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Thai man extols the value of life with a sex doll partner and calls for them to be declared legal and accessible


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A 54-year-old Thai man has told local Thai news outlet Khaosod about his ongoing marital relationship with a rubber doll. Mr Kim revealed that he paid ฿30,000 for the lifelike Japanese doll after he separated from his wife in 2011 and later experienced loneliness.





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5 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Over the last couple of years, the development of such companion dolls has grown leaps and bounds. 

Almost life like......if you know what I mean. 

Yet they do not move.  No one wants a "starfish" and a doll is just that. 


The Android female is a great solution to some men who simply want a companion and helper that can be programmed for different positions and movements, but a doll with no movement is just silly. 

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4 hours ago, khunpa said:

So the guy likes to bang a doll… Good for him, as long as he enjoys that! 


I say let the man be free to buy and hump all the dolls he wants.

I once met a marine engineer on oil tankers and he told me that 1 of the Phil crew members acquired one of these. After he was done with it he gave it to a buddy. Before long the doc said they ALL got vd from it. 555  

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33 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Yet they do not move.  No one wants a "starfish" and a doll is just that. 


The Android female is a great solution to some men who simply want a companion and helper that can be programmed for different positions and movements, but a doll with no movement is just silly. 

Till they invent androids, dolls will have to suffice.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I remember about a brothel somewhere, not in Thailand, where customers could choose between living women and dolls. I guess the living creatures were more expensive but I am not sure. 

That would be in Japan, and I saw a tv article about a fully doll brothel there, presumably for guys that can't buy one.

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3 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

maybe new in Thailand, but they already exist about 20 years.

And of course they are working on an interactive doll. 

First company to make a working model will make multi billions of $.

However, they will have to insure themselves against law suits from families of guys that sh.....ed themselves to death with one of their androids.

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1 hour ago, mikeymike100 said:

I didn't realize 'Sex Dolls' were illegal in Thailand until I read this.

Its a very strange place where things you would expect to be legal aren't and vice versa?????

Do they still sell dildos and viagra on lower Sukhumi=vit?

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6 hours ago, hotchilli said:

1. Doesn't do the dishes,

2. Doesn't cook.

3. Doesn't clean up the house.

4. But does look the same in the morning.


Nay sayer! At least I don't have to chew my arm off to escape the Thermae trap the next morning


I 've had to double check a couple times....all hungover in Foodland at the Breakfast Bar....Left arm...Check.


Right Arm... Check.


Still in one piece. Khap khun Bhudda!

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5 hours ago, khunpa said:

So the guy likes to bang a doll… Good for him, as long as he enjoys that! 


I say let the man be free to buy and hump all the dolls he wants.

Let the DOLL Bangers Reign! More real wimmin for me!


I'm a Libertarian. Liberty For Doll Bangers! I say!

Edited by jaywalker
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Crikey mate! Wheres this bloke been hiding?! You can hire a live sex-doll (long time) for a couple of thousand baht, for a whole day and night a tad more. 

Latex never replace tha' real silk pocket ! Although there's no need to put up dozens of children's soft toys being brought home and in the house, and tales of sick buffalo's I guess.

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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I agree. A doll would be of no interest. A well made android would be amazing. I sense Western woman will have a very hard time competing with them, when the time comes. Likely not in our lifetimes. Likely not for a another century. We over estimate ourselves as a species. 

I think maybe 10 - 15 years. Of course, human women will be able to get their own male 'well made' android that will never tire of her and can pleasure her endlessly. Maybe us blokes will have no choice, but to fall back on an android woman.

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

1. Low maintenance. 

2. She will never contradict you. 

3. She never ages. 

4. You do not have to keep her entertained, nor do you have to spend any money on her. 


Once you get past those immediate advantages however, some of us would argue there is nothing that beats a good woman. The companionship, the humor, the TLC (if one is very fortunate), and the ability to socialize with her, amongst friends and family. 


I won't go into the mindset of a guy who chooses to live with a doll, but this is one of those occasions I agree with the government. 

The whole concept gets a eeewwwww from me. Can you even clean the things out properly? I bet all sorts of bacteria are growing inside them.... uggghhhh


I bet it smells like the set of a porn movie after a while.

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

1. Low maintenance. 

2. She will never contradict you. 

3. She never ages. 

4. You do not have to keep her entertained, nor do you have to spend any money on her. 


Once you get past those immediate advantages however, some of us would argue there is nothing that beats a good woman. The companionship, the humor, the TLC (if one is very fortunate), and the ability to socialize with her, amongst friends and family. 


I won't go into the mindset of a guy who chooses to live with a doll, but this is one of those occasions I agree with the government. 

Companionship, humor, fits in well with the friends.... sounds like Mr. Kim and his latex bride need a golden retriever ???? 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

First company to make a working model will make multi billions of $.

However, they will have to insure themselves against law suits from families of guys that sh.....ed themselves to death with one of their androids.

Thais will all want the Apple model with the Benz tattoo.....

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