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Drink driving in Thailand: Thais have had enough - 60 year old drunk attacked after he kills "moo ping" vendor

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Drunk drivers that kill or wound people should be put in jail mandatory. Drinking and driving just does not mix.


Before someone says it.. drugs and driving also dont mix and same applies.

In the UK drunk drivers who kill can now be charged with manslaughter and receive appropriately long sentences. Since Thai driving law and beaurocracy was originally based on the British Colonial model, perhaps Thailand should also adopt this excellent law

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6 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

Thais need to rebrand drunks who drive as Terrorist's. Then the courts should follow through the same way and lock them up for 20 years.  


why only thais? pretty much every country has drunk drivers, why is drunk driving any worse just because it's in thailand?


1980 in America a woman’s daughter was killed by a drunk driver. She started MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. It brought publicity to a big problem back then that was treated pretty lightly. This woman changed everything. It is now a very serious offense with prison time etc.

The poor man’s wife killed right in front of him…..what a horrible experience. Maybe deal with the drunk driver like they do with thieves in Saudi Arabia…..cut off one of his hands…..wouldn’t hurt 555.

32 minutes ago, it is what it is said:


why only thais? pretty much every country has drunk drivers, why is drunk driving any worse just because it's in thailand?

Yes other countries have drunk drivers but they're dealt with approriately. In the UK if there was no death involved it's a £1,000 fine and 1 year driving ban for the drink driving offence. But because a death is involved the driving ban could be 2-3 years and jail time on top of that. There's just zero deterrent in Thailand

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Something like 40% of accidents involve DIU alcohol.

The video clip shows the total lack of police control or interest.

People allowed to attack the suspect in the police vehicle.

Looks more like Keystone Cops every day here.

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In a society where police bribery is accepted and encouraged, vigilante justice perhaps is the only recourse.  I think the people should be roughing up the political class but they are protected by the corrupt police.  

4 hours ago, SuwadeeS said:

It would be so easy!!!!

Just confiscate and revoke their driving licenses.

Thailand loves to copy everything. So, why not copy some european regulations as Swiss or Germany

When as estimated 40% of them are driving without Licences it won't make much difference !


The ingrained Thai behavior that they can do whatever they want, and they are never wrong.


It is indictative of the way they drive, like each individual driver thinking THEY own the road.

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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

A kick to the head isn't very compassionate, but where does it say he is an alcoholic?  It only said he was drunk

He was drunk. End of story. Lynch him. The more drunk drivers are lynched, the less road deaths there will be.

30 minutes ago, Geordieabroad said:

But because a death is involved the driving ban could be 2-3 years and jail time on top of that.


Sorry, I was writing BS.

5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Once I was knocked over when crossing the road by a drunk guy on a motorbike. 

A vendor kicked off his helmet in one kick then kicked him again in the head, it was great to watch. 


Alcoholism is a disease so show some compassion to the driver. 

Please also condemn the motor riders who also are major offenders, note that 80% of road deaths are motor bike victims. Every incident needs to be actioned upon, unfortunately there is more to be made from car drivers than others thus the focus. 

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5 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

If "coffee" money is on play then sadly nothing change ever! Mostly 500 bth and only what get is that police say drive safely home, even you are so drunk that you cant walk!

If you have get yaba and show in urine test then it only cost more. But journey continue even you drive truck or buss. 

An uninsured driver hit my truck after everything was taken care of the police sent her on her way still no insurance I was asked if they did it like that in the US I told the police no she would have gotten a ticket and her car towed 


This plague of drunk driving could be fixed. Immediate and permanent confiscation of the vehicle when death is involved. A 10 year mandatory prison sentence. Permanent revocation of the drivers license.


Killing someone while drunk is a very serious offense. When will they start behaving as such? 


Then they can move onto the root causes of drunkenness. Extreme dissatisfaction with one's life? Childhood trauma and pain that never got worked out? Or even looked at? An extreme lack of self respect? 

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai public showed yesterday that they have had enough of drunk drivers.

No... thats not true....  ‘Thai’s have not had enough of drunk drivers’.... 


Say it how it really is.... ‘Thai’s have had enough of ‘OTHERS’ drink driving’..... 



It is still the cultural norm for Thai’s to go out, party, funeral, wedding, bar, dinner etc...  drink and drive home... It is still the cultural norm for this behaviour not to be frowned upon. 


When there is a cultural shift towards one of social responsibility we will see a great many improvements from better road manners and consideration to the obvious... reduction in drink driving. Until then, no, Thai’s have not had enough... they just respond with knee-jerk actions when someone they know is killed or hurt... 



The disregard for consequences is one of the facets that makes Thailand a relaxing and happy go lucky place to live. However, this is a double edged sword as its also tragic to witness the society we live amongst and care about behave with such disregard for consequences when the consequences are so frequently tragic. 



3 hours ago, Mike k said:

An uninsured driver hit my truck after everything was taken care of the police sent her on her way still no insurance I was asked if they did it like that in the US I told the police no she would have gotten a ticket and her car towed 

... 'Policemen in the US make too much work for themselves’... was likely the thoughts running through the mind of the Thai Policeman you were speaking with !!! 

7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Then they can move onto the root causes of drunkenness. Extreme dissatisfaction with one's life? Childhood trauma and pain that never got worked out? Or even looked at? An extreme lack of self respect? 

You've over egging that one....    


They’ve just had fun with friends then get in a car...  thats all there is to it.

No underlying need to get wasted, drink to forget etc...  just fun... 


But.. that fun comes with a degree of ignorance towards the risks of drunk driving... most people in Thailand will think nothing of drink-driving... they just think they will be ok driving home. 


Before we met my Wife would drink drive every time she went out (and yes, she had accidents), but she said it was safer for a female than taking a taxi. 

8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Maybe time to make lynching drunks that injure or kill

people law , sell the vehicle off to help the family of victim,

wonder how many it would take before they realised that

DUI is not to be tolerated , quite a few I think as they are

thick as pigs sh!t........

regards Worgeordie

Would that work ???... 


... Every drunk driver thinks its the others that are the problem... they will just think ‘I’ll drive slower and more carefully, I’m a good drivers !!!’...


... Then you have the Westerners who drink drive under the premise that ‘even when drunk they are still safer than the Thai’s’ !!!!... 

7 hours ago, transam said:

This bloke might, you know how things can work here.....????

When I see you've quoted me, I sometimes wonder why I bother even looking....what are you on about?

18 hours ago, webfact said:

Nawachart told police he had been drinking and was on his way home when he lost control of his Ford Everest at the bend.

Manslaughter... no less.

16 hours ago, shackleton said:

Stiffer sentences need to be given out for offences involving alcohol 

Especially if people are killed by those driving under the influence ???? 

It is manslaughter...... ten years in jail might be a starting point. Too often innocent people die at their hands and I suspect a monetary payment to family and a slap on the wrist is the only result.... particularly if it was a Merc being driven!

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