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Foreigners - young and old - can still be highly successful in Thailand: Wannabe celeb Rooster meets US YouTube sensation


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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

All about selling out to white folk ..... not foreigners.

Worse, calling white folk animals (farang) compared to Thai people (kon Thai).

Racist song by xenophobic bigot band.


As for 'Nate', surprised to see Rooster idolising a guy I view as a complete tool.


Like Rooster, I arrived in Thailand with nothing, and I still have most of it left!

Rubish, ... Farang is just a label, not an Insult. (Isn't it a shortening of Flangset, ? = French a pretty big Colonial power around here back in the day ! ? ...  or the seeds of Bird dropping's germinating, ??? all over the country ??? e.g. the Illegitimate children lefs !!! and I say LEFT by Foreign Interlopers ??? Though well the woman probably also did put them selves in that harms way !!! as we well know ??? ) But both versions really only factual, as Thais often can be about basic Boots on the ground stuff.


And well GOOD on Calabo ... Att Calabo right ? ... From some where up East of Udon I think, ?? Where he used to have a great, Huge rock and role beer hall I think ??? ... Where they used to play ??? ... and Good on him, and them for actually being correct !!! ... and having a Go !!! ..... Like I am Australian, so ??? .. So Maybe ??? "Made in Australia" well <Deleted> !!! ... We do not make very much at all any more do we !!! ... So good on Att and Callabo for having a go ... Like maybe it could have been "Dug up in Australia" ??? Right ??? ...


Calabo NEVER sold out White people ! as far as I could see. ... You are right off the Mark here mate, I think. ... Like well, Brown people have just been Screwed (So to say ? right ?) for centuries now !!! ... So well about time that they had a turn at being winners for a change I think. ... (Still, I do not live in America I guess ??? do I ???) ... ??? 


... I am not to sure about Nate the Mate ??? So will just do a bit more research on that one ! ... But I WILL back up Calabo, ... and the Thais...  (And Rooster)  any day.

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2 hours ago, off road pat said:

As usual,...it's all about Rooster,....

Of Course it is All about his ideas !!! !!! ... It's His Column !!! ... 6 words from you ! ? ...  and well, ... that is probably all, about you !!!. ... Right ???

Edited by Mark mark
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32 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

This was the story about an outcast or Godsent Mormon from Utah to Thailand.

Sure with Rooster's usual bragging. He can't stay away from that attitude.

As a Mormon sent out of religious reasons there was no way of return. He had to survive. That was initially the start.

There are other fanatics sent to Thailand on a missionary path.

Jehovah's witnesses e.g.

Maybe you might offer the story of one of those?

Both had in common to learn Thai language in a very short time and also most of them came without education. So learning Thai was essential. One JW told me he had to learn Thai within one month. Lessons paid by superiors.

Well, even with saviour's help might not be possible. But who knows? One could walk on water.....ages ago.????

Was he Really outcast ??? ... He was sent here in a missionary role wasn't he ??? ... Like a thing that I think that Mormons, and other fundamentalist <No comment from me here> religions do !!! ... Like possibly he has made quite a good thing !!! out of quite a difficult start !!! ??? 


... No, regardless of his real status, I like Rosters story of, success !!! ... Some thing that I do not see exhibited very much in some of these Posts here today, ... "Like Religion" !!! ... Like Rooster !!! "Jeezzzz You should not have gone there Mate" !!! ... Har Har Har !!! ... Har har !!! ... and I am looking forward to your rebuff next week .."Maate" ... Right Har Ha !!!

Edited by Mark mark
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Loving the new format with pictures.  Seeing Rooster with family was a treat.  Also the impact of the bridge collapse story really sunk in when seeing that actual photo of the damaged structure.  Thank you very much for adding these photos in.  As always enjoying your posts immensely.  Please keep ‘em commin’!

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21 hours ago, BritManToo said:

As for 'Nate', surprised to see Rooster idolising a guy I view as a complete tool.

never even heard of him before i saw the name here. a quick view of his channel and you are spot on.


what a putz. 

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Good on you Rooster !!! You CAN write !!!  ... Though it probably does help me being an Auzie, as well We have English, and the English ways, also, pretty much at the front of our Existence !!! .... (Whether you like it or not !!! ... Like even the Immigrants over there now !!! are basically, .... Doing it in English. ...


... And YES ! Great to see your Pictures !!! at last ??? (Has any one googled Rooster !!! ??? ....  Like you do not get very much ??? ... Well not when I tried it a couple of Years ago ???) ...


... You and Your Family ... And Positivity ! And Success !!! ... Very Nice Job Mate !!! ... 


(You know that I often write my One or Two shot stuff, about your Blog, after only reading the first few paragraphs !!! ??? Right ... Har Har !!!  Yes naughty Boy Mark mark !!! ??? ... But well so far I have been a pretty good Guesser !!!  ...  So well, I think ? I have writen them all properly, and on topic also as well !!!  ... Right. ... )


... But Positivity ? and hoping for Success ... ...  Got to get on with it mate !!! Right ??? .... So I write it when I feel it. - And Thanks for giving all of us that opportunity.

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