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Liz Truss’s premiership has got off to the worst start possible


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Full sized portrait of Elizabeth Truss

Liverpool, England CNN  — 

Liz Truss’s first few weeks as British prime minister have been defined by crisis. She’d barely been in the job 48 hours when news broke that Queen Elizabeth II had died, placing the country in a state of official mourning and delaying the official launch of the Truss plan for Britain.

Once that official mourning period was over last Monday, her government unleashed a wave of radical policies, climaxing on Friday with the announcement of £45 billion ($48 billion) in tax cuts. The measures included scrapping the top rate paid by the highest earners, in adjustments that will benefit the rich far more than millions of people on lower incomes.



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Economic crash

International war

Civil war



Massive earthquakes

Ebola outbreak

Energy grid collapse

Petrol supply dries up

Water supply contaminated

Severe drought

Nuclear attack

Asteroid hits London

Massive flooding


Communication grid collapse





I think anyone who'd say "Liz Truss's Premiership Has Got Off to the Worst Possible Start"............. has a serious, SERIOUS lack of imagination!




In fact, her premiership could have started off much, MUCH worse!




The foundation of money is the acceptance by the person receiving it that it has value......... and confidence that the next person in line will, too.


But what would happen if the World suddenly said, "We don't accept that Pound Sterling has value. All exchanges of value henceforth must be by barter........ goods for goods; goods for services; services for goods."


Now honestly, wouldn't THAT have been a "Worse Possible Start" for Liz Truss???






"Sorry, mate, what I need is disposable nappies. If you haven't got disposable nappies, you're not getting my Brie! Don't have any? Well, if you want my Brie, you'd better go find out what the disposable nappies guy needs, then, eh?"




Edited by KanchanaburiGuy
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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh look Truss’ concerted efforts to destroy what’s left of the economy are all the fault of the Left.


By means that are never explained, the Left has somehow forced a Conservative Government with an 80 seat majority to select an idiot replacement for Johnson and tgen some how forced the idiot incumbent PM to make decisions that send Sterling into crisis while destroying investor confidence,


It’s all the fault of the Left.


Who knew?!


Labour MP's standing on picket lines for more money when the world has a money problem at this time to sort out. ????  

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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh look Truss’ concerted efforts to destroy what’s left of the economy are all the fault of the Left.


By means that are never explained, the Left has somehow forced a Conservative Government with an 80 seat majority to select an idiot replacement for Johnson and tgen some how forced the idiot incumbent PM to make decisions that send Sterling into crisis while destroying investor confidence,


It’s all the fault of the Left.


Who knew?!

I'd have to agree that Sterling plays much better when he is on the right.....

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

I hear the minimum wage on the striking railways is around 25,000 quid for a labourer, a driver 50,000+, so let's not go down your starvation road, eh....????

You are incorrect...minimum wage is a lot less for a labourer.



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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m sure you hear lots of things, but without a link to your source who knows what it is you are hearing,

I am sure you will read from your, The Guardian regarding starving rail workers.....????



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