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Why is the UK struggling more than other countries?


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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

"Around 26 of the EU's 36 directives will be abolished, although minimum standards will remain on goods including apples, lettuces and peaches.

Michael Mann, spokesman for the European Commission, said: 'People are saying prices are too high; it makes no sense to chuck food away."




  I wont ask for an apology or a retraction of your claim that I was lying

The banana classification is still applied in the EU, in a slightly modifier text.




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1 minute ago, candide said:

The banana classification is still applied in the EU, in a slightly modifier text.




I will not be going back to any European Country whilst there's any kind of banana ban .

  Its discrimination against disabled bananas and goes against acceptance and all inclusivism  .

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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I will not be going back to any European Country whilst there's any kind of banana ban .

  Its discrimination against disabled bananas and goes against acceptance and all inclusivism  .

Are you sure It's different in the UK? It probably retained this regulation, as it did for thousands of other regulations.

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22 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No idea, I have never bought a  banana from the shops ever .

I don't like them at all 

Me too. Bananas sold in Europe are usually tasteless. However, the small bent bananas may be quite good in Thailand.

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20 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

"Faceless bureaucrats" - top marks for the meaningless cliche.

They were not "stupid rules" and they were not made without our approval, we could block any rule we liked. The whole myth about bendy bananas was just nonsense drummed up by the Daily Mail.  The rule was merely a grading system for quality of bananas so you knew if you were getting grade 1, 2, or 3 when you ordered as a wholesaler.  What is the problem with that?  Should anyone be allowed to sell low quality produce as top priced Class A merchandise?  Shouldn't we have grading systems for quality of fresh produce?  Why are you against consumer protection? Bananas of all shapes and sizes were free to be sold and traded anywhere in the EU.

Likewise the whole Daily Mail "they are telling us how powerful our vacuum cleaners can be" outrage. This was about electricity consumption and making consumer goods more efficient, and the vacuum cleaner manufacturers were in favour.  Similar legislation made our fridges and freezers 30% more energy efficient. Again, what is wrong with that?

It seems anti EU people jump on any single issue raised by the Daily Mail without doing a jot of research to see if there is any truth to it.  And then they throw in "EU dictat" or "faceless bureaucrats" to make themselves feel better.

Try harder.




Do you know who the bureaucrats in Brussels are?


Faceless men and women run our world and we don't have a clue about them as they don't stand for election.

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

So just like the uk’s civil service then. 


That is true - if a little churlish.



In theory the civil servants don't run the country or make the decisions.



Unlike Brussels I doubt there are 10,000 employees earning more than the UK PM.



If you are defending EU bureaucrats your credibility is lost

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

And in that vein of thought, the EU bureaucracy does not run the EU, a little churlish to claim so, They act as a civil service does.


Your credibility remains as it was if claiming so...

Can you quote where I claimed that the EU bureaucracy runs the EU ?

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13 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

And the example I gave? 
Is Dec from Newcastle (that’s his name now) with his wife and three kids and family all around going to “travel and live where the work is?”

I made the point about it being a young man’s thing for a reason. There’s no excuse for the young to not get off their lazy ar$e and go find work, I did it myself and was a much better person for it. But it’s a very different thing for someone over 40 with family their life all around them. Very different. 

Not so sure about that last assertion. Plenty qualified Syrian, Iranian doctors and surgeons who did their training in the US and UK have packed up their tents in their war-torn or otherwise repressed homeland and made the transcontinental trek to the UK and other nations. Most come alone and once settled, bring the family over.


You are correct inasmuch as the young and the feckless have few barriers to seeking a career, a sustainable income and a new life on foreign shores. However, those in their forties are arguably at the peak of their productivity and earning powers so not being able to watch the local footy at the weekend or meet your mates 'down the pub' should not be an impediment to keeping life, soul and family together. Despite the toon looking good for Europe next year, Dec will have to make sacrifices and not just excuses.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Not so sure about that last assertion. Plenty qualified Syrian, Iranian doctors and surgeons who did their training in the US and UK have packed up their tents in their war-torn or otherwise repressed homeland and made the transcontinental trek to the UK and other nations. Most come alone and once settled, bring the family over.


You are correct inasmuch as the young and the feckless have few barriers to seeking a career, a sustainable income and a new life on foreign shores. However, those in their forties are arguably at the peak of their productivity and earning powers so not being able to watch the local footy at the weekend or meet your mates 'down the pub' should not be an impediment to keeping life, soul and family together. Despite the toon looking good for Europe next year, Dec will have to make sacrifices and not just excuses.

Well said. I'm sick and tired of the "rationalization" that a married man or woman can't travel to where the work is, as it's BS.

Almost every Filipina that I worked with ( many ) had left her children to move to far far away for work and only saw her family once a year.

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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Lets just deal with your actuals rather than your 'prophecies'.


As has been pointed out to you before, the UK currently operates a points system for immigration that highlights 'essential workers' and higher end employees such as IT, engineers, doctors etc. How is this going to work for berry-pickers, factory workers, a janitor in the NHS and similar low level jobs that need nothing more than a physical body and the desire to do the job? A desire that many Brits do not have.

This idea of 'controlling' all immigrants like a factory assembly line, nicely glosses over the many jobs that EU workers actually did in the UK and why the CBI has recommended that the UK 'should enable "economic migration" in areas where skilled workers cannot be found'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63697458 . Why is this? 

'Recent official figures show the UK's unemployment rate has edged up, and the Bank of England has forecast it will nearly double by 2025 as the country goes through a tough recession. Meanwhile job vacancies remain near record levels'.

In other words Brits don't want to do the jobs that EU immigrants are more than happy to do. That is a huge problem with only one solution.


I have already addressed your nonsense regarding the Covid vaccine so I don't think there's any point in repeating myself.


You really need to proof read your posts before submitting .  Try to read the following slowly and carefully consider your rely .

You said ,   Lets just deal with your actuals rather than your 'prophecies'.  Then you quote , 

Recent official figures show the UK's unemployment rate has edged up, and the Bank of England has forecast it will nearly double by 2025 .

It did not take me long to find why the visa for unskilled workers on a tier 3 application had been withdrawn . Because employers were paying well below the minimum wage in many cases and many of the foreign workers simply disappeared to work for cash in the hand jobs . The CBI were guilty of paying below the minimum wage in many businesses and one was the chain of NEXT shops . Also employed staff of under the age of 18 years old for an hourly rate of below the minimum £4 62.  The big UK businesses did not care about the UK national , only cared about profits . There were also foreign non English speaking tradesmen working for B.A.E. on construction of new destroyers for the British navy ( by way of sub contractors ) . How they got M.O.D. security clearance needs investigation .  

Foreign labour is needed but will be overseen by the UK government and not by some approved businesses that proved to be untrustworthy . Employers of foreign labour need to be accountable for the workers and if the company is found to be non-compliant with the rules , they should be hit with a substantial fine and legal proceedings taken to their CEO . 

Finally , I welcome constructive criticism , general debate and others opinions but I expect that any communication is written with respect and not nonsense , that you implied .

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1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:


Do you know who the bureaucrats in your country are?


Faceless men and women running you country and you don't have a clue about them as they don't stand for election.

Who are you talking about?

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9 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Not so sure about that last assertion. Plenty qualified Syrian, Iranian doctors and surgeons who did their training in the US and UK have packed up their tents in their war-torn or otherwise repressed homeland and made the transcontinental trek to the UK and other nations. Most come alone and once settled, bring the family over.


You are correct inasmuch as the young and the feckless have few barriers to seeking a career, a sustainable income and a new life on foreign shores. However, those in their forties are arguably at the peak of their productivity and earning powers so not being able to watch the local footy at the weekend or meet your mates 'down the pub' should not be an impediment to keeping life, soul and family together. Despite the toon looking good for Europe next year, Dec will have to make sacrifices and not just excuses.

Not entirely sure what your 1st paragraph was about. I wasn't talking about Syrian doctors.


And I'm glad you can be so cavalier with uprooting poor Dec and his whole family. Take it from me it's not easy.

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