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Liz Truss’s premiership has got off to the worst start possible


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23 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s a meaningless question, he wasn’t in the job, he’d been kicked out by the Tories.


Let’s stay in the real world of the mess Truss is making.


So you won't answer the question, I am not surprised though....????

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23 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:





I was in the UK listening to BBC Radio 4 Today Program as news broke time and time again of Tory Minister resignations.


It was wonderful, Radio at its best.


But I had absolutely no say in the matter.



I found this interesting, the stuff lefties don't like to listen too, or one here who will not watch videos for some strange reason.

Worth a watch and on topic...????



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14 hours ago, placeholder said:

So a single columnist speaks for the Guardian? Isn't the point of having columnists to provide a range of opinions? Are all the Guardian columnists Communists? Half? One quarter? A few?

Proof has been given, The Guardian employed an admitted Communist, the paper is a lefty anti-anything rag for the anti folk.

Thought we all knew that...????

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It's reasons, not reason, and they're not strange. For one, time consuming. Why sit through something that most likely will turn out to be nonsense?

For another, most of us aren't dyslexic or illiterate. Put it in writing. The reason that the right is so fond of vidoes is that, unlike the written word, they're a lot harder to fact check. Or maybe it's just that dyslexia and illiteracy run rampant in those quarters.

What on earth are you talking about.......?  ????

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Proof has been given, The Guardian employed an admitted Communist, the paper is a lefty anti-anything rag for the anti folk.

Thought we all knew that...????

When I was growing up in the UK my city had a divided council between labour and conservatives, the balance of power was held by one communist councillor and he was the most sensible of the whole lot - only one who actually cared about the local people

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

What on earth are you talking about.......?  ????

I got bad news for you. Someone has hacked into your account. They posted a video as evidence and and wrote this

"I found this interesting, the stuff lefties don't like to listen too, or one here who will not watch videos for some strange reason."

 I'll just quote it in its entirety below. So you can see for yourself what this hacker has done in your name.

34 minutes ago, transam said:

I found this interesting, the stuff lefties don't like to listen too, or one here who will not watch videos for some strange reason.

Worth a watch and on topic...????




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15 hours ago, DezLez said:

Please post a link to the specific point in the show where the question you falsely claim was asked!


You have been asked already about this and failed to answer!


What specific point ? nothing was false

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18 minutes ago, placeholder said:

What makes it even slightly more ridiculous (because how much more ridiculous can it be?) is that she hasn't even contributed an article in 3 years.


Perhaps her labor-asset controller discovered the janitorial department had developed a greater need, so she was reallocated to floor mopping, toilet cleaning, and window washing.


Communism, y'know?


K. Marx -- "From each according to his [her] ability; to each according to his [her] need."


Of course, being Communist, they might not have weighted her contribution as a writer as being any greater than her ability to clean toilets. So it wouldn't matter which one she does, right? Because labor is labor, and we shouldn't make value judgments about one kind of labor over another!



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2 minutes ago, JayClay said:

You do realise that a cost of living crisis is about people who are working not being able to survive, don't you?

The UK has had many difficult times to get over, folk just get on with it till things change, which mostly did...


Sorry if folk can't have the twice-weekly Curry delivered, or their iPhone has gone wrong, just point out if towns are starving and mass looting has started...


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2 minutes ago, JayClay said:

Yea... I don't think you really understand what cost of living is.

Having lived a longish life, I think you are mistaken.....????

Oh, I had a 11% mortgage to deal with, how about you...?.....????

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So many relatively well off expats on here whinging  about cost of living in the UK , claiming that they care. whilst at the same time trying to rub salt in the wounds by arguing for a labour government. Not one labour government has been responsible for improving the economy the last lot left things in a terrible state requiring years and years of austerity ( formerly known as living within one's means)  to balance the books again. How can anybody wish for that to happen again. 

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26 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

So many relatively well off expats on here whinging  about cost of living in the UK , claiming that they care. whilst at the same time trying to rub salt in the wounds by arguing for a labour government. Not one labour government has been responsible for improving the economy the last lot left things in a terrible state requiring years and years of austerity ( formerly known as living within one's means)  to balance the books again. How can anybody wish for that to happen again. 

Is that so?



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Here’s the latest nonsense.


Truss snd he pet Chancellor have claimed they are following a plan for 2.5 % growth next year.


But nobody has ever seen this plan.


The Plan it turns out will not be delivered to Truss and her pet Chancellor until October 7 (so clearly the ‘we are working to a plan’ statements are lies, they won’t have a plan until a week from now.


And then… they wont let the public see the plan until mid November.


We are now in ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’ territory.

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Oh, I had a 11% mortgage to deal with, how about you...?.....

Never had a mortgage and not likely to ever be able to afford one now.


I don't really see how that's relevant to your failure to understand what's going on, though.

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On 9/29/2022 at 11:56 AM, Bday Prang said:

Dead right , its a broken system , and as long as being an MP is such a lucrative position it will always by default attract the wrong sort of people. who are backed by the wrong sorts of people.

Every now and again when a bright spark does appear who may have potential they invariably don't last long as when they  they  rattle a few cages along the way and threaten the status quo  they  are got rid of  pretty quickly  on the pretext of saying the wrong thing or some other technicality there's many ways to achieve that these days with all the "offence" waiting to be taken out there, on behalf of others

Who do these creeps actually represent ? The unions and big business ?  both of those need to be taken out of the equation for starters

 We need to separate politics from government if its at all possible and keep politicians well away from running the country 

 I've No Idea what the way forward  is.

 We could start by forcing the players in the current system to be legally obliged to achieve a certain % of all the things they claim they will do in their manifesto or be forbidden from standing for election again.  

  If we are to be stuck with two parties the there should be a limit on how many successive terms they can serve

 Its clear that these people are not fit to police themselves either and that needs to be addressed too 

 The  same goes for them voting for their own pay rises, as they are All rotten to the core 



Now hearing that most Tory voters are saying that Sunak would make a better PM than Truss.  Beggars belief!!!!! 

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