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POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home


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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

McCarthy and the House GOP are practically daring AG Garland to indict Trump.  Garland will have almost no choice but to indict, or else be accused of caving to right wing bullying and threats.  What's amusing is that these people haven't even seen the evidence compiled by the DOJ (which I'm certain is substantial) nor do they know what the charges will be.  It's like a pavlov's dog response, wanting to appease their master and the base.  

Imagine the hearing when they've indicted Garland and he just piles up the mountain of evidence that they surely have or they would never have made this move - not in a million years. Looking forward to it, gonna be epic!????

McCarthy is up the creek, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, as you rightly point out.

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

Far right would be the likes of the American Freedom Party and American Independent party amongst others.


It's veering a bit off topic now though, this thread is about the USA rapidly descending into the murky realms of politicized law enforcement, more akin to third world banana republics. A sad day.


That's not a neutral observer. That is someone with entrenched opinions. Even your spelling is Americanised ???? 

Would you really like to discuss politicised law enforcement in a balanced way?



Halkbank Investigation and the firing of Geoffrey Berman[edit]

In June 2019, in violation of Department of Justice policy, Barr pressured Berman, then the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, to drop an investigation into close allies of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan involved with the Turkish bank Halkbank.[10] The bank and the individuals in question were alleged to have broken U.S. sanctions on Iran, funnelling billions of dollars to Iran and helping fund its nuclear ambitions.[10] Barr's demand followed a concerted pressure campaign by Erdogan and his close associates, including his son-in-law, Turkish Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, and Mehmet Ali Yalcindag, a Trump family friend involved in developing the Trump towers in Turkey;[10] Erdogan himself personally insisted to President Trump that the Halkbank investigation be shut down on at least two occasions, November 1, 2018, at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, and on a telephone call on December 14, 2018.[10] According to former National Security Adviser John Bolton, a first-hand witness of many of the events in question, this sequence of events "does look like obstruction of justice".[10] In a late Friday night statement on June 19, 2020, Barr stated that Berman was resigning and being replaced by Jay Clayton, citing Berman's behavior in the Halkbank episode as a primary reason for his removal.[10] Berman learned of this through press reports and declined to resign; the next day, Barr asked Trump to fire Berman, which he promptly did. Berman was replaced by his deputy, Audrey Strauss.[265] In November 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani figured in an SDNY investigation into multiple possible felonies.[266]


On December 14, 2020, Trump announced via Twitter that Barr would be resigning from his post as attorney general, effective December 23.[267] Barr further confirmed his resignation in a letter to Trump on the same day.[268] In summarizing his tenure, Katie Benner of The New York Times wrote that "Barr brought the Justice Department closer to the White House than any attorney general in a half-century ... Barr made decisions that dovetailed precisely with Mr. Trump’s wishes and the demands of his political allies."[269] CNN summarized his tenure similarly, "Barr repeatedly and unapologetically prioritized Trump's political goals while furthering his own vision of expansive presidential power."[270] Ryan Lucas of NPR described Barr as "one of Trump's most loyal and effective defenders".[271] As examples of Barr's actions on behalf of Trump, these critics pointed to the fact that Barr made frequent false claims about the integrity of mail-in voting leading up to the 2020 election, misleadingly summarized Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election,[270][271] harshly criticized those who had investigated Trump,[270] meddled in criminal prosecutions of Trump allies,[272] and ordered the use of force on peaceful protestors across the street from the White House during the George Floyd protests so that President Trump could have a photo op at nearby St. John's Church."[270][271]


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12 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Economy is bad now

The economy is bad in every country of the world now. How can this world phenomenon be solely Biden's fault and how would it be any different if Trump was still in power?


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1 minute ago, LosLobo said:

The economy is bad in every country of the world now. How can this world phenomenon be solely Biden's fault and how would it be any different if Trump was still in power?

The war would be over and things would be back to normal, other than covid.

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1 minute ago, Bruno123 said:

The war would be over and Russia would be in control of Ukraine and possibly the USA.

Actually on second thoughts the senate would have sent the weapons there anyway with a veto proof bill. They did that to him over the stinger missiles IIRC.

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7 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Well the FBI will have reviewed the seized haul from Mar a Lago many hours ago, and know whether they are heros who busted an evil ex President caught red handed comitting the crime of the century, or if it was just another hilarious wild goose chase by a discreditted political organization that is starting to look much like the KGB.

 The silence from the FBI and the MSM is becoming deafening....

Seriously?  5555.....it's going to take days if not weeks to go over this stuff.  Not hours.  But don't worry....Trump's room at the pen will be waiting for him.  It's not going anywhere. 

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