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U.S. President Biden's public approval rating falls to 38% new low in Gallup poll


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Holy <deleted>!


Biden is on tv now, talking up the Chip Act. But my God, he is not well. He is hacking up a lung every 15 seconds, constantly adjusting his shades, and really struggling. 


The man is not well. 

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6 minutes ago, BangkokHank said:

I'm guessing that you never studied economics. These are precisely the things that are CAUSING the inflation that the world is experiencing now.

Really? These pieces of legislation are causing worldwide inflation? How does that work? Keep in mind that one of these was just signed into law  a week ago or less and the last one has yet to be ratified  by the House of Representatives. Anyway, I await your explanation with great interest.


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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

As I have repeatedly pointed out elsewhere, it's always dubious to say Presidents deserve responsibility for the current state of the economy. Whether that President is a Democrat or a Republican. The exception being in times of crisis and how they respond. 

Right now the world economy is in crisis. Is the President of the United States responsible? Inflation is a world wide phenomenon. Are there any major economies that have escaped it? The US economy seems to be doing better than most of the developed world. It is creating jobs. GDP was down by 0.9% in the last quarter. But GNI was up 3.6%, How much of this is due to Biden? It's hard to say when the world economy is in a very disturbed and unusual state. 

But for the future, the bills that have passed will be hugely influential for the shape of the economy.

You can say that again.

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Biden gets another photo opportunity, signing the NATO ratification for Finland and Sweden.


The real litmus test will come on Wednesday when the inflation figures are released. If they tick up, bad for Biden. If they tick down, good for Biden. Such is the fickle knee jerk response to something demonstrably not under his control.

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A senior administration official told The Hill that the White House decided to “lean into” the “Dark Brandon” imagery to make an important point about the president delivering what they referred to as a “staggering” amount of wins in a short period time.


Recently the Biden administration has racked up a number of wins including a July jobs report that shattered economists’ expectations, the drone strike on Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri and passage of a $430 billion climate, health care and tax overhaul.



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On 8/14/2022 at 9:28 AM, BangkokHank said:

Yes, really. And your response shows that not only do you have no clue about economics, you also have trouble with simple arithmetic. Either that, or you are just being deliberately deceptive. (Please let us know which one it is.)


Here are the numbers that you presented:  


1.9 trillion covid relief bill

1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill

53 billion dollar chips bill

700 billion dollar inflation reduction bill


These add up to USD 3.853 trillion. You said that the chips bill was only recently signed into law and that the inflation "reduction" (ha) bill has yet to be ratified. So of this total of USD 3.853 trillion, 3.1 trillion, or roughly 80% of it, has already been created out of this air and distributed. But then you suggest that because the remaining 20% has not been distributed yet that government creation of money out of thin air could not possibly have anything to do with the inflation that the world is experiencing now.


The fact is that 3.1 trillion dollars is a HUGE amount of money. And when that amount of money is suddenly injected into the economy, with no corresponding increase (and an actual - and deliberate DECREASE) in the amount of goods existing in the world, then serious inflation is inevitable.


I await with great interest your attempt to weasel your way out of this.

Wow! Big number there. For one thing. That 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill actually allocated 550 billion in new spending.


"The 2,702-page Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains $550 billion in new spending.19


 The $1.2 trillion figure comes from including additional funding normally allocated each year for highways and other infrastructure projects.20 


So I got that number wrong. So it's 550 billion. But wait, there's more. These are for infrastructure projects.

110 billion for roads and bridges

66 billion for railroads

65 billion for power grid

65 billion for broadband

55 billion for water infrastructure

55 billion for cyber security and climate change

39 billion for public transit

25 billion for airports

21 billion for the environment

17 billion for ports

11 billion for safety (mostly highways)

8 billion for western water infrastructure

7.5 billion for electric charging stations

7.5 billion for electric school buses


You think that money for these infrastructure projects is going to get spent in a year? Even close to a year? These are mostly multiyear projects. Even after plans are in place they're going to have to pass environmental reviews. So very little of that money has even been spent so far.


So now we're basically down to the 1.9 trillion covid relief bill.

Now, how much of that money is going to be spent on goods as opposed to services. Who knows? Certainly not all of it.

How much of that money actually makes its way out of the USA to buy foreign products?

I don't know, Do you?

The world GDP is about 85 trillion. 

All of a sudden 1.9 trillion doesn't seem like so much, does it?

And of course, most of that money will have been spent already. 

So how to explain continuing inflation?

Well, obviously, fossil fuel costs have skyrocketed. You think that might have something to do with the war in Ukraine? We can see what happens when those prices decline. The US had zero inflation in July thanks to that.

And food prices. You think that might have something to do with worldwide inflation. You know the shortfall in grain suppples due to that same war?

And ditto for fertilizer?

You think all or most of the increase in prices for those commodities is due to US demand?




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8 minutes ago, habanero said:

You said it yourself. New York Times?

 Fox News has the Republicans and Democrats tied in the popular vote for Congress. But everyone knowns they're basically radical leftists.


"With midterm elections three months away, voters are split on their generic ballot preference (the Democratic candidate in their House district vs. the Republican candidate) at 41% apiece. Of the 70% saying the next generation will be worse off, those voters break for the GOP by 14 points. The 25% who say life will be better favor the Democrat by 34."


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Posts and video from an unapproved source have been removed along with nonsensical posts about fact-checking.  Continue posting material that is factually incorrect and you will face a warning and suspension.


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I think I've found the explanation of why Biden's poll numbers have been rising. And yes, it has to do with the falling price of a  fuel that powers most Americans:



The first regular-season game of the NFL season kicks off Sept. 8, and just in time: Chicken wings are at their lowest prices in years.

The Department of Agriculture's price index for chicken wings is now at levels not seen since 2018, with the average wholesale price of a pound of wings falling to about $1.68 in July, and trending even lower for August.

It's a startling reversal of a trend that saw a dramatic run-up in prices for chicken wings early in the pandemic, one that coincided with broader inflation in the economy, labor shortages and surging demand for poultry as fast-food chains began rolling out competing chicken sandwiches.


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2 hours ago, howlee101 said:

You may want to refrain from being a realist and go along with the new definitions coming from the current administration....and other posters on this forum.  You are right, it wasn't "new" jobs but simply businesses being able to reopen and hire people for the jobs that were laid off pre Covid.  

So it was great when the economy reached such levels during the Trump administration but not when they're reached during the Biden administration? And this despite the fact that the  economic situation faces a lot more adverse forces than it did during the Trump Presidency.

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

So it was great when the economy reached such levels during the Trump administration but not when they're reached during the Biden administration? And this despite the fact that the  economic situation faces a lot more adverse forces than it did during the Trump Presidency.

Ah yes. Another Trump whataboutism.  The man continues to live rent free inside the minds of the left. 

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14 minutes ago, howlee101 said:

Ah yes. Another Trump whataboutism.  The man continues to live rent free inside the minds of the left. 

This is laughable. You're the one who compared the Biden administration's performance to the Trump administration's. I just replied to that. So whose mind has Trump taken up residence in?

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4 hours ago, howlee101 said:

You may want to refrain from being a realist and go along with the new definitions coming from the current administration....and other posters on this forum.  You are right, it wasn't "new" jobs but simply businesses being able to reopen and hire people for the jobs that were laid off pre Covid.  

Yet the context was quite different. The pre-Covid numbers were the culmination of a decade of continuous growth and job creation. The current situation is post-crisis with plenty of economic problems such as supply chain issues. "Only" reaching the same unemployment rate as pre-Covid in such a short time is actually an impressive achievement.

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5 minutes ago, howlee101 said:

Uh, no I did not. Stop trolling and baiting.

I wasn't trolling or baiting. However, I was responding to the fact that you cited the level of employment pre-covid. So that was the Trump administration. Still, I was mistaken in attributing you explicitly citing the Trump. 

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Today is day 582 of the Biden Presidency. Biden's average favorability is at 41.3%. On day 582 of the Reagan Presidency, Reagan's average favorability was at 40.9%. A lot can change in 2+ years.



On the other hand Biden still has a bit of catching up to do with Trump. At day 582 Trump was at 41.5%. So, he's ahead of Biden by 0.2%




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President Biden up to 44% approval now, trending upwards.  The right wing nutters will not be pleased....


[President Biden’s approval rating rose to 44 percent during the month of August in a new Gallup poll, the latest sign of the president recovering some ground amid a series of legislative wins and a steady decline in gasoline prices.]



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16 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

President Biden up to 44% approval now, trending upwards.  The right wing nutters will not be pleased....


[President Biden’s approval rating rose to 44 percent during the month of August in a new Gallup poll, the latest sign of the president recovering some ground amid a series of legislative wins and a steady decline in gasoline prices.]



Are you sure about that? I looked for it on Fox News but couldn't find any mention of it.

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