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Putin's NUCLEAR threat to the West: Vladimir warns Ukraine's allies he will use 'weapons of destruction',


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4 hours ago, candide said:

I also guess that during periods of perceived threat, there are more than one sub out.

Just did a little reading up on this. Although out of the 4 subs there's always a minimum of one out on patrol, 2 others are also armed and ready although they would not normally go out on patrol during a time of crisis as there's no need. By keeping one submarine on patrol at all times, the UK avoids the risk of sending incorrect or misleading signals to a potential adversary at times of heightened alert. However the other two can quickly aim their missiles and fire.


The fourth sub is normally in maintenance.




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29 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Just did a little reading up on this. Although out of the 4 subs there's always a minimum of one out on patrol, 2 others are also armed and ready although they would not normally go out on patrol during a time of crisis as there's no need. By keeping one submarine on patrol at all times, the UK avoids the risk of sending incorrect or misleading signals to a potential adversary at times of heightened alert. However the other two can quickly aim their missiles and fire.


The fourth sub is normally in maintenance.




I checked the French navy policy and It's similar. One in maintenance and one out.


However, in March, when Russia made threats, they sent 2 more subs out. The reason given was to send clear signals to Russia. I also read that It's safer for the subs, as there is always a risk that the base may be hit.

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On 9/24/2022 at 11:07 PM, 3NUMBAS said:

russian rockets very unreliable ,western rockets very reliabale so russia comes of worse when the kremlin gets rubbled

You reckon there is a "worse" when nuclear missiles used? Even if not a single Russian missile was fired a nuclear devastated Russia would likely affect Europe/ the world. For starters, probably no more food or fossil fuel from that country.


Anyone thinks a nuclear war has a winner should watch The War Game, a 1966 movie about the aftermath in the UK.

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US Warns Russia of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If It Launches Nuclear Attack in Ukraine 

WASHINGTON — The U.S. has warned Russia of “catastrophic consequences” if it launches a nuclear attack on Ukraine, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Sunday.


Sullivan, speaking on ABC’s “This Week” show, said U.S. officials have told Russian officials privately that Biden “will respond decisively” if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a nuclear strike but did not say how the U.S. would respond.


“Russia understands very well what the United States would do in response to the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine because we have spelled it out for them.”


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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

US Warns Russia of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If It Launches Nuclear Attack in Ukraine 

WASHINGTON — The U.S. has warned Russia of “catastrophic consequences” if it launches a nuclear attack on Ukraine, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Sunday.


Sullivan, speaking on ABC’s “This Week” show, said U.S. officials have told Russian officials privately that Biden “will respond decisively” if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a nuclear strike but did not say how the U.S. would respond.


“Russia understands very well what the United States would do in response to the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine because we have spelled it out for them.”


IMO a nuclear response would be unlikely.

It would not be an attack on the US or a NATO country.

A nuclear response likely lead to all out nuclear war.

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56 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO a nuclear response would be unlikely.

It would not be an attack on the US or a NATO country.

A nuclear response likely lead to all out nuclear war.

Well its pretty obvious that a nuclear response to a nuclear attack will lead to a nuclear war. As Putin said in his threats "the rose winds can change and blow in their direction." Quite clearly a reference to the west.


Quite ironic that Putin is claiming he has a moral obligation to protect civilians in partially Russian-occupied portions of Ukraine yet then also threatens to drop a nuclear bomb on them.

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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Quite ironic that Putin is claiming he has a moral obligation to protect civilians in partially Russian-occupied portions of Ukraine yet then also threatens to drop a nuclear bomb on them.

The old "if I can't have it, no one can" gambit, much favoured by children, and those with the intellect of children.

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On 9/26/2022 at 9:09 AM, Bkk Brian said:

Well its pretty obvious that a nuclear response to a nuclear attack will lead to a nuclear war. As Putin said in his threats "the rose winds can change and blow in their direction." Quite clearly a reference to the west.


Quite ironic that Putin is claiming he has a moral obligation to protect civilians in partially Russian-occupied portions of Ukraine yet then also threatens to drop a nuclear bomb on them.

I think that it is a fair assumption to say that Putin is mentally unstable . I cannot believe that he alone has the responsibility to press the nuclear button ( same for any nuclear armed country ? ) . When it comes to such an important move , I would like to believe that there would be at least 3 top military hierarchy to endorse the decision which would mitigate the presidents insanity . Also that vein of thought , from Putin , could inspire a military coup which may be on the cards now as the population are now wise to the fact that they have been fed propaganda for the past few months .  Putin's own country folks are realising what is happening to their country and they , or the majority , are opposed to the war and mobilisation . Russian men of all ages are being conscripted , mostly to the army and after 2 weeks training are being sent to the front line with heavy odds they will not return to their families . They are expendable pawns in Putin's  ill thought warfare . 

This war is causing economic mayhem globally and must be ended soon .

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On 9/26/2022 at 6:23 PM, jvs said:

So Putin says the land they stole will be Russia soon?

Fair enough i say.

Nato should make the Ukraine an instant member,what's good

for the goose is good for the gander?

Now that would chance things!

Hmmmmm. If it was that simple they would have done so already.

Perhaps there is some reason that we posters don't know about that means they won't.

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On 9/26/2022 at 6:30 PM, steven100 said:

so the US should locate this palace and destroy it in one massive hit.    imo   





You seem overly keen to start WW3.

Do you actually think there isn't someone else that would take over, and not be impressed by a US attack on Russian soil?

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You seem overly keen to start WW3.

Do you actually think there isn't someone else that would take over, and not be impressed by a US attack on Russian soil?

I hear ya and while I agree ......  i still think someone needs to take this guy out as he's shown his true colors now and he's shown to be a world trouble maker,  this year Ukraine,  then next year ?  and is the US going to keep spending billions forever on Ukraine ?   you see what I'm getting at ....  the cash for the war is not a deep well that never stops ... the US or someone will need to do something eventually if Putin continues and continues.  What's the NATO plan ?   What's the US plan ?   there is none ....


I don't want to start WW3, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do even if it means some pain along the way .....  just sayin' 

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I hear ya and while I agree ......  i still think someone needs to take this guy out as he's shown his true colors now and he's shown to be a world trouble maker,  this year Ukraine,  then next year ?  and is the US going to keep spending billions forever on Ukraine ?   you see what I'm getting at ....  the cash for the war is not a deep well that never stops ... the US or someone will need to do something eventually if Putin continues and continues.  Y


I don't want to start WW3, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do even if it means some pain along the way .....  just sayin' 

You said ,      What's the NATO plan ?   What's the US plan ?   there is none ....

Do you really think that the Ukraine or NATO would reveal their plans? That will be top secret and the NATO strategies seem to be working well with Putin on the back foot . He is staring defeat in the face and has just blown up his own 2 Nord Stream gas lines because in the event that Russia is invaded , gas supplies will not be available to Europe .  Also stopping people leaving Russia who are trying to evade the recruitment campaign . Indeed there is a massive exodus from Russia with innocent Russians fleeing for their lives . Only a matter of time for a Russian military coup , hopefully .

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19 minutes ago, superal said:

You said ,      What's the NATO plan ?   What's the US plan ?   there is none ....

Do you really think that the Ukraine or NATO would reveal their plans? That will be top secret and the NATO strategies seem to be working well with Putin on the back foot . He is staring defeat in the face and has just blown up his own 2 Nord Stream gas lines because in the event that Russia is invaded , gas supplies will not be available to Europe .  Also stopping people leaving Russia who are trying to evade the recruitment campaign . Indeed there is a massive exodus from Russia with innocent Russians fleeing for their lives . Only a matter of time for a Russian military coup , hopefully .

I hope you are correct and Russia disintegrates real soon,  as I said ....  the US can't be a cash cow forever.  And how to recover the hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia for the rebuild .... but that's another story. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmmm. If it was that simple they would have done so already.

Perhaps there is some reason that we posters don't know about that means they won't.

I am sure there is a lot we do not know but one thing is for sure,

putin has gotten away with way too much.

I think the war is doing just fine for the Ukraine at the moment.

Russian soldiers are leaving towns without putting up a fight.

More and better arms being send,the new Russian recruits are not going to make a difference in the fight.

They will just add numbers to the KIA.

I saw a video of

russian soldiers being captured,they looked totally weary and they had no proper equipment.

They are the lucky ones.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I hope you are correct and Russia disintegrates real soon,  as I said ....  the US can't be a cash cow forever.  And how to recover the hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia for the rebuild .... but that's another story. 

Don't think we need Russia to disintegrate which will just bring a different kind of problems to Europe and the world. All is needed is for the top echelon of power impeach Putin and remove him. With Putin in power, there will unlikely to be any avenue for stopping the war. US will likely to get the plum contracts in the re-construction of Ukraine and recover some of the aid billions.   

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9 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Don't think we need Russia to disintegrate

when I say disintegrate I mean the collapse of their economy, the military and their government

I believe these three things are inevitable ....   their are early signs as cracks are already starting to appear,  it's only a matter of time.   imo 

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Putin is a modern day Hitler and a narcissist . He will stop at nothing to avoid defeat which is where the nuclear arms scenario comes into play . Would he , could he , press the button ? He is now claiming that land gains , made by Russia and taken from Ukraine , if invaded by Ukraine to reclaim as their land ,Putin will see that as an invasion on Russia and will attack all countries supporting Ukraine and a hint that nuclear arms could be used .  This is a ploy to arrest the steady progression of Ukraine forces . As things stand , its a matter of who blinks first .  

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2 minutes ago, superal said:

Putin is a modern day Hitler and a narcissist . He will stop at nothing to avoid defeat which is where the nuclear arms scenario comes into play . Would he , could he , press the button ? He is now claiming that land gains , made by Russia and taken from Ukraine , if invaded by Ukraine to reclaim as their land ,Putin will see that as an invasion on Russia and will attack all countries supporting Ukraine and a hint that nuclear arms could be used .  This is a ploy to arrest the steady progression of Ukraine forces . As things stand , its a matter of who blinks first .  

Or who takes the ex KGB fruitcake out....:whistling:

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

Or who takes the ex KGB fruitcake out....:whistling:

Putin is well protected and almost impossible to get close to him . For sure he will be aware that an assassination attempt will be made and the biggest threat will come from within his own cronies and whoever be the assassin , would hold a powerful position .

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

I hope you are correct and Russia disintegrates real soon,  as I said ....  the US can't be a cash cow forever.  And how to recover the hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia for the rebuild .... but that's another story. 

The last time the west tried to make the loser pay it didn't work out very well for them ( Germany post WW1 ).

IMO there will be nothing financial to win, unless they have a plan to take over Russia and

take the oil etc, which I doubt.


If the US is a cash cow for this, then that's down to themselves.

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

I don't want to start WW3, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do even if it means some pain along the way .....  just sayin' 

Some pain along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious?

Given no western country is being directly threatened by Russia, why should any in those countries die for Ukraine? Any wanting to volunteer are able to do so already.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Some pain along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious?

Given no western country is being directly threatened by Russia, why should any in those countries die for Ukraine? Any wanting to volunteer are able to do so already.

If Russia attacks Ukraine with nukes, NATO will be forced to do "something."  What that something is I don't know.  I'm sure the US DOD already has multiple scenarios gamed out, along with likely targets for military retaliation.  But everything will be done with the goal of preventing all-out nuclear war.  Because a nuclear war won't be good for anybody.  

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Some pain along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious?

Given no western country is being directly threatened by Russia, why should any in those countries die for Ukraine? Any wanting to volunteer are able to do so already.

Not in any position to answer your question. Perhaps NATO can best explain why they felt threatened.


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12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

If Russia attacks Ukraine with nukes, NATO will be forced to do "something."  What that something is I don't know.  I'm sure the US DOD already has multiple scenarios gamed out, along with likely targets for military retaliation.  But everything will be done with the goal of preventing all-out nuclear war.  Because a nuclear war won't be good for anybody.  

I'm sure the Pentagon has some that do nothing but plan scenarios, and that the Ukraine situation was planned a while ago.

Given no government to my knowledge is warning citizens of what to do in a nuclear war, I doubt any at the top of governments are concerned that this will escalate to that extent, at the present time.

Back in the 50's or 60's apparently school children were being warned to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear strike! I also think fall out shelters were selling well in the US, but I haven't seen any ads for such now.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Some pain along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious?

Given no western country is being directly threatened by Russia, why should any in those countries die for Ukraine? Any wanting to volunteer are able to do so already.

So you would look the other way...and if he then wins in Ukraine you would do the same for Bulgaria?  Monrovia? Estonia? Romania? Poland? One at a time snip, snip, snip......



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