacco cigarettes over a year ago. In the course of doing so, I studied up on all the massive health horrors of smoking. And guess what ??? I learned that pot smoking has many of the same health hazards as smoking tobacco. In some ways, even worse. When one typically inhales marijuana, they deeply inhale and hold it in...DEEP in their lungs to obtain the maximum high. FACT: many but not all, of the same toxic ingredients of tobacco smoke are present in marijuana smoke. Look it up for yourself before you "toke up".

Of course anything you inhale has the same potential. However, there is a huge difference with smoking a pack a day and 1-2 blunts a day!

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

In other words: Cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand. But Hemp is.


Because like in most other countries, Thai legislation indeed distinguishes between "cannabis" (i.e. plants with a THC content of more than 0.2% by dried weight) and "hemp" (plants with a THC content of 0.2% or less by dried weight).


THAT (and nothing else) is the legal situation. And regardless whether Mr. Anutin waxes on about "cannabis liberalization" or "cannabis legalization", it simply is NOT TRUE. Yet the press picks it up and propagates it to the world when it should be made crystal clear that cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand.


Make no mistake:

> If you plant any of the "non-legal" cannabis cultivars or consume products made from them (i.e. marijuana, hashish) and are caught, you are going to jail!

> You are ONLY permitted to plant "legal" cannabis cultivars, i.e. hemp. And those 1 million plants that Mr. Anutin plans to distribute are of that legal, low-THC type. You can use their leaves in a salad or a smoothie -- or make hemp ropes out of their fibers. They are good for nothing else.


Oh, and yes, both legal and illegal plants contain CBD (cannabidiol), that "other" main compound that you hear so much about. But anybody wanting to extract CBD from legal plants in commercial quantities, NEEDS A LICENSE from the Thai FDA as well as approval from the Provincial Health Office and the Narcotics Control Board. Which, since we are in Thailand, involves an incredibly convoluted application process plus reams and reams of documents. 


See? It's not all just as simple as Mr. Anutin makes it out. And I really wish he would finally stop talking about Thailand's "cannabis legalization" and instead use the more accurate term "hemp legalization". Because that is what it is.        

It's legalized for personal, medical use for people to use as they see fit. I've heard of no restrictions against someone growing low THC plants and making extracts for personal use by infusing ghee, or coconut oil or doing a methanol extraction.
It's not full legalization of all cannabis but it's a step in the right direction where people can legally grow a few plants, use the leaves for soup or baking edibles or making tinctures so you're not reliant on getting GPO oil from the government.

Another benefit is that Thai spouses can "grow" the plants for their non-Thai husbands to make extracts because they are excluded from the government distribution of GPO oil.

To wit: I have prescriptions from three Thai doctors certified to prescribe cannabis. In 2019 I received GPO from a government hospital but after 1 Jan 2020 every government hospital's pharmacy refused to fill my prescription, even if their own cannabis-certified doctor prescribed it, because the Thai FDA told hospitals that it was up to them if they wanted to deny foreigners and only supply Thai citizens and they all decided to discriminate, even if you paid for the extract (Thai's get it for free so I guess giving foreigners something for free was against their principles and they couldn't figure out how to charge for something they get for free from the government).

I went up the ladder within the Thai FDA and asked why and they said that it was experimental and they didn't want to be responsible in case a foreigner had a bad reaction.
Bitch, It hasn't been experimental in the rest of the world for decades, the safety and efficacy has been well-established.  I've had a prescription since 1996, I've been in the industry for over three decades and I'm considered an industry expert who has been invited and paid to give numerous presentations to doctors and government officials in various countries, you're not protecting me from anything. ( I didn't say 'bitch" btw)...

  • Like 2
11 hours ago, simon43 said:

Can the average cop visually tell the difference between a hemp plant with <0.2% THC and a cannabis plant with 20% THC?


Asking for a friend of course ????

No they can not.


9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Euros yes, Americans no.

As  a young Brit, I used to mix with tobacco, then I started  mixing with Americans and just smoke pure. The absolute best way is to smoke cannabis with opium rubbed into the papers (I was introduced to this by a French guy).

Now your talking ???? although watching it go liquid and melt into a cone was quite delightful as well.

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, Fortescue said:

This will be genetically modified or with the THC taken out so it's not psychoactive. It's just the latest in a long line of fads which will die down in due course. Useful for some types of pain and cancer anecdotally, but so far no large-scale, rigorous scientific trials have been undertaken, due in part to the difficulty of regulating dosage.

Do your homework. It's not genetically modified at all it's just a strain of cannabis that has been around for a very long time that has a very low thc level naturally. So many people on this thread commenting about things they have no clue about. 

 Even a 2 second search on industrial hemp will greatly improve your limited knowledge.

4 hours ago, Crazy Noobie said:

No they can not.


Well .......there's one way they could tell. 


Coming into Los Angeles, bringing in a couple of KG's... Please Mr. Customs man don't check my baggage please..

Going to be some dogs sniffing full time on the incoming flights from Thailand....


This is going to better than the old days of going to Pai, and when coming down the mountain the police arrest ya.  


2 hours ago, starky said:

Now your talking ???? although watching it go liquid and melt into a cone was quite delightful as well.

Haha, used to see that up in the hills years ago. 

  • Thanks 1
21 hours ago, webfact said:

One million free cannabis hemp plants will be distributed in June when home cultivation and use of the plant are due to be officially legalized under Thai law.


  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The absolute best way is to smoke cannabis with opium rubbed into the papers (I was introduced to this by a French guy).

Hmmmm, many years ago I was out of skunk so I got a little bit of black morrocan off a guy in a club and rolled one up.  Smoked it in the car park, went back inside, up to the bar, ordered a beer and turned around, leaning on the bar to scan the dance floor.  I kid you not - everyone on the dance floor had Elephant's heads.????


Long story short, the guy I bought it from failed to tell me it was opiated.


Had a similar experience in The Hague where the weed was also opiated and I mixed it with 'Space Cake' except this time there were 1 meter tall Mice in my bedroom.  Good fun but it can be scary.


I can imagine that opium rubbed on the paper would create an enjoyable smoke without the Elephants - there was obviously way too much of the stuff in mine.

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3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I kid you not - everyone on the dance floor had Elephant's heads

Marina Disco?

14 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

The long term benefits to Thai society  of the decriminalisation of marijuana is potentially breath taking wealth creation, liberation, enhanced justice and the  diminution  of corruption


Someone got their seedlings ~ 7 months ago.





20 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

In other words: Cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand. But Hemp is.


Because like in most other countries, Thai legislation indeed distinguishes between "cannabis" (i.e. plants with a THC content of more than 0.2% by dried weight) and "hemp" (plants with a THC content of 0.2% or less by dried weight).


THAT (and nothing else) is the legal situation. And regardless whether Mr. Anutin waxes on about "cannabis liberalization" or "cannabis legalization", it simply is NOT TRUE. Yet the press picks it up and propagates it to the world when it should be made crystal clear that cannabis is NOT legal in Thailand.


Make no mistake:

> If you plant any of the "non-legal" cannabis cultivars or consume products made from them (i.e. marijuana, hashish) and are caught, you are going to jail!

> You are ONLY permitted to plant "legal" cannabis cultivars, i.e. hemp. And those 1 million plants that Mr. Anutin plans to distribute are of that legal, low-THC type. You can use their leaves in a salad or a smoothie -- or make hemp ropes out of their fibers. They are good for nothing else.


Oh, and yes, both legal and illegal plants contain CBD (cannabidiol), that "other" main compound that you hear so much about. But anybody wanting to extract CBD from legal plants in commercial quantities, NEEDS A LICENSE from the Thai FDA as well as approval from the Provincial Health Office and the Narcotics Control Board. Which, since we are in Thailand, involves an incredibly convoluted application process plus reams and reams of documents. 


See? It's not all just as simple as Mr. Anutin makes it out. And I really wish he would finally stop talking about Thailand's "cannabis legalization" and instead use the more accurate term "hemp legalization". Because that is what it is.        

The point is that small farmers can grow the plants and sell them back to their original distributor. This is a similar business model to sericulture in which silkworms are purchased at a few days old and sold back to their original distributor as silk cocoons (after just about three weeks). The small farmers who sell those silk cocoons have nothing to do with processing into silk thread and eventually cloth. All they do is grow the worms into cocoons. The medical marijuana industry in Thailand will be employing a similar process with small farmers growing the plants and selling them back to the original distributor.  There is no need for any (small) grower to have any kind of licence as they will not be involved in any processing or extraction of CBD. I hope, now, you have a better understanding of the situation. You're welcome.

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The offering is political BS in my view. Give families 1 million plants to grow hemp? Yeah right, that will help the economy. Banana republic thinking. The corrupt "authorities" are too busy earning 550-650 a gram for strains with 15-28% THC to give it up to the public. Will the police get little plastic weed ID cards so they can tell an anemic hemp plant from dense sensimilla buds? They don't look even close. One is the equivalent of a castrated male the other a Uber horny female. The females will probably be taken for a photo op burning while the balance disappears  from the evidence rooms across the country. Buying potent autoflowering seeds aren't too expensive so they can take their <deleted>ty plants and pawn them off to the uneducated low to no margin wannabe growers. A political stunt in my view. Let's hope that the Trojan horse theory pans out. Why should the police even be interested in what you grow. They should use their effective (sarcasm) skills to reduce road deaths and checkpoints aren't the way to do it. If they can lift their heads from watching videos on their cell phones or interrupt making collections then why should seeking out high THC plants be a priority? Simple, protect profit. Yes, I am cynical. As I have been told a few times by the heros in brown, "Thai police have good heart. Can I take a selfie with you." 

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1 hour ago, sjbrownderby said:

The medical marijuana industry in Thailand will be employing a similar process with small farmers growing the plants and selling them back to the original distributor. 

The medical cannabis "industry" has more than enough controlled, quality biomass to generate the THC, CBD and 1:1 GPO oils.


There are very few diagnoses which call for cannabis therapies. Most are palliative, for EoL situations.


If you're saying that this small-farmer Cannabis activity will be as tightly controlled as the Sericulture industry, and that there is equivalent demand for Cannabis, as there is for high-quality silk, then fine. The Sericulture initiative operates under the auspices of the Queen mother Sirikit. I'm not seeing a similar royal backing for the cannabis "initiative", EVER.



Circling back


We don't really know what will happen 9 June 2022 and beyond.


The required legislation has not been read yet. Yes there are drafts.


No one knows what these 1 million plants are, where they are, who gets them, what varieties they are.


Psychoactive cannabinoids derived from plants remain illegal. The Narcotics Act remains unchanged.





21 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Try smoking it, you will die from cancer before getting stoned

Your lack of knowledge is apparent

It industrial use only, not recreational, however feel free to enjoy another whiskey.


I had a friend that was given hemp in a baggy. Upon telling me he had canabis, I asked to see it. I saw it, smelled it (smelled like hemp rope). I asked are you smokking this? Answer; yes. Does it get you high? Answer; yes (phsycological?) 2 Months later, he could barely talk for the lack of air behind his words. 8 months later, he passed out walking from kitchen to living room, hit his head on the floor and died. We found him 2 days later.

  • Confused 1
23 hours ago, robert888d said:

What a  stupid dangerous idea.

People getting hooked on cannabis and later turning to harder drugs.

People driving  when doped and causing even more Road accidents. 

Even more people getting cancer.

It's all about making money for you know who.



God forbid that you should actually read the article , or indeed the comments , before uttering such clueless thoughts.

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