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Mum posts warning after three year old child consumes marijuana brownie and needs hospital


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As stated before Thailand has opened a can of worms with legal cannabis. The populus here think this is quick way to make a buck, however, due to the lack of education regarding this product more problems are on their way. 

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6 minutes ago, Shocked farang said:

Ganja food needs to be regulated that's all. It must come in a special cover with a clear warning: Keep out of reach of children. 

Just like medicine, any dangerous substance. Problem solved. 

Next please! 

Yep! Just like all those flavoured,  sparkling hard sodas... never seen an underage or uninitiated chuck one of those back without seeing the giant warning labels on them ????????????????

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17 minutes ago, Shocked farang said:

Ganja food needs to be regulated that's all. It must come in a special cover with a clear warning: Keep out of reach of children. 

Just like medicine, any dangerous substance. Problem solved. 

Next please! 

Anyone with any sense knows what to keep out of reach of children without need for labels.

We’ve become accustomed to labels simply because of the spread of US ’suing culture’).


A label isn’t going to stop a 3 year old...   and if a parent needs a label to know that something is harmful to a child then maybe they really shouldn’t be parents - part of the issue is that any idiot can become a parent !!! :whistling:


Any parents that leaves their medication out where a 3 year old could consume it is wholly negligent.


The issue is the absence of basic levels parental supervision and awareness of basic child safety. 




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Just now, The Hammer2021 said:

This kid in Bradford would have  been lucky to get  stoned on a hash brownie!

It just goes to show all the ills of the world  are not centred  on Thailand as some people on this forum would have us believe. 


This is not about the UK and going back to January to seek your links especially when just 2 days ago in Thailand we get this:



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21 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

This kid in Bradford would have  been lucky to get  stoned on a hash brownie!

It just goes to show all the ills of the world  are not centred  on Thailand as some people on this forum would have us believe. 


I have to ask you [Hammer], Do you believe the general attitudes towards safety and Child safety in Thailand are better than the UK ???


.... better than many of our home countries ???



OR... do feel you have to object because you really really like it here so feel the need to defend your choice for being here which also means defending against any criticism of anything Thai ???



You seem unable to be able to differentiate between having a negative opinion on one (or even a handful of facets of Thailand life) and having a dislike between everything Thai.



Mine is not a Thai bash. But, it is bash on the general attitude towards safety in Thailand... particularly the attitude towards safety of children in Thailand.





Edited by richard_smith237
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3 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Its not specific to any country but this is Thailand


In Thailand, there are an average of 52 children being sexually, physically or psychologically abused, neglected, or exploited each day or more than 2 children in every hour.


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1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

IF they haven’t already, people are going to start suspecting your deliberate obtuseness is not so deliberate... 


IF you provide examples of dangerous driving or a car accident in the UK, would you consider that as valid evidence that the Thai road deaths are not as severe as people and stats suggest ???




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8 hours ago, starky said:

Ganja isn't the glaringly obvious problem in this story.

"The parent was told by a relative of her husband that the child had ate the ganja brownie."

So family then. Lol. 

 The mother also warned others to take care of their kids.

 ???????????????? couldn't make this <deleted> up. How about you take CARE of your own child in the first instance pillock? 

...exactly! What's even more worrying about this story is the fact that the husband's relative and/or the husband knew that the kid had eaten the hash brownie and chose not to say anything at first allowing the kid to go to school... unbelievable! No wonder the mother is worried about receiving bad press over this!

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5 hours ago, Spock said:

Or more likely one or two cases are sensationalised and stupid people believe they represent the tip of an iceberg rather than isolated exceptions. 

On the other hand you can buy the plants everywhere... The sellers should have permissions, but look at the number of cars at side of the road with the plants.. I am wondering if they all have permission. People buy it and use it but without any knowledge.. Surely it is a tip of the iceberg.. Many cases are kept away as everything is manipulated.... Look at the real Covid cases....and published numbers

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7 hours ago, malibukid said:

well what would expect from the parents here who routinely endanger their kids

Like loaded weapons in US households that result in the deaths of 500 innocent children a year. Like that huh?

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8 hours ago, Screaming said:

It is very sad that marijuana had been decriminalized in Thailand. Innocent children will suffer and die because of this criminal decision.

Ok. A fair thought. Here's another one. Google deaths by marijuana. Sure kiddies should not be injesting it but I think this is either stupidity or fake news.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

The baker said people in the area were putting ganja in their food secretly and this was a very bad thing especially for children.

Anutin must be proud of this as the health minister?

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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Read the article... 



Secretly or otherwise....   leaving dope laced cookies around where children have access to them is outrageously negligent....  as is leaving a 3 year old unattended to get what they want from the kitchen etc.... 






Yes I read the article. I don't believe it.

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:17 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Families stupid enough to put marijuana in cookies and leave them where children can get access to them are also the families whose children grow up with elevated risks... i.e. these are the families we read about who have lost children, drowned in a nearby pond... these are the families to take children on motorcycles without helmets etc...  


A 3 year old left completely unsupervised.....    Sadly, it seems par for the course in many areas of Thailand (and not only Thailand). 


The Marijuana hysteria is also getting ridiculous... People ’secretly’ putting it in food is outrageous and dangerous - those who do this should be dealt with legally. 







Wasn't it only a few weeks ago that the Thai health auths were telling SCHOOLS not to put Marijuana in school meals. Makes the mind boggle!

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On 8/4/2022 at 5:35 PM, Shocked farang said:

Ganja food needs to be regulated that's all. It must come in a special cover with a clear warning: Keep out of reach of children. 

Just like medicine, any dangerous substance. Problem solved. 

Next please! 

TIT You really think thats going to happen. That would be common sense. 

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On 8/4/2022 at 10:11 PM, ikke1959 said:

On the other hand you can buy the plants everywhere... The sellers should have permissions, but look at the number of cars at side of the road with the plants.. I am wondering if they all have permission. People buy it and use it but without any knowledge.. Surely it is a tip of the iceberg.. Many cases are kept away as everything is manipulated.... Look at the real Covid cases....and published numbers

Sadly the genie is out of the bottle thanks to Anutin. He and the BJT have had years to come up with proper rules and regulations but he couldn't be bothered. This is the net result with amendments flying thick and fast, the police have no idea what is right and what is wrong.


It has gone from a <deleted> to a full blown <deleted> all down to Anutin, who in the beginning couldn't praise it enough and now has more reverse gears than a WW2 Italian tank.

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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On 8/5/2022 at 9:53 AM, starky said:

Exactly except the anti pot brigade in their ignorance believes you get stoned by absorption and that if you sprinkle pot on anything you get smashed not realising that is completely untrue. For it to have any real potency really should be decarboxylated then infused in something oil based for a number of hours or even days. Then added to whatever you will cook with. It's a process and hardly something you just "sneak" into a dish.

 Throwing a handful of leaves in a soup or a drink or even a cookie will do sweet <deleted> all.

And why would anyone go through all that faff..... ? Wasn't 'just chucking a few leaves in' causing children to get sick and poisoned? Hardly sweet <deleted> all in my mind!

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