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LTR Visa is Now available for Long Term Residency

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9 hours ago, oldcpu said:




It does thou have me pondering - if the LTR visa ends up having its 'no taxation on foreign income' benefit rescinded (which I do not believe will happen), but to SPECULATE,  if rescinded, what is the approach of the different countries around the world, if one spends less than 180 day in each country?


ie say 175 days in Thailand, 170 days in country-A (which taxes residents who are > 182 days in country) and 20-days in country-B (which taxes residents who are > 182 days in country) .  In such a hypothetical scenario, none of the 3 countries is one present long enough to be considered a taxation resident. 


For those who structured their finances/income sources, such that that they have minimized their taxation, is that a viable approach? 


I suspect in such a hypothetical scenario, one needs to specify still, the location of one's country of residence for various forms when applying for various items (maybe obtaining Visas and such), and one could still (in any such forms) state Thailand is one's residence (for living in more than other countries) but for taxation, Thailand may not be one's tax residency.


This does not apply to me, as I am pretty much covered by Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) for my foreign sourced income (and I still have faith in the LTR), but it may be approach for some who don't obtain a benefit from DTAs (who are concerned the LTR could be impacted).

Perfectly viable to live in 3 countries and not be a tax resident in one of them. Applying for a visa should be hassle free as they usually ask to state a residence not a tax residence. However you should not claim preferrential tax rates that are stipulated in DBAs as you do not have a tax residence, if the banks check these things is another matter.

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9 hours ago, stat said:

I was pointing out that you initial post was wrong and that there are legally binding contracts and documents that a new government cannot change. So your claim that those never exist is just plain wong.  Just because you have never heard of it does not indicate that these do not exist.








Again that BOI is not willing to say something just indicates how bad the situation for us expats can get.


As much as I like the US, some of their citizens seem to be completly unaware how different the rest of the world works or does not. 😉


9 hours ago, stat said:

I was pointing out that you initial post was wrong and that there are legally binding contracts and documents that a new government cannot change. So your claim that those never exist is just plain wong.  Just because you have never heard of it does not indicate that these do not exist.








Again that BOI is not willing to say something just indicates how bad the situation for us expats can get.


As much as I like the US, some of their citizens seem to be completly unaware how different the rest of the world works or does not. 😉

Yes I admit to ignorance of laws in other countries...and I opine often based on the laws in the US.  Sorry but Thailand is like the US in that any new government can change whatever they want in their constitution, their tax laws or whatever.  The BOI has no more of an idea of what may change than we expats do.  On top of that, the current govt may not last either.  In any case I do wish the best for all of us.  I retired here because I love Thailand - I realize that like anywhere else, not all is perfect but it sure beats life in much of the US right now.

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