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On missing England - and so nearly coming to a sticky end!


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2 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

Not back in London for the queen's Platinum Jubilee?  It shouldn't have been missed!

I watched it all on BBC via VPN.

And it did happen all over the UK, not just London.

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41 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

I watched it all on BBC via VPN.

And it did happen all over the UK, not just London.

Not so sure about the concert tonight at 2am though. Sir Diana Ross ain't exactly British is she? But Sir Rod is OK.

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43 minutes ago, KannikaP said:
2 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

Not back in London for the queen's Platinum Jubilee?  It shouldn't have been missed!


43 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

I watched it all on BBC via VPN.

What a marathon that must have been! I don't have the patience to sit and watch TV for long periods so I'm downloading it all onto my iPlayer so I can take it all in in bite sized chunks. Starting with 'Trooping the Colour' of course.

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As time has gone by I don't miss England at all. Last visit 5 years ago. Didn't like most of what I saw and left early. The place has changed a lot since I last lived there over 40 years ago, for better or for worse depending on your viewpoint.

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3 hours ago, RobU said:

They have now changed the code of conduct to allow ministers to commit 'minor' misdemeanours and stay in office(the definition of minor being purely subjective to the Prime Minister) 

The reason being that People from a certain political leaning kept regularly making  complains about minor misdemeanors  and calling for other Politicians to resign , incessant barrage of "He lied" , "He drove a car" "He drank a beer" "He shouted " Resign, Resign , Resign .

   So they had to change the rules to stop the frivolous  complaints 

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8 hours ago, RobU said:

You're not missing much in England Rooster. we have had 2 days of good weather so far this summer in my county and the average Temperature is 12 degrees. British politicians are more like their Thai counterparts every day. They have now changed the code of conduct to allow ministers to commit 'minor' misdemeanours and stay in office(the definition of minor being purely subjective to the Prime Minister) Police are not answering 999 calls and ambulances are taking up to 4 hours to answer emergency calls. You can't get to see a GP my own GP now classes care assistants (Nursing Auxiliaries) as clinicians. And the woke community seems to be taking charge of everything.

12C? That's what the English call 'balmy' isn't it?

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14 hours ago, bradiston said:

And the Epsom Derby is for 3 yo colts and fillies. Apart from that an admirable digest.

Yes, indeed though I didn't feel the need to make that clear for a largely non-racing readership. Frankie (who I named my daughter after) would have been a tad disappointed on Friday what with Tuesday winning! But yesterday had that famous 'prince' been around he'd have found it hard to find one to 'beat the favourite'.


Thx for reading. 

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13 hours ago, KannikaP said:

I watched it all on BBC via VPN.

My kids in London sent me a few 10 second videos that entertained my little ones in Bangkok. Personally I can do without the gushing commentators all day. Shame that the Queen was not up to attending all the events in her honour.


Thanks for reading.

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16 hours ago, madmitch said:

Sadly, poor old Queenie isn't fit enough to make the Derby today. She's had to miss other events but this is one she'll be particularly saddened by.

Indeed, but at least the winner didn't desert the crown. 

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1 minute ago, RobU said:

No such thing as a frivolous complaint

They are frivolous distractions from real problems and issues, of which there is an abundance. 

Edited by jacko45k
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7 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

They are frivolous distractions from real problems and issues, of which there is an abundance. 

Please don't use wokey techniques and misquote me. I said "There is no such thing as a frivolous complaint IF IT IS UPHELD". Misbehaviour of any sort amongst people who seem to have unlimited power has to be exposed and punished.

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Just now, RobU said:

Please don't use wokey techniques and misquote me. I said "There is no such thing as a frivolous complaint IF IT IS UPHELD". Misbehaviour of any sort amongst people who seem to have unlimited power has to be exposed and punished.

It is a waste of time and money even taking them to that point. And upheld or not, someone holding a bottle of beer is trivial! Bloody millions spent on reports and investigations while countries are invaded, wages eroded, immigrants pour in and crime spirals and some old lady investigates a few misdemeanors. It is a constant game of attempted gotchya!

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Just finishing this one off Rooster - and well in the Face of Our, very fast changing Thailand also.


... Well, it looks like the very Unfortunate death of the French Woman, Tourist, getting killed at the Rojana Road and Khlong Makhamriang intersection, pretty well in the center of The main, Island patty of Ayutthaya. … Was not covered in the week that was, … So well, this probably makes my 3 posts, pretty well off topic, and sorry for that, … but well it is a safety issue also I think, … As well as my Historic View of my also newly gained Home, here in Chan watt Ayutthaya, with all of the Thai extras added on to the beginning of it. … And it’s tourists on Bicycles !!! … AND some quite varied Roads, now nearly all full of New world Thai Traffic. !!!


… No worries, editorial stuff ? possible Litigation ? or even not worth dealing with, as I see that about 30 to 60 Thais a day are getting killed on the roads every day now.  … Like the safety has Improved I think, and they ALL / and WE, DO care about it !!! …. But the Volume of traffic and the number of people with new cars, also must have tripled !!! In the last 5 years alone !!!  … Pushing the figures back up, just by sheer Volume, and well Things are Changing. … World Wide I think, that we all can see. … So Well, basically the Increase of Tourism, and also the probable increase, of Tourists using bicycles to visit the Attractions, … in the face of Tipple the traffic Volume, and now the Poor French women’s Unfortunate death, …. it would be worth considering this situation just a bit I think.


Basically I think that she would have survived, like my friend who rode his motorbike down the Huge construction hole, while racing, at speed, over taking on the left, .. in the rain at night, … But he survived as they just rushed him to the Hospital …. which is actual just about right around the Corner from this intersection. … But well she was a foreign woman, and I would bet that the Thai men were probably a bit scared about getting involved with her, … so she was left there on the Road for too long, and died. …


… My Friend being a man and on a racing motor bike, I think that they just picked him up straight away, … and literally threw him in the back of a pickup, and raced him around the corner, TO the hospital, and he lived, despite just huge injuries to his face and parts of the Road, the Hole, and his helmet rammed down his throat.


… In the Australian video link to the Queen last night, the Older Australian of the Year, was a woman that worked with the St Johns ambulance, and she has been tirelessly campaigning for ALL people that drive, be given first aid Training, as she thinks ? and probably quite rightly, that If all accident victims, got fast first aid, at the accident seen it would save Hundreds of lives, … and it probably would I think ! ? … And the life of the French woman in this case also I think.


So looking at the Intersection, the Thai’s have actual had a pretty good go at fixing it up and making it safe … People used to Queue across the Intersection, to pick their kids up from the Good school just a bit to the south of it, but they have closed those lanes off. … … and they have put the Zebra crossing on the West side of the Intersection, which has less Traffic crossing, which is logical, as the Bulk of the traffic is Coming in to the town, from the East, across the bridge, and then trying to turn right at this intersection, and get in to Makhamriang road which is a beautiful, But, Old and narrow, and congested. … Local road only.


So the woman probably saw this huge right hand turn Queue, and an other wise empty road, … and though that crossing at the crossing was OK, … but well, the lights changed, giving the Right hand Turners, AND the straight through traffic the right of way probably just after they had started to cross …


… and the Poor Thai driver that hit her, probably pulled out left, in to the far left lane, to avoid the Right hand turning Jam, … and saw a green light, …  so sped up … and did not see the French woman pushing her bike in to the road. … As it Was at night also. … and he probably was in the left hand lane, which would have surprised her as well. …


So, though they might have started out when the lights were red for through traffic, …. By the time they got going, the Lights changed !!! and then they WERE crossing, when the lights SHOULD have been red for them !!! …. As they WERE green for the through traffic, …. As the Thai man’s Dash camera showed.


The Zebra crossing is in the right place, but they need to change the cycle of the lights, to give a green right hand turn arrow, for as much of the time as they can, ….  BUT a red Straight through one, for enough time for the pedestrians to get across the crossing. … or better still break the pedestrian crossing in to 2 sections. … So they could be fitted in to the traffic flow better. …


… Like the Thais have been thinking about this as I have seen this Intersection change over the last 35 Years. But there is very VERY few pedestrians that cross here, like it is Not a business area or Hugh foot traffic area, as it is pretty remote from everything, … except the School. And now everyone has cars to get there. … So the traffic is all arterial pretty much and going (As fast as they can ???) to get to somewhere else !!!  … and I have never seen any pedestrians crossing here in the 35 years I mentioned !!! … So well the Thais must just have left changing the Traffic lights cycle out, and let the pedestrians just watch out for the Odd Through viechle, when everyone else, is basically just turning right any way, so clear of them. …


But well now with the Increase of Tourism, and that being on the Tourists route to some of the other good temples in town, … It should be now fixed, as well it IS only going to get worse, if it is not fixed. … As the traffic is Increasing, … and the number of Tourists on Bicycles are also increasing as well !!! … And they have the range to get there to this intersection, …. Even though pedestrians usually do not.




“The fatal crash occurred on Rojana Road at Khlong Makhamriang intersection in tambon Prathuchai”




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