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Warning to all dog owners in Thailand after a recent pit bull attack and other serious incidents


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1 hour ago, Harveyboy said:

put the damn things down job done ..now all dog lovers who don't like this comment these things are a  menace look at some of the horrific injuries many to young kids ..

Problem is you can't stop them by hitting them, need to kill them quickly, I've seen plenty of videos showing that

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10 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

They can be very social animals if they have the right owner. You want to kill a breed because there are idiots who can't take care of them?

Well it is either the dog or the owners and as far as reports have been published there is nothing recorded of the owners biting people, so yes the dogs have to go.

Edited by Photoguy21
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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai police have issued a warning to dog owners in the kingdom that they may face stiff civil and criminal penalties for failing to properly care for animals and ensure that they are not a danger to others.

But?  TIT.

The criminal penalties will be assign according to to the owners status, ability to pay, as well as their ability to flee the country.

Secondly, the vicious animal can not be "put down" as that is a capital punishment only assigned by the powers-that-be to humans.  The poor pit-bull needs to be spared as executing it for the crime of destroying a human life is - well - inhumane and executing a living being is reserved for human-on-human.
As well, the state shouldn't hold the animal responsible for its actions.  Because?  This is humane Thailand.  The person who was bitten and ravaged by a dog must have had a karmatic debt that deserve that person being is ravaged by the dog.

So - the owner is blameless.  He didn't ravage the victim.
So - the dog is blameless.  The person who was ravaged was karmatically responsible for the attack.
So - the government is blameless.  "What can we do?  Especially if the dog's owner is rich and wealthy?"

So?  We will make edicts.  Edicts we say.  We'll punish those who are responsible!
Unless.  Well - yeah - unless:

<list the reasons for ignoring a Pit Bull attack - or - any other dog attack here in Thailand >



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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

In a land with a million guns, why is there a problem with rogue dogs?

That argument has no connection to this issue. 

However valid it may be as an issue that's a separate debate

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Don't see anyone jumping up and down regarding the biggest killer of humans per year? I don't see them being banned!!!



The mosquito is the single deadliest, most dangerous animal in the world and also one of the smallest. Mosquitoes are estimated to cause between 750,000 and one million human deaths per year.


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9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

The way to find the owner is if you happen to cause injury to it! Then it becomes the much loved family pet! I am rather negative wrt dog ownership... not a day goes by that I am not disturbed by one of my neighbours dogs going at it...many nights sleep too! 

Two of my immediate neighbours have dogs that don't stop barking.  One of them howls most nights anywhere between 2 and 4.  I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep.  The owner also has a few cats that constantly <deleted> in my garden, and cause my 2 dogs to throw a wobbly.  In fact, I'm completely surrounded by dogs, and mine are the only ones that don't bark all day.

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14 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

They can be very social animals if they have the right owner. You want to kill a breed because there are idiots who can't take care of them?

There are indeed plenty of very friendly pitbulls and lots of people are actively trying to give these dogs a better reputation. The problem though is that they _can_ be trained to become killer dogs which is what happens too often. Pitties can be turned into weapons (can't do that with a lab) and too many people abuse that. So yeah better to get rid of them. Problem solved. Just like ordinary people shouldn't have guns. No pitties far fewer kids will be killed from dog bites. No guns no high school shootings and far fewer kids are killed. It's quite straightforward logic really.

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5 hours ago, Dan O said:

Unfortunately history and facts are not on your side.

Show me some facts then. What % of Pitbull's are aggressive compared to other breeds?

From my personal experience Yorkshire terriers are much more aggressive, the little shts can do too much damage though.

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6 hours ago, Photoguy21 said:

Well it is either the dog or the owners and as far as reports have been published there is nothing recorded of the owners biting people, so yes the dogs have to go.

No, the owners shouldn't be allowed to have dogs ever again and pay lifelong damages.

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38 minutes ago, cowellandrew said:

I would like to know how many parachute jumps she has done to earn those wings and what are all those medals for?☻



Here you go... the question has been asked a handful of times before. 



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19 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Show me some facts then. What % of Pitbull's are aggressive compared to other breeds?

From my personal experience Yorkshire terriers are much more aggressive, the little shts can do too much damage though.

Your personal and anecdotal experience is somewhat flawed considering the statistics...


Like Jack Russells, Yorkshire terriers are known to be easily trained and not usually aggressive dogs but as they have been bred to hunt rats and mice they have that ‘aggressive breeding’ and are not considered an ideal pet to have in households with young children. 


Pitbulls are similar in that they have also specific breeding, but they are simply so much more powerful, and they are deadly. 


Those who love Pitbulls as a breed never want to discuss the statistics and will deflect with flawed arguments such as ‘its the owners fault’.. 'people also attack and kill ... 'mosquitos kill more than anything else etc etc.. 


If you want percentages...  here >>> 





Edited by richard_smith237
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It would be a good thing if the RTP started doing actual police work. But, since nobody takes these guys seriously, the warning does not mean much, and will not have much of an effect.


However, if they backed up the warning with real action, the police might gain the respect they so desperately seek, more people would survive and less kids would be maimed and traumatized for life, by these horrendous creatures. 

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21 hours ago, BritScot said:

In my opinion All Dog Owners should require to have a licence and pass a knowledge of breed before owning a dog they should also require insurance and the dog to be micro chipped with all those details. Any dog found unclipped put to sleep. Any lack key dog found pounded then if fine not paid or re homed then put to sleep.  I love dogs and even brought my last dog with me to Thailand's. In her 14 years she never ever got out alone, she was always on a lead and obviously she was chipped. She was a big dog an Akita, well trained and well socialised.

what chance of them getting a dog licence when a large population of Thais don't even get a driving licence ..good idea mate  but wrong country for that

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23 hours ago, possum1931 said:

They sure do, Hitler, Putin, Blair immediately spring to mind.

oh please don't misunderstand me I be just as angry if old Vlad bit my leg..but I'm sure it's more of a chance it's a soi dog that will eh..just sayin

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On 11/7/2022 at 8:38 AM, seajae said:

we have 3 dogs 1 was given to us(a bang kaew) and 2 that were dumped, one was only a day or so old when found, th other was around 6 months old. They stay in our property unless we walk them on leashes, they bark at everyone that comes anywhere near our property(outside of city) and are only out of their pen(8 mtrs x 4.5  mtrs) for a couple of hours morning and afternoon , more on weekends. We have wandering dogs from people that live near us and recently found a pup that was only a few weeks old crying at our gate, it came out of a palm oil property(stray), it is now with the MIL at our other house, trouble is many thais dont really care about their animals nor feed them properly. When we do anything at our land we get another young dog that lives near us running to come and play with us, it is loaded with ticks and always starving (we occassionally feed it), this is what most thai owned dogs look like unfortunately, there needs to be laws brought  in that dog owners have to take full responsibility for their animals and anyone found not doing so to face big fines but then no one would enforce it because that woud require people to actually do their jobs and work. 

Seajae exactly well said and yes even those and genuine pets do not take them for walks and of course allowed ti mingle with the diseased soi dogs and as you say do not feed them or care if they bark all hours of the night and day but like in life until something serious, nothing is ever don after a cracksown for one day at most.

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On 11/7/2022 at 1:04 PM, richard_smith237 said:


Dogs have been bred for many different purposes over the last 500 years or so.


Pointers and Setters have been bred to be particularly "birdy."

Retrievers have been bred for biddability and to bring things to hand.

Jack Russells terriers have been bred to kill rats and go down holes after fox, badger and other wildlife and have real game drive.


Pitbulls bred for prey drive and aggression. Its ok discuss ‘breeding’ and ‘purpose’ when discussing other breeds, so why is it not OK to discuss breeding with Pitbulls ???


Does the Pit Bull community think their breed should be treated like every other large breed when the breed is not the same ?


Just like a Jack Russel is not a spaniel and is more likely to bite, a Pitbull is not like a golden retriever, its more like a Jack Russel on steroids, while most well bred and looked after pets are fine loving animals they still have that ‘genetic code’ under the skin and can get ‘triggered’.


On these threads (debating soi dogs and dangerous dogs), I’ve read some of the dumbest arguments which originate from blind sentimentality, from those who want the debate to be about ‘discrimination’ against a specific breed and ignore the statistics.

Indeed. The perky, plucky, playful Jack Russell has that trigger inbred too.


Some friends had a Border Collie and a Jack Russell. Never a problem together until one day they left the dogs home alone for a few hours as they had done many times before. This time they returned to find a bloodbath. The Collie dead, the Jack Russell breathing it's last. For reasons unknown they had fought to the death. I don't for a moment doubt the Jack Russell started it and would not stop.


I've seen mother and daughter dogs of indeterminate breed suddenly start tearing each other apart neither willing to let go of the other. Human intervention then a very high risk business too.

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15 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Show me some facts then. What % of Pitbull's are aggressive compared to other breeds?

From my personal experience Yorkshire terriers are much more aggressive, the little shts can do too much damage though.

Google or any search engine  is your friend and you'll find all the info needed. I'm not your secretary 

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On 11/7/2022 at 9:58 AM, FritsSikkink said:

No, as there are many nutters who own guns and are properly trained.

I'll be charitable and assume that you meant "aren't" since English isn't your first language. 

So...what do you reckon? Should guns be free for all to own given that we're certain that there are many nutters who will buy them and not be properly trained? Or is it just the price to pay for freedom? 

Do you reckon that all people who own Pit Bulls properly train them and are of sound mind? 

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